* Posts by Danny 2

2212 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Jul 2009

This is AUKUS for China – US, UK, Australia reveal defence tech-sharing pact

Danny 2

You sucker

If the acronym was based upon the relative sizes of military then it would be Usuka.

Danny 2

Re: Imagine: NATO Energy Security Agency


"tractors, harvester combines, excavators, ships, helicopters and airplanes can only be powered by HC"

Actually, Orkney is powering heavy vehicles, ferries, and - soon - aeroplanes using renewable energy. They've discovered this remarkable new element called hydrogen hiding in their tap water.


UK funds hydrogen-powered cargo submarine to torpedo maritime emissions by 2050

Danny 2

Re: Current issues

Last week the crazy idea for a £15 billion tunnel from Scotland to Northern Ireland over the Beaufort Dyke munitions dump was quietly dropped by Boris.

Presumably the submarine is distraction from that, or as a way to avoid EU goods checks.

Orkney already has green hydrogen powered ferries, and soon to be aeroplanes. I like the idea of a mobile hydrogen generating vessel plugging directly in to off shore wind farms, avoiding the ridiculous grid charges and line losses.

You walk in with a plan. You leave with GPS-tracking Nordic hiking poles. The same old story, eh?

Danny 2

Re: Bargle nawdle zouss

@David Robinson 1

You haven't drank enough whisky recently! £16.99 in Scotland, and that is after a year that the £17.49 price was reduced to £16.49. Bear in mind a cheap bottle of crap blend is £14 - I use that stuff as fly-trap. In fact I'm away out after this.

My dad just died so I was divving up his drinks cabinet among the relatives, and my cousin in law Jim said, "I can't take this. I'm sure he'd want Danny to have it."

Me and everyone else assured him I was the last person my dad would wish alcohol upon. I would like his booze but I'll respect his wishes and stick to his sweeties and Hibs paraphernalia.

The iconic Frasers store in Edinburgh has just been turned into a Johnny Walker customer experience site. I have been drinking whisky in Edinburgh, and all around the world, all my life and have never tasted Johnny Walker. It's a Hollywood drink. I used to assume it was a whiskey like Jim Beam. Edinburgh is being Disneyfied. The Aldi-Lidl Islay malts are guid.

Danny 2

Re: Bargle nawdle zouss

Lidl PARKSIDE ® PFDS 120 A2 Mig Flux welding machine Unboxing and Test Fülldraht Schweißgerät 99€

I go into Lidl-Aldi because they still have the cheapest malt Islay whisky, but I avoid the middle aisle as they often have cool tools at bucket prices.

Spot the dog? No, we couldn't either because Spot is a robot employed by United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority

Danny 2

Mickey the mongrel

My dad took me and my dog on a trip to Windscale at the height of the emissions in the seventies, he thought the nuclear mess was interesting to visit. Mickey was charming and brave and I'd hug him every day, but he was also a mutt and he delighted in rolling over the corpses of the many hundreds of dead seagulls there.

We never thought why all the dead seagulls, apparently they drank and swam upon vast open vats of radioactive waste water. Which are still there, still open.

Mickey died the next year and my own health plummeted from fittest in my year to least fit.

I know, correlation is not causation but if someone kills your dog and robs you of your health then suspicions arise. To hell with pro-nuke Monbiot and his pseudo scientific propaganda, we do not need nuclear power, we can't afford it, and if there are future generations then they won't appreciate it.


ProtonMail deletes 'we don't log your IP' boast from website after French climate activist reportedly arrested

Danny 2

"just think for a second...There are anonymous email servers in all sorts of countries who would wipe their collective arses on request from Europol. Just a thought."

A thought you didn't take a second to think through. Irony bypass?

ProtonMail don't log IP addresses by default but they can be ordered to in specific cases which is why they suggest using onion access. They've always been upfront about this, unlike the risk of trusting your safety to some unknown third world front company.

