* Posts by Dave S 1

6 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Jul 2009

O2 to step back from unlimited mobile data deals

Dave S 1

re: Well O2 just lost my business

Good luck in finding a different carrier with unlimited data.

It sucks but the race to the bottom of the offerings pile is at full speed.

New Reg comments system ready to launch

Dave S 1

About time

Sign me up.

Yahoo! buys! fantasy! sports! site!

Dave S 1
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Still smiling at the use of ! after every word in the title.

I know it's an old joke but it makes me chuckle every time.

Excellent! work! El! Reg!


Breathe Networks out, Breathe Internet in

Dave S 1

Still there?

" "Customers need to know things are OK. Their services are still there, we’re still there, although we’ve gone through administration, it’s all for the best really. And none of their services are altered, affected or lost," claimed Kaye. "

Do you think they'll still 'be there' if customers come looking for refunds/credits etc or will that be a case of "I'm afraid Breathe Networks took your cash and as we are a separate entity you will need to speak to the Administrators. Good luck!" ?

Tasered Oz man bursts into flames

Dave S 1
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Just be grateful wasn't on his mobile - if he was it would have been fatal - I have seen the signs in petrol stations!

Tattooed Swedish devil girls sexually molest cyclist

Dave S 1

Erm, is it me?

If we flip the genders does this turn into a serious assault with a lifetime on the Sex Offenders Register?

On the other hand; pass my coat and where did I put my passport?