* Posts by Jason 24

208 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Jul 2009


Clap Google, Amazon in irons to end tax shenanigans - MPs

Jason 24

Re: @Pete 2

Ok, so Starbucks decide that if they have to pay this tax then they are simply going to pass the cost straight on to the customer, and whack whatever % on top of their current prices.

Costa, who already pay all their tax and still turn a profit don't increase their prices and so are now undercutting Starbucks by whatever %

Given Costa are already making a profit they are happy with why would then increase their prices to match Starbucks?

Yes, in the pursuit of pure profits this may seem an easy thing to do, but they'd have to be retarded to bump the prices in line with Starbucks in this situation as it's just another way of showing themselves to be better than Starbucks, thus driving more people into their stores, leading to more profit anyway.

British car parks start reading number plates

Jason 24

@Phil O'Sophical

> charges must be a genuine pre-estimate of loss, or actual damages caused by trespass

This is an interesting one. If there were still spaces in the car park available to other customers, you could argue that your presence there cost them nothing, since they lost no business.

Could I then take that one step further and argue that in the same way people are more inclined to go into a busy restaurant as they tend to be good restaurants, a fuller car park gives an illusion of a better car park and therefore others are more inclined to park there?

I know I've decided not to park on a few of the "car parks" in Manchester when I've seen they're empty apart from the dodgy geezer in his track suit at the entrance...

Jason 24

Re: Confuse the system

A friend of mine tried to confuse the system in a Milton Keynes car park by reversing into the car park and then driving forwards out of it, hoping it would look like he'd exited twice

They weren't impressed and sent him a fine!

Vandals break into congressman's office, install Linux on PCs

Jason 24

Re: Non-story

Live boot disk? If I dropped one of those into all the machines at my place everyone would go nuts and I'd get an easy day "restoring" all the machines.

Not a bad idea...

Court confirms $675,000 fine for sharing 30 songs

Jason 24

Re: Thats fair then......

Given the amount of back handers that are probably flying about I've a feeling the judge does now see $675k as mere pocket change....

Console content can cause crime, claims cop

Jason 24

Re: Rinse/Repeat/Rinse/Repeat/Rinse/Repeat/Rinse/Repeat/Rinse/Repeat/Rinse/Repeat....

I was, but now I've smashed some hookers skulls in I actually feel much better and less inclined to kill half of the office!

Jason 24


Seriously, just fuck off with blaming the games, every 6 months some one else has a pop, can we just stop printing articles about it and ignore them and maybe (just maybe) they'll go away?

UK physical game sales hit rock bottom

Jason 24

Wasted drinking time..

Back by 10 and still up until past 12?

Virgin Media's 'bye-bye to buffering' beardy Bolt boast BANNED

Jason 24

All that really matters...

Is this last line;

"They said the ad was no longer running and would not be aired again"

What's the fecking point if the adverts have already run and even finished? Useless bastards yet again.

'Unfair' tariff tweaks yield networks £90m

Jason 24

Re: Glad I'm not on contract

I've always found it comes out about an even break between a contract and a buying a phone out right, I've got a HTC sensation (the week it came out) on £25 a month from Orange so that's £600 over 24 months. When it launched the sensation was £500 (and even now it's around £250). I'll sell it when I upgrade, get say £50 for it, that's £50 left, 50/24 = £2.08 a month for 200 minutes, unlimited texts and 750MB data, the other £22.92 is just an interest free loan on the phone, I'll take that.

On 18 months I'd be quids in, but they were having none of that.

And of course you could always argue I'm a sucker for getting it on the week of release, but I'm happy this will last me 2 years, I don't need to upgrade to the latest greatest all the time, just once so it lasts.

Plus it never hurts your credit rating paying a contract every month, I know my Orange payments show on there in green.

Why embossed credit cards are here to stay

Jason 24


No good to a click clack reader if they're flat

Child abuse suspect won't be forced to decrypt hard drive

Jason 24

Re: Re: Re: Re: The law is there to protect us.

@ bobbles31;

"If they have done their homework then surely they have some evidence of his guilt that would then cause a Court to compel him to release the keys to the drive."

Bwwwwwwhahahah! Don't make me laugh, I got raided and and everything computer related taken from me for 9 months because someone had given them a "tip off" that we were kiddy fiddlers. The officers doing the raid even stated "we don't have any internet logs or anything or we'd be arresting you right now", though they couldn't actually say "it's just a tip off" it was near as dammit implied.

Thankfully I'd already gotten rid of our backup tapes for the day so they couldn't go blagging me for the encryption keys to those, my boss would not have been best pleased had they taken them.

Don't get me wrong, I'd rather than over checked stuff and cleared me than skipping over stuff, they'd get far more of a pasting if they didn't respond to a tip off and later something happened.

However, I would have been happy to hand over the keys to the tapes, I know full well there's nothing dodgy on there. I would be very interested to know why they are even looking at this guy, do they have logs to show he has been accessing dodgy content? Or has someone he's pissed off decided this would be a good way to get a bit of easy revenge?

