Thank goodness that twenty quid of grass is off the streets. I'll sleep well tonight.
Posts by Inertia
36 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Jul 2009
South Wales cops crow about facial recognition arrests on social media
Pastry in a manger: We're soz, Greggs man said
Blade Runner 2049 review: Scott's vision versus Villeneuve's skill
Microsoft beefs up Skype for Business as Amazon Chimes in
Who's behind the Kodi TV streaming stick crackdown?
Cheap, lousy tablets are killing the whole market says IDC
What's black, sticky, and has just 8GB of storage?
Sennheiser announces €50,000 headphones (we checked, no typos)
Brimming with VM goodness: Qnap TS-453mini 4-bay NAS
Oculus Rift noggin-bucket ... heyyy, errr ... have we all got them on already?
Unlike Google Glass you're not stood in a bar with these, and once you've got a 1500 quid PC, a full HOTAS and a chair with speakers in it whatever is on your head is the least of your concerns as regards looking naff.
The _one_ screen works fine by the way although your glasses might need refreshing.
Windows 10's 'built-in keylogger'? Ha ha, says Microsoft – no, it just monitors your typing
Recommendations for NAS-based home media set-up
Plex Indeed
As mentioned by various people, Plex is a superb option (I've gone through the gamut over 10 years). Just ensure that your hardware is up to minspec. This excludes many lower end NAS devices such as my previously faithful qnaps.
I went full circle actually after doing my best to devolve media down to low power appliances and built a lovely little i3 fileserver in a Fractal Design Node 304 case.
That + Plex is a real winner. My main TV supports it natively via a Plex app. My study and bedroom TV's now have Chromecasts shoved up em to achieve the same. I can access my media gracefully from anywhere with no ongoing faff and yet more of my world revolves around my smartphone which annoys the significant.
HTC One M8: Reg man takes spin in Alfa Romeo of smartphone world
Absolutely disagree on the remote control aspect - I use the thing constantly on my One. The guide is great and the faves/reminders setup is really good, simple integration.
Also I can turn off the screen in the estate agent window opposite each evening after work and turn the footy volume up in the pub when the barmaid leaves the music on.
Reg tries out Google's Chromecast: Yep, we even tested smut sites
Billionaire engineer Ray Dolby, 80, dies at home in San Francisco
WIN a RockBLOCK Iridium satellite comms module
Apple designer Sir Jony Ive holding up iOS 7 development: Report
Build a BONKERS gaming PC
Microsoft says Google trying to undermine Windows Phone
Valve chief confirms Steam-centric console-killing PC
In the loop: how Halo defined a new decade of first-person shooters
Google adds 25 million grey building 'footprints' to Maps
Don't delete that email! Why you must keep biz docs for 6 YEARS
Not an issue.
An entirely easy problem to solve with next to no considerations to internal infrastructure. There are some great products out there that meet all the above requirements at fixed (surprisingly low) costs and are completely agnostic in terms of your local setups. Happy to be contacted.
Asus Transformer Pad Infinity 64GB Android tablet review
works for me
Had my prime since Feb and use it day in day out servicing infrastructure clients and their kit (via rdp) at their various sites whilst keeping on top of email etc. I needed about ten quids worth of apps to complete the picture (decent VMware/RDP client and touchdown for mail) but otherwise the cost of the prime has been entirely justified by usage and convenience. You simply cannot buy a tiny 100% solid state win/nix laptop with three days battery life for 500 notes otherwise I might have done.
The USB hub was very useful on holiday. Dumping my camera onto the thing each night was a breeze. Trains are now a multimedia pleasure (headphones make the single speaker a non issue). micro HDMI is occasionally a decent crowd pleaser.
Very disappointed that there's no 3g again though otherwise I'd have upgraded and ebayed the prime in a heartbeat.
Faustian descent into backup hell: A play in two acts
Bradley Manning to be moved to new military prison
Acer Aspire 1825PT 11.6in touchscreen notebook
Apple iPad
Facebook price tag drops (another) $3.5bn
The second time I read that article the more needlessly scathing it seems. Of course facebook isn't a 15, 10 or even 5 billion company, but it's still captured a vast base of users who're quite happy to flesh out the most tiny detail about themselves. It remains a direct marketeers wet fking dream and that information retains value whether you're a bitter old prat or someone who actually uses the service.