* Posts by bigphil9009

267 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Jul 2009


What might a second term of Trump mean for the US space program?


Launched your website yet you massive liar?

Classic Outlook explodes when opening more than 60 emails


Just tried this

For shits and giggles I just tried this - it was quite fun watching Outlook take longer and longer to open each email as the open count hit the 20s, 30s. 40s, 50s and then crashed on the 60th item.

I think I need to get out more.

It's about time Intel, AMD dropped x86 games and turned to the real threat


Re: "amid growing adoption of competing architectures"

Why is it going live in "a few weeks" and not immediately? Surely a company of your immense and undoubted technical ability could spin up such a basic thing as a website in under 10 minutes using the huge computing resources at your disposal? It almost sounds like you're kicking the can down the road (again!) and there's no reason for you to do that, is there?

Apple quietly admits 8GB isn't enough in 2024, M4 iMac to ship with 16GB as standard


Re: Apple should be honest enough to say that

Many people here on El Reg will have bought their phone on a contract and are fundamentally not mugs, therefore you have also made a verifiably untrue statement.

Office 2024 unveiled for Microsoft 365 refuseniks


Re: Office 2007 \ 2010

On my fairly humble Core i5 laptop with 16 GB RAM Excel (latest version whatever its called) opens in about 3 seconds.

Earth's new mini-moon swings by, then ghosts us by late November


Re: Not a moon

That's no moon! etc etc etc

SBF's right-hand woman praised for testimony – and jailed for two years


Question to the knowledgeable

Once she's served her time I'm sure there will be a bunch of filmmakers wanting to pay her for her knowledge so that they can produce a series about this whole saga. Would she be allowed to keep the money from this? Would it be classed as profiting from crime? Not sure on the law here.

250 million-plus unused IPv4 addresses should be left alone, argues network boffin


Re: Efficiency meets luxury in this audacious tech fantasy ;)

Thank you - another voice of reason around these parts. Every time I see this chump post his insane nonsense I wonder where his super duper mega chips that are faster than light and can transport us all to Andromeda in 3 seconds are...

iPhone 16 dubbed Apple's most repairable model in years


Re: Most Repairable...

I knew that was a Hugh Jeffries video even before I clicked the link :-)

Microsoft on a roll for terrible rebranding with Windows App


Re: Will searching for "rdp" still find it?

"rdp" works fine for me - one result and it's the Remote Desktop Connection application.

Apple AirPods Pro 2 can be sold as hearing aids, says FDA


I hope that is a typo, if not, then please accept my condolences.

Datacenters to emit 3x more carbon dioxide because of generative AI


Datacentres will emit CO2?

I'm slightly confused - isn't it the electricity generating station that will emit the CO2 rather than the datacentre? What sources of CO2 emission exist in an actual DC?

To patch this server, we need to get someone drunk


Re: Prison

The problem with these conspiracy theories is that they give waaaaay too much credit to people. People are generally really crap at putting a plan together and executing on it. None of what you are saying is actually a thing.

Buying a PC for local AI? These are the specs that actually matter


All those "brains" and still can't use an apostrophe correctly.

Microsoft sends Windows Control Panel to tech graveyard


Re: cue the wailing

You are so edgy!

Palo Alto Networks execs apologize for 'hostesses' dressed as lamps at Black Hat booth


Re: Yeah except no: Obvious bs.

It doesn't have anything to do with the women who are dressed up - as you say, they are probably happy to take the job and get paid for it.

The issue is that you have a group of people who are under-represented in the cyber-security field. That group of people being women. Now, let's say you have the ambition to increase the number of women in the field, because you have decided that this is a good thing, to bring in fresh perspectives, to train and develop skills in that area, to improve their lives. All pretty admirable stuff. Now, the women that you are trying to encourage into this male-dominated space suddenly see that the only other women in the room are there purely for decoration - the message is, women are to be employed solely for their looks and bodies, not for what they bring to the space. Anyone can see that this is a massive own-goal.

Now, you may disagree that it is a worthy ambition to bring more women into this space, and you are free to do so. If you do disagree, I'd be very interested in hearing your reasons why - genuinely.

Techie told 'Bill Gates' Excel is rubbish – and the Microsoft boss had it fixed in 48 hours


Re: Brad sent "a quite angry email" to billg@microsoft.com

I suspect you're being facetious, but that email address has been in the open for quite some time now :)


Re: Excel is still rubbish

Excel isn't rubbish - however the uses that people put it to can very much be rubbish. That isn't the fault of the software though.

Meta's AI safety system defeated by the space bar


Re: Parsing free text input has laways been an exacting problem for developers to solve

SEX ACTING? Where do I sign up?!

Porting the Windows 95 Start Menu to NT


Re: unsullied by ads

Internet hard man alert

AMD predicts future AI PCs will run 30B parameter models at 100 tokens per second


It's interesting that your website runs on GoDaddy- I'd have thought a company that can fab its own chips and create faster-than-light propulsion technologies could spin up its own CMS and web server...

More layoffs at Microsoft: What's really going on here?


Am I missing something here?

All these big businesses pushing AI like it's the solution to all our problems are surely missing something - if AI puts significant amounts of people out of a job, these people will no longer be able to purchase any products made by these big businesses who are pushing AI like its the solution to all our problems, resulting in these big businesses suddenly not having any customers. Don't they see this? Or do they see this and the 0.001% of people making these decisions only care about their own pocket and fuck the rest of us?

