* Posts by Lutra

1 publicly visible post • joined 15 Jul 2009

Chrome OS: Windows killer?


Definitely Not a Windows Killer

I don't think the idea of having just a web browser that can run offline addons in a debian-like environment is going to come anywhere close to killing Windows. Take, for example, Macintosh. Most people would widely agree that Macs are nice computers and that the operating system is fast, efficient and secure (the latter a really bad rumor spread my Apple, they're easier than Windows to attack). Given all of that, they still have done little but chip away at Microsoft's earnings. In fact, a good chunk of Mac users, some 33% if I remember correctly, dual boot with Windows or have a Windows machine as well.

Google may capture a good portion of the Netbook market. A market that's slowly becoming less popular due to dissatisfied customers and retailers misunderstanding the difference between a netbook and a notebook.