As a former activist who has been on the bleeding edge of counter-surveillance I'd like to add to further safety measures.

Firstly, use a different free 'burner' protonmail account for every action.

Secondly, ProtonMail were also forced to hand over the "fingerprints" of the user so don't use the same computer setup for different actions. Those fingerprints include browser, screen resolution, OS version, etc, that seem random but hugely narrow any search.

Danny 2

Re: Privacy is over

Make Room! Make Room!

Danny 2

Even a magic bullet still needs to be shot corectly

Protonmail encryption wasn't compromised. They don't log IP by default but can be ordered to log individuals under Swiss law. They always recommended access through an onion and even provide a free service that would almost certainly have prevented this arrest. They are going to support the activist.

The only other option they had was to close down completely, like Lavabit did in the US, locking ever user out of their data without notice.

The takeaway here is Protonmail is fine as is for everyday use, but anyone with a state actor after them should being using an onion service to access it. And don't forget it is child's play to set up point to point VPNs with anyone you trust in real life.

Me, I'm unconcerned because I can't even persuade anyone I know that encryption is good practice by default. I setup Protonmail accounts for them for ease of use, and they forget their passwords.

Virginia school board learns a hard lesson... and other stories

Danny 2

Rev Cooper, who later admitted to Newsweek that he was not a Simpsons fan

My 2nd best forum prank. An old guy on an Edinburgh forum said he couldn't watch The Simpsons as it was just too obscene and blasphemous. I told him there was a new cartoon show he'd like instead, made for people like him, and quoted the opening lyrics to Family Guy. He said that sounds much better, thanked me and he'd be sure to watch it.

Fired credit union employee admits: I wiped 21GB of files from company's shared drive in retaliation

Danny 2

Open plan office so chat travels when you are trying to concentrate. A young developer was telling someone else about the time he'd rm-rf'ed a root. I thought stupid sod. Five minutes later he exclaimed, oh no, I've done it again just because I was talking about it. I thought stupid sod. Five minutes later I did it too because although I was concentrating on my work, the dark side of my brain was chewing over the ear worm. Stupid sod.

I then got a sysadmin job abroad, not what I aspired to but I figured well within my skill-set. Some of the local staff were obviously hostile to my appointment and weird things were happening to the systems, especially the comms. I decided to spend a night locking it all down only to find none of the passwords worked on any of the kit. The next day I asked my boss about the sysadmin before me. He'd been fired, left under a cloud.

"Ah. He is still your sysadmin then. I'm going to have to close everything down and reset to factory defaults to take control, and ignoring the sabotage that is a lot of work and I'm bound to make a few mistakes that will cause some disruption the next morning." Tomorrow morning? "God no. I'll start Friday evening, finish Sunday, be in early Monday after a few hours sleep to firefight. Should be sorted by end of Monday and I'll take Tuesday off."

That won't look good on your first week! "I agree, you'll get a lot of criticism for giving this 'employee' unmonitored and unlimited control, and not checking on his his changes. I think it would reflect better on you if you monitor me on Saturday and Sunday and help out so this can't happen again."

More cracks found in Russian annex of the International Space Station

Danny 2

Re: "applied two kilograms of hermetal along all the seams"

I used metal putty to disable locks when I was a peace protester. Put on gloves, strip a bit of multi-strand copper wire and insert into lock, warm up the putty and smear into lock. Not the worst sabotage but it'll require a locksmith to replace it, or boltcutters if it's a padlock.

Whenever I cut a padlock I'd always leave a new boltcutter resistant padlock. I doubt any of the replacements were ever used as I could have copied the keys, it was more a legal defence against criminal damage charges if I was caught.

I do risky things but I would not put metal putty on a hot water boiler. I'm glad it has worked for you but that smacks of catastrophic failure. I've used it to fix a hole in a car and to beef up a processor heat sink, but there's something about a jet of boiling water that I can't put my finger on.