UK PM Sunak calls election, leaving Brits cringing over memory of his Musk love-in


Re: Disappointing

The future I want is one where my children can freely move across the English Channel and integrate properly with our cousins on the contintent. How do I go about building that, oh wise Oracle?

Undersea cables must have high-priority protection before they become top targets


Re: @StargateSg7

It's incredible isn't it! If this chap had spent even half the amount of time he's wasted typing complete cockwaffle here on more productive tasks, he would have probably built a replica Cistine Chapel.

Zilog to end standalone sales of the legendary Z80 CPU


Microsoft, OpenAI may be dreaming of $100B 5GW AI 'Stargate' supercomputer


Re: Obscene

Open sourced that LiFePO4 battery design yet fella? Or was that just another big pile of shite like all your other claims?

Canadian arrested for 'stealing secret' to speedy Tesla battery production


I'll be waiting...

NASA missions are being delayed by oversubscribed, overburdened, and out-of-date supercomputers


Re: It's just one site

Big Wow


Re: It's just one site

You counted every single FLOP? That must have taken AGES! Seriously, who is upvoting this shite?

Tesla's Cybertruck may not be so stainless after all


Re: Cybertruck - the gift that keeps on giving...

Yeah, that is never happening.


Re: Why stainless steel?

I don't think you understand how old a Millenial can actually be...


Re: Cybertruck - the gift that keeps on giving...

Hey man, I still haven't seen anything about your super-duper mega AI chips that are going to make everything redundant. When are we going to see them again? Or is it all a smelly load of stinky mess like everything else you spend worryingly large amounts of time writing...

DEF CON is canceled! No, really this time – but the show will go on


Re: "That's because we studied math at school."

I don't understand why people will happily shell out for booze, or for over-priced coffees, but then turn their nose up at a Christmas-time scratch card. It's a bit of fun, with an outside chanceo of winning a couple of quid. Way more wastage of money happens at that time of year for way less pay-off.

Musk claims that venting liquid oxygen caused Starship explosion


Re: Enough with the Elon Musk Snark

Ok then, enlighten us - what did you mean by "elevated top layer of pad"?


Re: Enough with the Elon Musk Snark

"The elevated top layer of pad". Are you seriously saying that the big hole full of shit was already there, and that it was just covered by a thin layer of concrete? Wow.


Re: Enough with the Elon Musk Snark

Underneath the lauch stage. You know, this one: https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatLookedExpensive/comments/12uasls/the_damage_done_to_the_launch_pad_after_the/

What's the golden age of online services? Well, now doesn't suck


This is the answer :-)

Datacenter architect creates bonkers designs to illustrate the craft, and quirks, of building bit barns


Oh god, he's back. I was hoping he'd finally found something worthwhile to do with his time. Sadly not it appears.

Scientists strangely unable to follow recipe for holy grail room-temp superconductor


You've gone a bit quiet old bean - what's up, have the drugs worn off?


".....soon..." "....later this month..." "....should...."

Same old same old. Why do you persist with this?


> I should note that i am NOT part of the material sciences team that created these compounds. I'm merely the public mouthpiece!

Then you are doing a spectacularly bad job at it. I've been watching Linus Tech Tips like you suggested by the way, and none of your super-duper world changing inventions haven't been shown yet - can you confirm when they are going to be on?

Like everything you have ever spouted on here, I imagine they're "coming soon!!"

Give it up.

Microsoft promises to keep Call of Duty on PlayStation for next decade. Sony believes it


Re: So

Something tells me that Sony's lawyers may already have thought of these things, and many others. Don't forget, they're hardly innocent of restrictive practices themselves!

Boris Johnson pleads ignorance, which just might work


Re: @old-n-grey

But accurate.

China chip material export controls just the tip of the iceberg, warns official


What's happening with your fandabbydozy SuperAIExtreme chips that you've been bleating on about matey? I've been keeping an eye on Linus Tech Tips but there's been nothing on there. Unless your products were those dodgy no-brand GPUs he reviewed the other day? Is that what you've been creating? Dodgy no-brand GPUs? Is it?

Can noise-cancelling buds beat headphones? We spent 20 hours flying to find out


Re: Aeropex works great for outside

As a Tour-de-France cosplaying cyclist I too like to use bone-conducting earphones. Although sadly they aren't any use at stopping the long unwashed hair of metalheads getting caught up in my expensive groupset.

Twitter now worth just a third of what Musk paid for it


Re: Can't believe Musk thinks it could be worth 10x what he paid

Ahh, now we know who posted the AC comment above!

First ever 64-bit version of Windows rediscovered … and a C compiler for it too


Sure buddy, sure you knew them. Why do people upvote this shite?

Curiosity gets interplanetary software patch for better driving and more on Mars


Is the OS open source?

Does anyone know if the OS is Open Source? I'd love to have a read of it!


Re: On site support

I think we all know who you work for now :D

All I can say is keep up the good work!

Boffins claim discovery of the first piezoelectric liquid


When can we see your megasuperawesome products on Linus Tech Tips buddy? Or are they complete vapourware bullshit as per usual?
