* Posts by Dr Paul Taylor

391 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Jul 2009


Academics horrified that administration of Turing student exchange scheme outsourced to Capita

Dr Paul Taylor

Re: Why Turing?

Until not so long ago, Turing was barely known to the population at large. That he has achieved seriously belated posthumous fame is a tribute to the massive amount of work done by Andrew Hodges and the late Barry Cooper. I don't know who led the campaign to get him on the fifty pound note. That the miserable brexiters abuse his legacy does not detract from it.

Dr Paul Taylor

Re: Why Turing?

As a gay great grand-student of Turing's, I am appalled that he was conscripted as a brexiter.

Google's 'Be Evil' business transformation is complete: Time for the end game

Dr Paul Taylor

Actually, what Laocoon said in Aeneid book II was "timeo Danaos, et dona ferentes" - "I fear the Greeks, even when they're bearing gifts". He and his sons were then eaten y a sea-serpent.

Sovereignty? We've heard of it. UK government gives contract to store MI5, MI6 and GCHQ's data to AWS

Dr Paul Taylor

Re: Amexit?

Some States tried to do Amexit c1860. Look what happened to them.

Nearly 140 nations – from US and UK to EU, China and India – back 15% minimum corporate tax rate

Dr Paul Taylor


Permanently blocked in NoScript, apparently without any problem.

Revealed: How to steal money from victims' contactless Apple Pay wallets

Dr Paul Taylor

Re: Colour me old fashioned

Yes, I saw exactly this happen. Moreover, the ticket inspector refused to identify herself, with the excuse that she had left her staff id card at home that day.

If it's going to rain within the next 90 mins, this very British AI system can warn you

Dr Paul Taylor

Re: Helpful solution to DIRECTION of rain

Is that moving back-and-forth or forth-and-back? Arrows (for the wind) would be clearer, and simpler to program.

Fake 'BT' caller fleeces elderly victim of £30k in APP app scam

Dr Paul Taylor


Ten years ago my father was in hospital with his terminal illness and my mother was in a care home with advanced Alzheimers.

One day I was on a bus that could have taken me to the hospital when I got a call with number withheld. I didn't take it because someone else was harrassing me and also withholding their number.

I subsequently worked out that it was the hospital telling me that my father was in danger for his life, although in fact he survived that particular incident.

So I very nearly missed seeing my father for the last time because of this stupid and unprofessional NHS policy.

Dr Paul Taylor

"security" questions

It should be a criminal offence to phone someone up and ask them "security" questions. I mean especially bank staff and management. It is precisely because banks do this that people are trained to answer them from scammers.

Is it OK to use stolen data? What if it's scientific research in the public interest?

Dr Paul Taylor

Re: No.

Several good examples have been posted on this page to illustrate that this question is far from being morally clear.

Dr Paul Taylor

when is collected data stolen?

Phyllis Pearsall compiled the original London A-Z maps (in part) by trudging the streets and copying down their names. Was this breach of the copyright of whoever made the street name signs? Probably not. If someone else reproduces her index, is that breach of copyright? Yes. The difference is the "added value" of her legwork.

Cecil Sharp collected folk songs from the west of England and published them. Was that breach of copyright? I think there was a case against him. Did he do a cultural service? Yes, because otherwise those songs would have been lost.

Ransomware-hit law firm secures High Court judgment against unknown criminals

Dr Paul Taylor


So, if this law firm were about to be flooded or burned down, would they deal with the problem by getting a court order against the water or fire?

On the other hand it is interesting legally if it sets a precedent that "papers" can be served by email.

In other news, apparently handing them to PC Plod guarding the respondent's home is not good enough.

The Register speaks to one of the designers behind the latest Lego Ideas marvel: A clockwork solar system

Dr Paul Taylor

More to the point, the orbital distances are way of scale. Necessarily.

The purpose of the measurement of the timing of the transit of Venus in Capt Cook's time was to discover the absolute scale of the Solar System.

(How Johannes Kepler knew the distance for one of his laws, I have no idea,)

Confessions of a ransomware negotiator: Well, somebody's got to talk to the criminals holding data hostage

Dr Paul Taylor

Re: A must listen to is the BBC File on 4 Podcast - Held to Ransom

I've seen this cycle too. I've even had cards posted through the door saying they came but I wasn't in -- even when I was in!

I don't tell them I don't have a TV, because it wouldn't save me any hassle. On the other hand, it would give them a name for a computer to generate a summons to a magistrate's court that couldn't attend because of covid.

Best just to ignore the threats.

Facebook used facial recognition without consent 200,000 times, says South Korea's data watchdog

Dr Paul Taylor

Re: So 26 million won is $22,000

For a long time, the unit of currency in Italy was the "mila".

