Re: @Dropbear -- I've had this quote hanging on my wall for years.
This reminds me of a former co-worker who thought he knew "something" about computers. I worked for USPS and part of my duties was to maintain the computers in the office, to the limit I was allowed to do by regulations. This particular co-worker had a problem with one of the computer printers (each machine had three) at his window, so he decided to just HOT SWAP it with another computer. Big mistake, it blew the fuse inside the box, which I was not allowed to open (rules) I had to shut down another computer, swap the box and printer and bring his back up (10 minutes because it runs Windows NT4.0, and at that time the system was more than 10 years old, now pushing 30 years old and still in use). Then call the help desk and have them send out the contractor from 1.5 hours away to replace the fuse.
Took about three hours to get his box back up and running. A few weeks later, he did the same damn thing, hot swapped the printer with one from another system. Took four hours for the contractor to get there, and the boss decided to just pull his @$$ off the window and have him put mail in the P O BOXES until then. He was PISSED because he actually had to do some physical labor. Personally, I would have suspended him for a week instead, let him go play his piano for 168 hours instead.