I helped someone once.
And we're still together 14 years later. No cash changed hands but I did get a couple of kids thrown into the bargain.
39 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Jul 2009
Good. Now pop in to the nearest PC world, ask them for a hub and then try getting it to connect to the internet.
In the 10+ years we had our BT connection it's always been Cisco kit they've supplied. Had they ever phoned us up and said to "reboot our hub" we'd have ditched them a damn site sooner than we did.
*Burns pedant hat*
MD: I want a netbook.
Me: They're awfully slow.
MD: I want a netbook!
Me: It'll drive you nuts waiting for things to load.
MD: I need a netbook, order me one!!
*orders netbook*
MD: I can't use this. It's too slow!
Me: *awaits demands for an ipad that doesn't run what the MD needs to do their job*
I've been using this for a very happy 6 months or so now after faffing around with various other syncing apps that wouldn't give reliable results: file date comparison problems or just failing to run mainly. Here's some of the stuff I do with it... or rather it does it for me without making my brain or fingers have to do anything:
1) Syncs photos as I take them (only when on wifi) to my home server via FTP (it then ups them to SkyDrive).
2) Music (legally!) downloaded at home or on device can be synced on demand, listened to on device, tagged or deleted and synced back to the mothership using a 2-way sync over FTP.
3) Game saves get synced to Dropbox (every-other-night Titanium Backup backups do too) automatically. So, should the device get lost, swapped out for something else or I kill it by some other means, the game saves can be restored and I don't have to replay them all again to get back to where I was.
I could go on and on and on some more. The dev is also active and updates come along about once a month. I may sound like a salesman after reading that back... but I'm just a very happy user.
Nokia's plan for developing nations wasn't / isn't using WinPho... try (grab a bucket) S40. Even the cheapest of cheap droids and fruity phones can't be that cheap unlocked (£50). Besides, there's more to their master plan than merely flogging cheap handsets e.g. there's cunning compression in play to help cut down on bandwidth improving both speed, bandwidth overhead and data costs. Let's see a 3GS play nice out of the box and not attempt to guzzle as much data as it can while nobody is looking. There's even an article on some 2 bit blog about them: http://www.reghardware.com/2011/10/26/nokia_keeps_symbian_shining_with_budget_blowers/
"If Nokia hopes to compete with Apple and Android in terms of Average Selling Price (ASP) it's not going to do it with cheap Windows Phones!"
If they did, they would... but they're not. Nokia have already said (see the Lumia launch keynote) they're looking at global developing markets.
I care not-a-jot for Nokia but said keynote did make a lot of sense i.e. look at markets where apple can't hope to compete. There's just a few people in India and Africa for example who can't afford the Apple "shiny shiny" tax but can stretch to the Nokia "it's rubbish but it'll do since it's cheap" one instead. Meh.
I tried that and it worked... some times. After forcing a reconnect my number started showing up again though. Reverting to defaults produced exact same results i.e. some times I'd report my number and, after reconnecting to O2, others times not.
So I'd keep an eye on whether going the above works consistently for you - just because it was working doesn't mean your phones not had to reconnect behind the scenes (e.g. loss of signal) and O2 are giving world+dog your mobile number once again.
Proprioception (thanks for the new word!) is all well and good but there's inevitably the moment where you're mm away from slipping the little connector into the device, the hole guiding finger moves and the whole world goes to b*ggery. Had I never experienced inductive charging I wouldn't get so irrelevantly annoyed.
It's simply a lot easier (drunk or sober) to just lay your device down and it start charging. So much so I ended up with 7 Touchstone chargers (5 phone and 2 Touchpad ones) scattered around the home and work. I was happy to pay for the convenience once I'd tried just one of them. It's something webOS users of old will, as I'm clearly demonstrating, bang on and on and on about at great length.
I've had a Palm Pre, Pre2, Pre3 and TouchPad all with wireless charging built in. TFA saying, "it solves a problem which really doesn't exist" doesn't fly with me. It solves one of the most troublesome problems known to mankind: plugging in a microUSB charger in the dark
Having used it for a few years it was one of those features you very quickly learned to take for granted and miss it like b*ggery when you don't have it (I'm now using a Galaxy Nexus). Gone are the days of getting in to bed and just laying my phone on a charger. Now it's bend down, find the wire and curse (quietly so as not to wake the little un) as you try and get the thing into the effing device.
