They should have their own complaint office
..but they should make the door really really narrow.
10 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Jul 2009
They don't even call it a help desk at my work. (Don't want to raise any false hopes) They are a service desk. They log calls in bad English and close tickets. Usually the problem isn't solved. It is far more efficient to blame someone else or just close the ticket if you've called the person 3 times and got no answer. Sometimes they just close the ticket for no apparent reason. When they're not horribly fucking up their jobs they are whining about how no one in the business respects them..gee..wonder why.
As soon as they get functional controls in place everyone will go elsewhere.
The internet was so popular because it was a new frontier. Then you get all the sniveling little bitches that can only get through life by playing lawyer ball and hiding behind rules and regulations. When those whining turds have all the rules they need to get by then the venue is effectively destroyed and people lose interest. Much like the real world which is run by lawyers, Judges, executives and politicians. All professional sniveling turds. None of which make any net contribution to humanity.
I've collected forensic evidence for the police before. The only reason I got called in was because they botched it so bad they were going to get away. The only reason I worked with the pigs was that someone had first hand knowledge that children were in danger. Frankly the only people the police are able to catch are the outright stupid and the innocent.
I not only got affected but had to listen to some asshat screen reading tech from India tell me that McAfee couldn't go crazy and start deleting files under any circumstances. Then he told me to boot to safe mode and run a scan after I had already explained that I had slaved the drive on a known good machine and it had scanned clean with 2 AV programs.