Re: Another issue with VM's password policies is...
The security check password is separate to your online account and email password and is only used during contact verification.
You are able to change it whenever you want.
61 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Jul 2009
@Steven Roper
"Sorry, my sarcasm meter must be broken. In what way is it obvious that a banking app requires access to one's contacts list? My business with my bank is managing my money, not my dealings with others."
I would expect it's do to with PAYM:
I'm with NatWest and when I use PAYM, my contacts appear within the app so I can select the person I want to send money to.
I can't see how this could work securely unless the banking app could access my contacts.
"humanity's first trip outside of the solar system evokes absolutely no wonder or sense of occasion, instead becoming a FedEx run to deliver a Klingon back home - and all hope was lost for me."
Although I don't disagree that there a faults with the pilot, it wasn't the first trip. Enterprise was the first Warp 5 vessel, but in-universe there had been plenty of Earth vessels already out there.
It's even mentioned in the pilot where Travis Mayweather (helmsman) grew up on a cargo ship that would take months and years to travel between local systems due to it's low warp capability.
So it does make sense that, to a point, it wasn't a big deal.
It's pretty clear it's 1 million in Virgin Media's latest press release, which is where this story comes from.
"The ultrafast broadband provider will connect fibre to the premise (FTTP) to at least a quarter of the 4 million additional homes and businesses being added to the Virgin Media network, as part of its ‘Project Lightning’ expansion plans."
Virgin Media have being doing full fibre network expansion in some areas since 2014.
The figure being quoted is an expansion of that FTTP install method to 1 million properties not currently connected.
It's not the same. VoWiFi from EE doesn't require a separate app - it just works and you can use calls and texts as if you were connected to a mobile mast.
With the Three app, you have to have the app running and depending on what it decides to do your text messages will only appear in the app and not in your normal messaging app.
The upside of the Three version is that it's available on more phones than EE's way of doing it
It's definitely expansion, and it's something they've been doing for a while now
However previously, I think it was spread around the country, rather than a single area.
So, it has a touch screen.
1) What happens if it gets wet - unless these are for inside only or we going back to those slide covers.
2) What happens if I've got gloves on
3) What happens if I have reduced vision or am blind - there is no tactile feedback for where the buttons are
I'm all for touchscreens, where appropriate, but buttons work for a reason.
"One reason is weak integration with social networks: the photo app doesn't offer a share to Twitter or share to Facebook option until those apps are installed."
As far as I'm concerned that's the app done right, and isn't a Samsung failing. The 'Share' function is part of Android, and relies on apps telling it you can share via them - meaning you can't share via an app that isn't installed.
Much better than baking in sharing options that may/will stop working when the social network either changes it's API or disappears.
If you are going to review a phone, at least understand why it does things, and who is responsible.
P.S If i'm talking rubbish, happy to be corrected
UK spec does mention the SD Card
Although that then doesn't mention Gigabit (which the chipset supports). How HP can't get a full spec list together for all their sites is beyond me
It wouldn't change anything
Customer data would still fall under UK Data Protection Law. The Patriot act wouldn't apply as the company that runs cable in the UK would be a UK Limited company, even if it was owned by a US one.
Id' expect the same as is true for any other US company such as Amazon, Netflix and others that operate in the UK
Yeah that's great for text, but unless app development has improved, it's likely that quite a few Windows based apps break will you do this.
I've seen programs where dialogue boxes and pop ups are impossible to do anything with it as the buttons have been pushed out of the fixed size window due to increased text percentage on Vista / 7.
Apple have the right idea when it comes to the high res screens, why can't Windows do the same?
re: MS Malware Development Kit - IE9
As far as I can see all it does is;
1) A better taskbar icon
2) Some button colour changes to pick up the favicon colour
3) Some Jumplist options specified in HTML
There is nothing to say the the site itself operates outside of the browser or it's security model.
@Carl Williams
Yes the Samsung is available free on contract, but not the same contract.
For instance on T-Mobile you can get the Wildfire free on a £20 a month deal. To get the Galaxy S you have pay £35 a month.
Over 24 months thats a significant difference in price (£360), which some people won't want or need to pay if the Wildfire suits their needs
@Captain DaFt
"Their cards will become invalid one month after the Identity Documents Bill gains Royal Assent, to allow owners to fulfil travel plans. Shortly after the National Identity Register will be destroyed."