Re: Of course
Because real life is:
22 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Jul 2009
Interesting... From my quick cruise through Google maps via Safari, it had everything the original App had. Car/Walk/Bike/Bus, layers, traffic, routing, 'locate me' button, etc.
I'm a somewhat heavy mobile map user; In my opinion, neither are perfect but both are acceptable. Just gotta learn to work with them.
Come on guys.. you can't criticize EMC because other companies submitted something more 'real world'. Who brings a practical family car to a horsepower war and brags about the affordability or the practical aspect? You know there are those out there that by the seemingly unaffordable high-spec no-real-world purpose cars.
it reminds me a lot of Segway, before they were available to public. They sounded cool and all (to some), but the glitter quickly faded when regulations and the reality hit that they weren't all THAT handy.
There are 'free' ways around the privacy issue for those really concerned that Facebook and Google are up to all kinds of evil with the menial data they gather from us..
Why couldnt this software be an add-on to existing home routers? Or a replacement OS? Use NAS storage vs USB drives.
How long will it be before an exploit is found and there are bad things happening on this network of magic boxes?
How will they be addressed? IPV6?
Bah, humbug..
I cut my teeth on Sun hardware.. to me, nothing feel right outside of one of their keyboards. I like the keys resistance, the quietness - the little 'pucker' sound the keys made when typing. My presumably midrange Dell keyboard here is a rattletrap. I dont like all the clatter that comes from it when I get all frenzied with ill thought out rants and the 'I forget that vi command so I'll just repeat these keystrokes 100-times' moments.
I totally dislike the chicklet type keys/keyboards.
Is anyone making anything comparable to Sun?
I totally agree. The American version we get here in the states is junk. I watched about 1.5 episodes before giving up on it. They lost me when they started destroying cars with humor appearing to cater to a demographic I'm not familiar with.
I'm a big car nut.. I love some, hate others.. but none, not even the crappiest deserve be destroyed for the lame attempts of humor and ratings they were going for.
If people are going to go the route of calculation the fuel needed and pollution generated in the supply the electricity to charge one of these cars - it would only seem logical to calculate the costs and pollution generated to refine and transport fuel for a gasoline powered car too..