Solar System's fastest-orbiting asteroid spotted, flies closer to the Sun than Mercury

Dr Paul Taylor

No, Russell's Teapot orbits between Earth and Mars. This is Vulcan. which is actually more important in the history of science.

Don't believe the hype that AI-generated 'master faces' can break into face recognition systems any time soon

Dr Paul Taylor

reverse engineering

All these comments are based on recognising faces as humans do. But we are talking about an algorithm, which inputs some bits and outputs some bits. If the input bits really do encode a face, the algorithm might recognise it. But it's still just looking at patterns of bits, in a fundamentally undocumented way. Maybe it could be triggered by a "master" pattern that would not be recognised by a human as a face.

Ad tech ruined the web – and PDF files are here to save it, allegedly

Dr Paul Taylor

slippy maps

Hate those too. Where the mouse wheel means "scroll" is most contexts, it seems to mean "wildly rescale" on maps, making it very difficult to focus on a partlcular place and then move smoothly.

Kill Javascript!

Dr Paul Taylor

re-sizing and re-wrapping text

I agree with most of the sentiments of this project, but surely going back to sanitised HTML would be better.

I am finding it increasingly difficult to read small text, so a basic thing I do with web pages is to enlarge them. In basic HTML, the text gets re-wrapped. "Clever" web pages often have fixed line lengths, making this impossible. (I do also resize PDFs.)

Revealed: Perfect timings for creation of exemplary full English breakfast

Dr Paul Taylor

Exit from breakfast

Going on holiday next week, but because of B and C I can't get a decent German buffet breakfast but have to have the disgusting "full english". Not on is the taste of it repulsive, so is the performance of choosing amongst the slimy components. Yugh!

In conversation with Gene Hoffman, co-creator of the web's first ad blocker

Dr Paul Taylor


In the 1980s, people advertised their academic preprints on email lists, telling readers how to get them using FTP over the Internet.

(Of course, since it was Not Invented Here, British universities weren't connected to the Internet until 1991(?). We had Janet, haha.)

Now we get things using the Web.

I know that there was Gopher in between FTP and the Web, but so far as I recall it was not The Thing for very long and I don't actually remember ever using it other than for a demo.

Did other people actually use Gopher?

London Greenwich station: A reminder of former glories. Like Windows XP

Dr Paul Taylor

language practice

Telling tourists on the DLR that they probably don't want to get off at Greenwich station. To add to the fun, "the first set of doors and the last set of doors don't open" at Cutty Sark, which is probably where they wanted to go.

Backbench Tory campaigner promises judicial review of data grab of English GP patients unless UK government changes tack

Dr Paul Taylor

Mr no papers Brexit

Things have got to be bad if I find myself agreeing with David Davis about something.

Report picks holes in the Linux kernel release signing process

Dr Paul Taylor

force majeure

I wonder what protection the Linux kernel master source has from interference by "higher powers" such as Tech Giants or authoritarian states?

To CAPTCHA or not to CAPTCHA? Gartner analyst says OK — but don’t be robotic about it

Dr Paul Taylor

Re: Captcha.

You forgot to ask what "apartments" are.

Then there's taxis. Nowadays they could be any coloUr, but if there's one coloUr in particular that I'd associate with taxis, it would be black, not yellow.

It's all very well boycotting shopping sites that use these things, but this morning I needed to order repeat prescriptions, but the site forces me to enable Google's Javascript. For all I know, this could be shipping my medical records off to some American pharmaceutical company.

The ubiquity, lack of diversity and potential profitability of these things surely means that major hacker effort is being applied to breaking them.

On the other hand there are plenty of tasks that are simple to program and simple for humans to execute but beyond what it is reasonable to expect AI to do. Just pick a random question from a large collection of general knowledge things. It would take spectacular effort to parse such things.

We've been shown time and again that strong encryption puts crims behind bars, so why do politicos hate it?

Dr Paul Taylor

why the publicity?

What puzzled me about this story was advertising that it had been done by selling a compromised "encryption" system to the criminals.

The fact that the Nazi Enigma code had been broken at Bletchley Park by Alan Turing and was kept a Secret long after WWII. (1970s?)

I gather the reason for this was that were selling it to (both friendly and hostile) governments of "developing" countries around the World.

Dr Paul Taylor

many times the data size

The downside is that it requires many times the data size of the hidden encrypted data

You mean, like modern 1MB HTML-encrypted emails, containing the same information as the 1kb plain text ones we wrote in the 1980s?

