* Posts by SlackerUK

22 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Jul 2009

Boffins develop method of driving computers insane



Will further testing on the terrorist 'puter be carried out at Quantanamo and will it be like the bit in Star Wars where the droids got tortured??

Robot naval stealth fighter takes to the air


why bother with the carriers?

If it has mastered autonomous air-to-air refuelling then why not just deploy and leave it up there??

Soon clouds of robo-death machines could be happily circling the globe waiting for a valid target!

Home Office crime maps go to street-level detail



Took an age to load and then I find that apparently I no longer live under the "protection" of Greater Manchester Police - or any other constabulary for that matter!

Tech salaries up five per cent in 2010


up 5%?

Not here - been on a pay freeze for last 12 months and looks likely to continue. Time to get out of the public sector methinks!

Yorks cops bust Bradford guinea pig farm


don't be daft...

By prescription? that would get them £7 a pop (or free if your on benefits).

To generate an answer to the national debt - package up spliffs in packs of 10 or 20, and sell them from machines in pubs and clubs (and re-instate smoking in licensed drinking establishments). Tax them in the same way ciggies are and hey presto a major influx of revenue.

Keira Knightley, Jessica Biel eye Batman


Knightley, Biel and Hathaway were in the bath...

... No wonder the Dark Knight Rises!

Buffy to slay her way back into cinemas



The 1992 original is a classic and the follow on series was brilliant - all down to the writing of Josh Whedon. I suspect this rehash will be lacking the humour, creativity and cast that its predecessors had. No description is needed other then FAIL!

Co-op cashier's breasts overcharged for fruit and veg


HR department....

Surely support by Wonderbra might be more appropriate!

UK border police seize £500k from Nigerians' hand luggage


pedant alert

You mean fine-toothed comb i.e. a comb with fine teeth

Spanish fascist decries Franco Eurovision slur



If that's the hottest flame you have managed to incite this week then you should be ashamed!

Get your fingers out and start making derisive comments pronto!

Great white sharks menace Blighty


What utter bollocks

As a recreational diver I can only hang my head in disgust at the continuing misinterpretation of Great Whites as "monsters". Having dived in Southern Australia (where all the live bits of the Jaws films were done) and been in water, without a cage, with these incredible creatures I can definitely they are truly awe-inspiring.

Most people probably are not aware that Great Whites have been living in the Mediterranean for a very long time (Malta is a global hotspot for them) and yet not a single reported incident.

As for the fishermen - congratulations on attempting to worsen the fate of an already endangered species.

Tesla Motors: Our cars don't burst into flame, but our emails do


Having just read her LinkedIn profile...

She writes...

"I generate enormous, positive publicity around the world for world's most disruptive company"

Congrats Reg on becoming the worlds most disruptive company!!

More choosing maths A-Level


pics of cute teen girls...

so where are the pics then? Even the Gurniad had some young blondes (one showing a hint of cleavage) - Fail!!

Giant vulture menaces Scottish skies

Black Helicopters

"ongoing loss of habitat and other pressures"....

... the other pressures being air traffic control I presume?

Bound robbery victim IMs for help with toes

Paris Hilton

OK, I a suspicious bastard...

Guy breaks in, ties female to bed and misses the laptop that must have been pretty obvious by her feet. After several hours she then contacts boyf....

MPs bash broadband tax



Part of the problem with rural areas is that the mobile coverage is often bloody awful - I live in the northern Peak District and TBH I only get 2G with any stability. 3G comes and goes as it sees fit so trying to use it as a replacement would be even worse than the pathetic excuse we get for broadband.


Rural Life....

@David Edwards - well said, way to many people think life in the country is some hybridisation of Emmerdale and River Cottage, is it buggery!!

As for the Web tax - here's a proposal: Make it a sliding scale of 25p for each 1Mpbs you get. Good for those being digitally excluded by BT et al's attitudes to anywhere green, bad for you city types with 50Mbps cable!!

As I regularly check my speeds using speedtest.com I'll be happy to shell out 12.5p a month (yes my average downstream is 600Kbps - before you ask I live 3km from an exchange and cable is not available)

Hard drives cop flak from .50 cal incendiary round

Black Helicopters

looks like fun, but...

...is it WEEE compliant??

Chinese youth beaten to death at net addiction bootcamp



Hmmmmmm I think a WoW habit would be slightly less worrying than someone who dresses up in combat gear and shoots at people with a pellet gun...

MoD sticks with 'most decrepit browser in the world'


@DI Wyman

the Lee Enfield .303 rifle was (and still is) one of the most accurate rifles ever mass produced and used in the services. It's only down side being the need to practice to be a good shot unlike the point and spray of methods of modern weaponry.

Funnily enough if you think still using IE6 is bad, I have a mate who is on secondment to NATO and they have just been told to upgrade all the PC's to Vista....

Virgin Media to deploy performance monitoring tech



only if you're on fiber - which I'm not - bugger!

Coming soon: clothes that take photographs


@Anon Coward

Oh come on - we've all seen Paris without her kit on.