* Posts by Nate Phillips

19 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Jul 2009

AOL offloads Bebo - for 'exceptionally uninspiring number'?

Nate Phillips

My Thoughts Exactly.

How is AOL still hanging on? (Grandparents notwithstanding)

Microsoft wants pacemaker password tattoos

Nate Phillips


"...on the patients *LEFTMOST* foot"

Are we only talking about doing this to people who can't dance?

I'm always a little leery of folks trumpeting medical ideas when they aren't capable of identifying the most basic physiological details.

Archaeologists nail Bosworth Field

Nate Phillips

My thoughts exactly.

I thought a "mile" was a fairly universal unit of measure.

Granted, I'm a Yank, and things across the Pond often translate differently....

'McDonalds' burger-lers making millions

Nate Phillips

Looks like...

...the Hamburgler has bottomed out after his career high in the 80s.

Maybe we'll see an assassination attempt on Ronald, next?

Robble Robble!

Scots unleash world's strongest beer

Nate Phillips


...you realize that 8.1 is LESS than 41?

Well, no. You probably don't realize that ...you willingly drink Steel Reserve.

Microsoft banner ads vanish from Facebook

Nate Phillips


"...help customers make faster, smarter decisions."

I highly doubt any ad pusher is concerned about *smarter* decisions.

US mum calls 911 over Grand Theft Auto

Nate Phillips

Daffy Bastards

There are no words.

Parenting Fail.

MSN Video morphs into Bing

Nate Phillips


...there was an MSN Video?

Microsoft in Bing jingle kiddie vid outrage

Nate Phillips
Jobs Horns

Don't blame the composer...

...looks like he was trying to do something creative with his time....over 200 songs in an equal number of days? Impressive, if only for the longevity and perseverance.

But the school children? That's just sad. I'm afraid there's a chunk of the next generation who should be entirely discounted now. Baby Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y/Why, and now Gen Bing?

Hopefully my daughter is young enough to be counted amongst the generation-after-next....

Dallas cops fine drivers for 'not speaking English'

Nate Phillips

@AC: Learn the Language

Uhm. No. The US does *not* have an official language. Period.

Yes, a majority of the country speaks English (or some bastardized form of it), and most of it's business is done in English. But we do not, nor have ever made it a requirement to speak English in order to function as a resident (legal or otherwise).

Also, Lester -- please don't put latino in quotes, as if it's a made-up word. There is a strong cultural distinction around here between hispanic, latino, and mexican. I'd equate this with putting African-American in quotes.

Microsoft inks Bing pacts with Twitter, Facebook

Nate Phillips

..the rest of the verse?

Type your comment here — plain text only, no HTML

Nate Phillips

When Can I...

...get a search engine that DOESN'T display results from a crap-load of social sites?

Just one more reason to not use bing.

Helpdesk Heroes or unappreciated geeks?

Nate Phillips

Numpties aren't always Users

Last weekend, I got a frantic call from a good friend of mine. Our old boss went out of the country, and the VM server that he assured "is working perfectly, there won't be any problems" died. It's a linux box, and my friend has no linux experience, so he asked me to take a look. Unfortunately, he didn't have physical access to the server, so I had to tag along with another tech.

It is critical to note: This guy has already spent 10+ hours PHYSICALLY in front of this server.

I got in, poked around for a little while...the server was up and running, but the switch was unplugged from the wall. Shockingly, plugging it back in and giving the server a reboot (no root access!) fixed all of their problems. I would have had it fixed in less than 5 minutes, if I hadn't assumed he could manage a standard cable-check.

10 hours, and the kid never looked at the backside of the box. It's not always the users who are the dumb ones.

Gmail de-goodened by contact list glitch

Nate Phillips
Black Helicopters

@Chris Simmons

Hmm...I hadn't seen that article before, but my hosted account has been strangely slow since about that time, too. The "loading bar" often freezes prompting a refresh (7-8 out of ten times).

But, cooincidence is no proof of causality.

Amazon red cards 'offensive' Man Utd chant CD

Nate Phillips

..the rest of the verse?

I'm a sad Yank, and barely follow football (the real kind, not the American garbage)...and I can't for the life of me, figure out what the rest of the verse is!

Could someone from the other side of the pond enlighten me?

No coat to pick up; I never took it off. But nevertheless, it's the one with "dumb bloke" on the back.

Japan gives the wheelchair a hi-tech overhaul

Nate Phillips

@Alan B

Agreed. This thing reeks of "I broke my leg and hated my wheelchair. I wish my wheelchair was cooler."

Lack of back support was my first thought, too.

Plus, if this thing can't scrape the shins of children, what's the poor invalid grandmother going to do when those little hellions come over for their annual forced visitation?

FCC to vote on US mobile competition probe

Nate Phillips

Competition, not Customer

This isn't about gouging the customer. Not as far as I can tell, anyway.

FTA: "...but this time the focus is on how the operators deal with each other, and whether the current landscape provides a competitive environment to the benefit of customers."

It's about all of the big players screwing over the smaller local providers (not that I knew any existed...) when it comes to providing roaming and other sorts coverage. I highly doubt any real benefit will trickle down to us, the consumer. Unless you consider additional fees "benefits".

Texting makes kids faster and dumber

Nate Phillips

@Skeptic Al

Sir, you better proofread your own posts before complaining garbage coming from others.

"Txt?" Can't criticize the kiddies if you do it yourself.

Also, the word you were looking for was "there" not "their."

Mysterious organic blobs found in Alaskan waters

Nate Phillips

Small town in Pennsylvania?

Erm...either Mr. Modine doesn't know his American geography, or this is one damn stupid alien.

Unless it likes to swim, and fancies a visit to Cape Horn.