"There is a subtle difference between "you have some encrypted disks, you must be a peadophile." and "We have evidence that you are a peadophile and believe that there is more evidence on those encrypted disks.""

That is the key difference I think.

Judges set timetable for McKinnon case resolution

Jason 24


Interesting read that Jack of Kent, plenty of good links to follow, gotta agree there is a pretty damn good case for extraditing him.

What I don't get though is why it took them a 17 month investigation to find a guy who had effectively RDP'd to unsecured machines with blank administrator passwords? I can only assume they were connected on puclic IP addresses?


My eyes are burning, kinda got sucked into that blog

BT fibre rollout reaches Scotland, Wales

Jason 24


Why not fit my fecking leased line to my office that I've been waiting over a year for? Wankers.

Civil servants cough up more lost BlackBerrys

Jason 24

Don't be daft

That's a sensible idea

Windows XP and iPod: A tale of two birthdays

Jason 24


Not round these parts

Anonymous shuts down hidden child abuse hub

Jason 24

Sounds like a good thing

Some of you may remember my post;

Posted Friday 25th February 2011 13:15 GMT

Jason 24

I'm very worried → #

When I was raided under accusations of child porn being in my house.

Well I got my kit back on the 14th of October, 12 days shy of 10 months without my kit because they had no hard evidence of anything being done, just a tip off from someone, so it couldn't be treat as a priority and was dumped at the bottom of the queue.

I'm all for catching the real pedos and by the sound of it anonymous have done a much more efficient job at finding and proving all of this than the police, can we hire these guys to do further investigations and save people such as myself from being raided and having this shit on their minds for 10 months.

El Reg in email address blunder

Jason 24

I'll take a BCC cheers

Norton blocks Facebook as 'phishing site'

Jason 24
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I wonder...

What the bet was for?

Chrome browser 'is becoming Number Two'

Jason 24
Paris Hilton

"although I still use FF for important or, ahem, photographic interest sites!"

ctrl+shift+n is your friend in chrome ;)

Paris :D

Lancs shale to yield '15 years' of gas for UK

Jason 24

Not soon enough hehe

UK cyber security plan delayed till October

Jason 24

I read that as...

Party-bollock-tickling, I'm sure that's all they get up to.

What vegetables are best for growing in Spaaace?

Jason 24


We're up to volume 88;


Paypal chums with City cops against naughty music sites

Jason 24


To anyone who actually believes Paypal will do this you are dead wrong. If paypal cut sites off, they lose revenue, they're not here for that. I've dealt with literally thousands of (now) shop owners who previously sold via ebay and Paypals various shoddy "shopping cart" solutions and Paypal simply do not give a monkeys about anything but taking their percentage of a transaction. Once they've got that any further decisions (such as a chargebacks) seem to be decided by the toss of a coin.

Sure, they might knock one or two of the smaller businesses on the head every couple of months or so just so they have something to show, but anyone who is processing a decent amount of money is going to be safe.

Paypal - a law unto themselves.

Half of Virgin Media broadband ads are wrong, says ASA

Jason 24
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Well put

Bravo, sir!

Verizon Wireless ends unlimited data plans

Jason 24
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So perhaps...

The mobile industry won't make the huge mistake that ISPs have and offer ridiculous amounts of bandwidth for peanuts... or am I being optimistic?

UK will obey Euro unisex-insurance rules from 2013

Jason 24

Just to put a spanner in the works

I actually got £50 knocked off when I moved from a town to a village just outside the town, so it's not always both ways that add costs on.

I still feel it was £300+ over what I should have been paying on a 1.4 16v 5 door Astra at 23 years of age, no one is boy-racing around in a 5 door and I've logged the car as being used for business use as I can't do my job without it!

Teenager tries to trade virginity for iPhone

Jason 24


Go back to school, you need to redo the birds and the bees.

Actor Simon Pegg warns over banking Trojan Twitter hack

Jason 24

Here's a sodding title

Wooosh!! Straight over the top hehe

World braces for domain name EXPLOSION

Jason 24

Registering it first makes no odds...

If a major corp spots you using brandname-cameras.co.uk on your site then they'll just take it off you via Nominet, I've had Samsung, Canon, Hiatchi and many more pull the same stunt with our customers.

What do you care if they have your brand name in the URL? They're selling your products, leave them alone!

BT earmarks 66 more exchanges for fibre-to-the-cabinet upgrade

Jason 24

What about those of us who have PAID for fibre

We have paid a very large sum of money to get BT to fit fibre to one of our offices. The installation date was November originally. Still waiting. They keep saying that they need a good return on investment but even when they've already been paid they fuck about constantly.

Netflix overtakes Bittorrent as traffic champ

Jason 24

Hang on...

A fiver a month to stream as much as I want? Where and when can I sign up? This is an absolute not brainer, I already pay £60 odd a month for sky, an extra fiver won't break the bank, gimme gimme gimme! I'll even be happy to offer my upload bandwidth to help with their costs, I already offer it on torrents to keep an equal share ratio so makes no odds to me.

US Navy produces smart, cheap 6kg fire+forget missile

Jason 24

How about..