US declares emergency after ransomware shuts oil pipeline that pumps 100 million gallons a day

Dr Paul Taylor


The Imperial gallon is 4.546 litre, the US gallon is 3.785 litres and the US dry gallon is 4.405 litres. Which one do you mean? The metric system was invented to clear away the confusion of different units of measurement across the (European) continent. Let's use it!

Australia proposes teaching cyber-security to five-year-old kids

Dr Paul Taylor

#1 lesson

Teach them never to answer "security questions" on an incoming call.

Better, make it a criminal offence to phone someone and ask "security questions".

Splunk junks 'hanging' processes, suggests you don't 'hit' a key: More peaceful words now preferred in docs

Dr Paul Taylor

"Are those raisins or do you have a rabbit under the counter?"

OK, I give in. From what language did that come, and what was the original?

Even Google doesn't know.

Dr Paul Taylor


Rudest word in the Galaxy, according to Douglas Adams.

Or, for a real example, "curva" is a perfectly innocent word in the west of Europe, but an expletive in every language of the east: Albanian, Greek, Hungarian, Lithuanian and Romanian, as well as all the Slavic ones.

The perils of non-disclosure? China 'cloned and used' NSA zero-day exploit for years before it was made public

Dr Paul Taylor


The only difference between your approach and having a larger program broken into strong, orthogonal modules is semantics.

I was about to upvote you for an insightful comment, until I realised that you were using the word "semantics" in the ignorant way that politicians do, rather than in its technical sense in theoretical computer science.

British owners of .eu domains given an extra three months to find a European address

Dr Paul Taylor

Can you name another counterexample besides Leave.EU?

Also, let's leave aside the "stop paying the club subscription" arguments - the "UK" "government" has never used .eu web addresses, so far as I am aware.

But lots of British people and companies who identified as Europeans and used to be European citizens, but have now had their citizenship stolen from them, chose to use .eu addresses.

I am one of those, but since I have plenty of friends in proper European countries, my .eu domain has been safely registered elsewhere.

Other top level domains don't require residence or citizenship. Or have I underestimated the COmmercial importance of COlumbia or how many TeleVision companies there are on the island of TiValu?

Generally Michel Barnier and the EU bigwigs behaved very well during the Brexit disaster. The monumental stupidity of invoking Clause 16 over the EU's failure over Covid vaccines was breathtaking, but probably isolated. But what some EU bureaucrat has decreed regarding British .eu domains is at the level of schoolboy spite.

Web prank horror: Man shot dead while pretending to rob someone at knife-point for a YouTube video

Dr Paul Taylor


I don't do "social media", so maybe I'm just a snowflake, but never before reading a page of comments on El Reg have I been so sickened by the views expressed. Judging by the votes, apparently these are the majority.

In civilised parts of the world, people don't get a constitutional right to carry guns.

Maybe I'll get a hundred down-votes for that. If so, I will revel in it.

'Best tech employer of the year' threatened trainee with £15k penalty fee for quitting to look after his sick mum

Dr Paul Taylor

Re: My masters degree

A master's is typically a one year course that bolts onto an existing degree

Technically, yes you can't get a Master's degree unless you already have a Bachelor's degree in something. Classics, for example.

However, many universities offer "conversion" MScs (for graduates in other subjects), which compress three years of a computer science BSc into one year.

It is remarkable how graduates of apparently non-mathematical subjects sometimes turn out to be very able programmers.

Google Mail outage: Did you see that error message last night? Why the 'account does not exist' response is a worry

Dr Paul Taylor

Re: You Get What You Pay For

If you look up the MX records of the addresses you write to, you will be astounded how many people allow Google to read and censor their incoming email.

Google has decided that my personal domain is all spam, but doesn't return any error messages, as a result of which my emails have been going into a black hole for months.

Anybody else had this issue? Any ideas what one has to do to persuade Google to accept one's emails.

Big IQ play from IT outsourcer: Can't create batch files if you can't save files. Of any kind

Dr Paul Taylor

boot meet ass

Let's cut out the cruelty to animals (donkeys).

Excel Hell: It's not just blame for pandemic pandemonium being spread between the sheets

Dr Paul Taylor

If your only tool is a hammer

People actually use Excel for things like modeling, tabulation, accounting and so forth.

then every problem looks like a nail.

If you have tabular data -- where the rows and columns have clearly established meanings as numbers or strings -- then ok use a spreadsheat.

Otherwise use an appropriate tool.

It’s happened again: AT&T sued for allegedly transferring victim's number to thieves in $1.9m cryptocoin heist

Dr Paul Taylor

Relying on phone numbers

Much as I agree with the 24E6 eggs comments, the central point of the article is the reliance on phone numbers.

