Nice. You can keep your Firefoxes and Chromes and Safaris - I'll take Opera please. Keep up the good work
- posted from Opera
86 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Jul 2009
Very. A lot of lobbyists are paying the EmmPeas an awful lot of money so they can feel important.
Oh and also trying to manipulate debates in favour of rather questionable agendas.
E-petitions are worth as much as the current raft of elected clowns. Maybe if you pony up some cash so they can junket/spend on a second house/buy luxuries, then they'd spend time debating it for you
I'm with you there. I dual-boot XP and Kubuntu and tried to use wine. For every game I tried to run it was like pulling teeth. "Need this addon", "Change this setting", "Recompile that line". Bloody thing, I just want to play the game and not get into a wrestling match with the OS!.
To be fair, the wine devs have done a sterling job in getting a huge swathe of games to run. The problem lies with the game devs and publishers all writing natively for Windows, so we're stuck with having to use wine or similar. There was a little hope when the rumour about steam natively coming to linux was circulating, but that was soon squished. I suspect that backhanders and MS influence keeps the game devs locked to one platform. Ah well, we can still hope.
I fear taking the lids of peoples machines for fear of what you might find. Dessicated spiders, assorted dust monsters and other Lovecraftian horrors are always waiting to drive you to the limits of sanity!
I always make a point to give my machine regular cleans, either tackling the lifeform buildup with the hoover or with my handy airbrush, blasting air through the hard to reach places. Last thing I want is for the Lizard Alliance to use my machine as the start of some terrifying dustmonster/machine cyborg killer. Though, how they'd work together with cyber-dysons makes me wonder!
Putting the court case aside for a moment, the problem is the fact that you have to know all about gmail before you send an e-mail to it. To avoid this kind of thing, you'd have to potentially check the T&Cs of every domain you send an e-mail to before you send it. Now, you and I know all about google and their antics, but someone fresh to the world of web and e-mail wouldn't know this.
Desmond runs the Express newspapers and a fair few porn channels and magazines. The Daily Fail is owned by Lord Rothermere I think with Paul "You C**ting C**t" Dacre, famous for his Vagina Diatribes because of his liberal use of the C word. Ironic really, considering such a puritan paper has such a foul mouthed editor!