Bunch of uneducated idiots
That's what this commission seems to be!!!
They have absolutely no clue about this matter and yet want to create and apply laws about it!!!
Criminalising -what they portray as hacking tools- will do nothing but just create more work for the courts, where some trolls will try to get at some security contious admins.
Security consulttants (like myself) will be criminalised
- When are they going to criminalise kitchen knives because so many people get stabbed with them?
- When are they going to criminalise car manufacturers because so many people get killed by them?
- When are they going to criminalise smartcard readers, because they can be used to hack creditcards
- When are they going to criminalise linux because it can be used to create these evil programs
What about tools like nmap, wireshark, ettercap, etc.?
And the response from those brainless numpties will be: oh no, we only target the bad guys.....
How can a non-elected body make decisions like this?
The EU commission has no accountability (who would believe this BS "to the people of the EU").
I would go as far as suggesting what they call in Germany "civil disobedience".
Our governments are going completely nuts.
More and more laws, that only serve "the big ones"
Music copyrights for 75 and/100 years, software patents....
I am certainly not against copyrights and I am against piracy (I am though for fair use and a limited amount of private copies)
but the way the industry is behaving and "buying" politicians with completely faked states and blatent lies cannot be tolerated any longer!
unless peoples start fighting back, this is going to continue and in the long run we (or possibly our children or their children) are going to live in a society like robocop, where corporations publically rule (well they to do to a certain extent already).
The flame is for the EU commission