6 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Jul 2009
I'm sure we've had the 1st of April already this year.
I'm totally loving this, it's got to be the best plan to encourage the populus to eat their five-a-day...
Don't Parallels offer something like this with their Virtuozzo Containers product?
All you need to do is:
1) Uninstall / remove Office 2008.
2) Go to MVLS.
3) Download Office 2008 with SP2 dmg file.
4) Install.
5) No Problem, you can open Office XML files.
Office 2008 SP2, Done.
Microsoft should buy out Opera, just like they did to Homer.
That stupid "big ol bag of drivers" is not big enough. It never has the WiFi, printer or USB coffee warmer drivers I need to get my work done.