The fact that they'll only need to fire one missile now to guarantee a kill, as oppose to a shed load, so that will be cheaper. Or only send one heli out to handle a whole swarm of boats/tanks.

BT reveals fibre-to-the-cabinet plans for 156 exchanges

Jason 24

I hear that

We're waiting for a fiber install to our office. After paying multiple Ks to BT back in October and being promised the circuit would be live in November we're now 2 blocked ducts and a gas leak (that BT found? I didn't think you could find a gas leak so much as to cause it??) along and we're loooking at it finally going live at the start of next month. I'm not impressed, 30 users on an ADSL lines that manage all of about 5Mb/s isn't good!

BOFH: In distributed denial

Jason 24

Back to his roots...

Just when I thought this beautiful friday couldn't get any better we get a true classic BOFH, thank you kind sirs!

Neighbourhood watchers in Reading get speedguns

Jason 24

Picture the scene....

It's 3am, your on a four lane motorway cruising at 70, not doing anything wrong.

Then you hit a 50mph average speed check area. You look around, there's no head or tail lights in sight, there's certainly no workmen about, yet your forced to drop to 50.

Is there really any logic to that?

Conviction overturned for abuse images bought from bookshop

Jason 24
Dead Vulture

I'm very worried

Recently, say 6 weeks ago?, my house was raided, under allegations of child porn being in the house. We weren't arrested, no charges have been made, we weren't even taken to the cop shop, yet they've confiscated all of my PCs/laptops/HDDs. One of the comments from the police offers who came round and gutted my house was "have you fallen out with anyone recently?" WTF is that supposed to mean? That someone has just said "such and such has child porn"? Don't you need some hard fucking evidence before you can start tearing peoples lives apart?!?!

Having spoken to a solicitor we're looking at at least 9 months or so before we look at getting the kit back. I'm a network administrator who is currently unable to administer his network remotely as I don't have a PC. I'm massively worried that somewhere in my browser cache is a picture from an advert on the side of a site which shows a girl who may or may not be under 18, and may or may not be in posing in a manner which is supposed to turn people on. Where the fuck does that put me?

The Police are majorly taking the piss with this shit nowadays, and seemingly I have absolutely recourse against them.

Does anyone here have any advice as to what I can do to speed the process up? Kit goes out of date in 9 months, less than that, so I need to look at buying a new PC much sooner than I originally planned.

RIP as I may well be locked up and unable to visit el reg again soon

Israeli robot trouser snake 'too big' to penetrate backdoors

Jason 24
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Most excellent


Steve Jobs no ninja, says Apple

Jason 24

Or perhaps a cool idea...

Throwing stars with lasers on the tips?

Police spent tens of thousands on failed BitTorrent probe

Jason 24
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The only real loser is the taxpayer...

Nothing new here, move along...

Short passwords 'hopelessly inadequate', say boffins

Jason 24
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www.keepass.info 'nuff said.

PARIS skins up with Rizlas and dope

Jason 24

Hard to find?

"with silver Rizlas and dope. Sadly, the former are a bit hard to come by round here,"

You guys are smoking some serious shit if only the Rizlas are hard to find, nice, pass the doobie now?

eBay whacked with giant patent suit

Jason 24
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I can't see them winning, but would be nice to see those greedy fucks at ebay stomped into the ground!

BOFH: Risky business

Jason 24
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Most excellent...



Jason 24
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Very good!

Almost believable until the last few paragraphs!

Brown creates one UK.gov website to rule them all

Jason 24


no doubt the site will be laced with all sorts of trackers like OMNITURE, flash LSO's etc

And google Analytics of course....

Two jailed for smutty texts

Jason 24
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Whoa whoa whoa!

"Earlier this week another British couple began an appeal against a one month sentence for kissing in public"

So, let me get this straight, muslims who come to this country expect to be allowed to wear bhurkas in our shops, where it is clearly illegal as it completely covers the face, and expect us to deal with this.

Yet when we go there we can be imprisoned for kissing?

Hmmmm, doesn't seem quite right somehow...

Jobcentre ejects Jedi Knight

Jason 24
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Thank you my man, just what we needed.

Young people are lazy, think world owes them a living - prof

Jason 24

An article not too long back..

I seem to remember an article on here not too long back regarding uni leavers and how they are all expecting to waltz into a company and get the most amazing job going in there, due to the unis over selling what they offer. So part of the initial arguments in this article could well be related to that, young people are promised the world by colleges/unis and then expect it to be delivered?

I think a larger part of this however is down to the fact that people are better off being on benefits than starting part time jobs. Looking around I can see hundreds of part time jobs, but I know people currently living on JSA and housing benefit and they get £45 or whatever a week in JSA. If they then start earning £100 per week on a part time job the extra £55 is taken straight off them toward the housing benefit and they get the same £45, despite working.

Now tell me, who in their right mind would happily work for nothing extra?

Argos buries unencrypted credit card data in email receipts

Jason 24
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They're not alone

I could name at least one other major card processor who have told the banks to shove PCI where the sun don't shine....