Increasingly, financial bodies (including HMRC) insist that you give them your (mobile) phone number "for security" --- exactly so that they can send you "codes" to do exactly this.

At least twice banks have refused my business because I wouldn't give them my phone number(s), even though I had provided plenty of evidence of solvency.

So, power to Seth Shapiro and Michael Terpin. I hope they win their cases against AT&T and that banks take notice!

You can get a mechanical keyboard for £45. But should you? We pulled an Aukey KM-G6 out of the bargain bin

Dr Paul Taylor


I rather liked the Sun 4 keyboards, with function keys on the left, right and top (and arrow keys in an actual diamond). I rescued three of them from a skip, but they don't have connectors that are compatible with anything else. Anyone know how to re-wire them?

UK snubs Apple-Google coronavirus app API, insists on British control of data, promises to protect privacy

Dr Paul Taylor

The clocks were striking thirteen

In which country did Orwell set his book?

Something a bit phishy in your inbox? You can now email suspected frauds straight to Blighty's web takedown cops

Dr Paul Taylor


Reg commentards often make very intelligent comments about IT issues, so I am surprised by the silly ones here.

Obviously a service like this isn't going to achieve anything if the emails have to be handled by humans.

However, if there's a dataset of a million alleged phishing attacks, at the very least the domain names and IP addresses can be harvested and counted from the bodies and Received: headers of the emails to highlight the ones that ought to get some human attention. Equally, anyone trying to defame legit sites would be found out to.

Indeed, isn't such a system known as a **honeypot**?

It would be nice if the article had gone into more detail to say whether this is actually what is being done, or whatever other tricks they have up their sleeves.

Boffins examine interstellar comet Borisov to find out what its home was like. Pretty unpleasant, it seems

Dr Paul Taylor

Temperature for yokels

Also, please can we get rid of this Fahrenheit nonsense. My ability to divide by 9 etc in my head is not what it used to be. Once upon a time I understood that 68F was room temperature. I **never** understood large negative or positive Fahrenheit temperatures.

Star's rosette orbit around our supermassive black hole proves Einstein's Theory of General Relativity correct

Dr Paul Taylor


TO think that Asimov placed the capital of the Galaxy at its centre. Not a very friendly place,we now know!

Kepler telescope is dead but the data lives on: Earth-sized habitable zone planet found after boffins check for errors

Dr Paul Taylor

Kepler's law

every time the more distant planet completes nine orbits, Kepler-1649c has circled its star four times

Other way round, maybe?

We lost another good one: Mathematician John Conway loses Game of Life, taken by coronavirus at 82

Dr Paul Taylor

Conway in Cambridge

The Atlas of Finite Groups was published while Conway was still in Cambridge. Before then, it consisted of a huge scrap book that lived on a table in the DPMMS (Pure Maths) common room, containing the character tables of the groups.

I knew him well when I was a student in Cambridge from 1979 to 1986.

Conway's lectures were always lively, popular and full of insight.

But it was next to impossible to take notes from them. I remember attending one in a room with two parallel sets of blackboards that moved up and down on pulleys: he drew diagrams on one, with arrows across to the other one, and then moved the boards around.

In those days there were SIX student maths societies in Cambridge (the University one and five "college" societies, three of which have since folded). Every year the secretaries would fight for who got Conway to give a lecture to their society.

Although I did my PhD in category theory,

For Part III (equivalent to MSc) I was the only student who took the exam for Conway's course, which was about sphere packing, leading up to the 24D Leech Lattice and the monster group.

While I was a PhD student after that, I would be sitting minding my own business in the Pure Maths common room and Conway would come and sit beside me to describe his most recent construction of the Monster Group.

Lost in translation and adrift in cloud storage

Dr Paul Taylor


If you're working in a country that uses a different language, maybe you keep a dictionary on your desk? Especially if it looks like a word in the local language? Or ask a native speaker?

You get fibre, you get fibre, you all get fibre: UK Ministry of Fun promises new rules to make all new homes gigabit capable

Dr Paul Taylor

Re: In-house cabling...

the POTS line by the front door

and with obligatory exposed cable near ground level, just to make it convenient for burglars and others to sever.

At last, the fix no one asked for: Portable home directories merged into systemd

Dr Paul Taylor

Abandoned my home directory years ago

When I started using Unix (variants), /home/pt consisted of my files and a few dot files.

Now it's completely over-run with other programs' crap.

So my filespace is /paul and /home/pt has lots of symbolic links to it. When I upgrade, /home/pt goes out with the trash.

I don't want to take the trash with me when I move to a new Ubuntu version, any more than I do when I move house.
