Actually, the friend's brain will still be sending the signals, it's just that there is a cable break preventing the signal from reaching the muscle. This tech could prove very interesting for those with loss of muscle function, particularly if they can set up the feedback function, too.
Posts by Brutus
214 publicly visible posts • joined 11 May 2007
Boffin snatches control of colleague's body with remote control brain hat
Oh noes! New 'CRISIS DISASTER' at Fukushima! Oh wait, it's nothing. Again
May threatens ban on 'hate-inciting' radicals, even if they don't promote violence
Spam and the Byzantine Empire: How Bitcoin tech REALLY works
Vandals break into congressman's office, install Linux on PCs
'Young people don't want to become like us', say IT pros
Cameron's F-35 U-turn: BAE Systems still calls the shots at No 10
Re: Flip-flop-flip
Not sure I understand your point.
If Lewis thought the f-35B was shit, and he thought the f-35C was shit, why would he not still think the f-35B is still shit when the govenment u-turned?
It's all about the merits of one plane over another; not, as you seem to be implying, the merits of one variant over another.
CIA's DARPA working on human-brain-mimicking tech
Amazon refudiates Apple 'app store' trademark suit
Multimillionaire's private space ship 'can land on Mars'
US Navy laser cannon used to set boat aflame
Fukushima fearmongers are stealing our Jetsons future
US robot ornithopter spy-hummingbird in flight test triumph
RIM boss: 'Our PlayBook shames the You Know What'
Man stabbed to death by chicken

@ac 14:29
When deploying the Grammar Nazi alert, one should re-read the original article, any comments to which one is replying and one's own text before posting - just in case one inadvertently shows one's self up. Case in point: you have come to an entirely unlikely conclusion (albeit providing a good hook for a pun) because you did not pay attention to the period of time between wounding and death.
Two HOURS, not days.
Japan plans space debris fishing trip
50m-year-old mystery space object doesn't look a day over 30
DARPA orders miracle motor for its flying car
Robot teddy bears attack Alzheimer's
US Special Ops robot whispercopter crashes in Belize
Death by iPod: beware the zombie trance

it's the combo..
wandering about with the sense of hearing blanked off can be hazardous but, as you point out, not noticable fatal; the increase in lethality occurs when you combine the loss of hearing with the loss of vision and general awarenesss you get from texting or checking your twitter feed or whatever.
Diesels greener than electric cars, says Swiss gov report
Fair enough points
You do need to compare like for like. That would either include the feed stock to the refinery (and distribution to fuel pumps) or exclude the feedstock to the power-plant.
I would hazard a guess that if you look at the entire production chain things probably even out somewhat once you take into account mining of coal, construction of hydro-dams and oil rigs and the whole fun and games of nuclear.
Boffins baffled by mysterious Martian crater
True Utility Scarab and KeyTool micro multi-tools
Spurs soothsayer predicts Young Boys thrashing on Twitter
Electric mass-driver catapults to beat Royal Navy cuts?
Navy SEALs to deploy armoured dogs in A'stan
Boffins develop greenhouse invisible to night-vision goggles
Imitate Real Ale quaffers, save the economy, says biz prof
James Bond's autogyro revived by Brit spec-ops pilots
Apple antenna guru 'warned Steve Jobs' over Judas Phone

Rogerborg, do you know Charles personally?
If not, why the ad hominem attack?
Whilst I don't agree with Charles' interpretation of the numbers nor with his car anology, I see no reason to launch an attack on him or his friends. What evidence do you have that he's even in the UK, let alone within the M25? And how on earth do you manage to divine his trustafarian status from his post?
Bendy bike inventor scores design prize win
El Reg marks Steve Jobs for termination
SCO rises from the dead (again)
Microsoft set to make small job cuts, says report
New 3D displays use falling water drops as 'voxels'
London hospital hosted grumble flick shoot
PARIS in hot glue gun action
BBC wins go-ahead for Freeview HD content controls
Wikileaks' US army 'leaker' arrested

Hang on a mo'
I think you're going off the deep end here, Andus!
Lamo's defense is that he was worried about operational security in Iraq. Without going to wikileaks (not advisable from the office) I can't comment on whether this worried was justified or not, but I know I'd be rather pissed off if one of my friends was killed as result of the leaked intel.
Had Manning confined himself to leaking the videos, I bet Lamo wouldn't have done anything, but the 260,000 diplomatic cables could easily contain info useful to 'terrorists' and other 'bad people'. There's no way Manning read all that info before releasing it - there's just too much to read.
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Greatest Living Briton loses £30m
With 'Tom 38', we can at least maintain a semblance of continuity through an argument.
And, whilst you are correct in pointing out the cyclic nature of the global economy, there is still a significant amount that individual governments can do to affect their local economies. Compare and contrast Germany and Greece, for example.
Young Boozer seeks Alabama offie office
'World's largest' airship inflated in colossal Alabama cowshed
Boffins aim to warm watersports enthusiasts
2012 Olympic mascots cop a shoeing
Ubuntu Unity interface flashed for speed freaks

How terribly patronising
Why do so many people insist on believing that older people (I assume that's the mom and pop that are being referred to) are useless at technology? At what age do you qualify for mom & pop status? 40? 50? 70? My father (72) is quite capable of understanding dual boot after less than five minutes of explanation.
People are, on average, averagely intelligent(!). I generally find that most of the issues surounding (mis)use of computers is down to inadaquate explanation of what is going on, not stupidity on the part of the user.