Exactly how were 3G and MMS a "pig to use" way back when? Preconfigured settings and tapping the "insert picture" button in an SMS app is too much for Apple customers by your "logic". I'm all for insulting iPhone users... but that really is taking things too far.
But yes, good design is indeed crucial and to be applauded. So long as you hold it the right way.
...over the TouchPad "review". I only read through this the once but I don't recall it repeatedly comparing the Pre3 to an iPhone. Anyroad, I digress (and whitter).
A couple of points on the review:
1) HP hasn't (allegedly) given up on webOS. Rather it's the hardware side of things they've dropped like a hot shit sandwich. They are continuing development and support the OS. That's what they're saying ATM anyway. OS updates are due soon and they're advertising for more webOS developers so they may not even be fibbing.
2) You don't install Skype from the app catalog. When you add in your Skype account (craftily hidden in the "Accounts" app) that's you done. Skype contacts sync down and get merged in with your existing ones and you can phone or message them through the normal phone and messaging apps. No need for a separate Skype app. Which is nice.
You mentioned Skype twice actually. The integration is worthy of more than just the name being dropped IMHO. I didn't count the number of times Flash was mentioned though. Reports have it as working very well (for a pad).
So the Touchstone being an optional extra relegates the feature it to a separate review? The same can surely then be said of iPad 2 accessories as well? No, it doesn't (I looked). In particular, the Touchstone tech is a built in feature to the OS and most certainly is a main feature providing location aware wireless docking / charging.
The TouchPad operates as a bluetooth headset for taking calls. By the wonder that Bluetooth almost is, it should pair with anything that supports the profile. Taking and replying to text messages is a webOS only feature. This particular black magic is a big differentiator over the rivals for me as a user... and lots of others ta boot.
I'm not buying one either BTW. Not until HP sort out assorted other things and prove they'll support the Pre 2 with more than 2 tiny updates. I had an iPAQ once. Once!
It's the OS (excessive logging and non GPU accelerated CSS transitions mainly) causing the lagginess. This should be fixed for the great unwashed with an OTA update due any day now. Homebrewers can bring the thing pretty much up-to-speed already (legally and with the blessing of HP!).
As a review... there's a lot lacking. Why only compare features to those on an ipad when the TouchPad has lots more yet to offer e.g. Touchstone wireless charging, Skype built in, touch to share, using the pad to take calls and text messages from your phone... If you're going to review something at least include mentions of the main features.
I agree wholeheartedly. The Pre2 with webOS2 pushes way in front. I'd also point out that, in my book, 200000 turds are not better than 4500 diamonds.
And moving on to the review... page 3 makes it sound like unified email inbox, Exchange push mail and a flash for the camera are new. Eh, no.
Read my first sentence.
HTC (never mind individual carriers) are legendary for supporting their newest handset-of-the-week now aren't they. Just because your carrier blew away tradition and actually released an update for one particular handset does not, by a very long shot, make Android anything other than the fragmented mess it's been for a long time already.
Why is it only Palm and webOS that've managed to join up the dots and deliver regular OS updates (to all devices and not the latest handset blasted out the door) that:
a) Come OTA straight to the device.
b) Don't require a bloated POS desktop program to install.
c) Keeps all your stuff intact.
d) Be easy enough to apply that anyone can do it?
Android is the new WinMo... only with much worse 3rd party developers.
Why, oh why, oh why, whenever people talk about iphone multi-tasking, do they compare it to that of Android? Despite some minor flaws, webOS clearly sets the bar for multi-tasking by which all other phones should be judged. When anyone says they "don't really need multi-tasking" they more as likely haven't ever used a good implementation of it a la webOS. That's that off my chest!
Seems like some frothers round here discount the benefit of a webcam on the grounds you can only use it to take the odd low-res snap. These technical wonders / blunders can in fact be used for things other than taking photos you know. There's this little known program called Skype that use these things to take moving pictures... of your face! Imagine that.
While I agree Windows isn't the fluid experience of Apple iWhatevers, they're actually still quite easy to use with the touch enhancements. But hey, if you've never used one don't let that stop you making uneducated comments! Oh, and there is multitouch support in 7 for those that have missed this little factoid. As a cost cutting exercise I bet this thing doesn't have the screen hardware to use it though.
"Orange is in the middle, but wins the competition for the most northerly 3G with apparent coverage somewhere around Fresgoe, though we didn't manage to confirm that with Orange."
And don't bother trying to confirm that either. It's O2 FTW - they are the only operator pumping 3G goodness in Shetland... and you can't get any more northerly than that!