Wakey-wakey! A quarter of IT pros only get 3-4 hours' kip – and you won't believe what's being touted as the 'solution'

Danny 2

Four plus four

I need eight hours sleep but I can split it into two shifts. I had one job where I was driving 100,000 miles a year, twelve hour days, and then my friend and his woman moved in temporarily and I was down to four hours. I asked my doctor for sleeping tablets and she gave me temazepam, but they had no noticeable effect and I assumed were just sugar pills.

'No peeing towards Russia' sign appears on country's Arctic border with Norway

Danny 2

Thankin' you

I am going to pish on the Russian consulate in Edinburgh. I've always been peeded off that they have so many diplomatic car parking spaces outside my health centre, plus ye ken the humanitarian stuff. My dad just died and I am immune from prosecution for the next few days, not a court in the land would convict me.

The five stages of Scottish grief are:


flowers even if you have hayfever.

other people trying to hug you despite covid

depressing anecdotes

acceptance that no, he's not just in the toilet

Judge dismisses objections to spaceport in Scotland from billionaire who also wants to build spaceport in Scotland

Danny 2

Re: It's been done before

Gordon Jackson, Donald Sinden and Ronnie Corbett all in the one movie? Wow.

Off topic anecdote: I flew into Lerwick to fix a computer in the ATC tower and was picked up straight from the aircraft. In the terminal a wheen of paparazzi cameras started flashing. I said to the driver, that's enthusiastic plane spotters. He replied, they think you are Jarvis Cocker. I replied, Aye, I get that everywhere I go. No offence but how do you even know who Jarvis is? (He was quite old and since I'd been a Pulp fan since they were an '80s Peel band I still was surprised by their success).

Oh, they are playing here tonight. Jarvis is flying in later and the rest of the group are on the ferry.

I could pay to stay overnight, what's the chances I could buy a ticket? He just laughed and laughed.

Shetland’s biggest gig – the day Pulp flew in to Lerwick

Danny 2

Re: Pray tell

"Prestwick = good roads, ridiculously close to major population"

You do realise that Glasgow Prestwick Airport is nowhere near Glasgow? The Trident nuclear missiles are far closer. Actually, there's a solution. Decommission the nukes, launch the satellites into space from the subs.

US boffins: We're close to fusion ignition in the lab – as seen in stars and thermonuclear weapons

Danny 2

Re: Self sustaining

The occupation of Afghanistan was called Operation Enduring Freedom. This was only four years after the Ian McKewan novel Enduring Love. In both cases 'enduring' was a pun, not something that lasts forever but something you struggle to survive.

Soon followed by Operation Iraqi Liberation (OIL).

WhatsApp pulls plug on Taliban helpline, shuts down official-looking accounts

Danny 2

War profiteer

I opposed UK involvement in the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan in advance, and was blacklisted for my trouble. Now that I've been proven correct I tried to ask the Ministry of Blacklisting for my career back, but I can't find their website.

In December 2007 there was a meeting of NATO foreign ministers discussing Afghanistan at a local army base so I went along alone to protest. I made 87 white crosses, one for each dead British soldier at the time, and planted them at the entrance to the base so they'd have to drive by them. I photographed it, great photo, but didn't photograph the dozens of military police surrounding and videoing me. They didn't know whether to arrest me or not because it was quite a respectful act. It was a lot of work, I could not have made 457 white crosses.

Tony Blair said in 2001 that we owed a blood debt to the US. He didn't send his son to his wars, instead he made all his family multi-millionaires. Does English law not have a 'Proceeds of Crime Act' that would permit us to seize their wealth and distribute to his victims?

Magna Carta mayhem: Protesters lay siege to Edinburgh Castle, citing obscure Latin text that has never applied in Scotland

Danny 2

Re: Mars Bar

I volunteered taking foreign students on a tour of Edinburgh, and they went on about stupid and unhealthy Scots eating deep fried Mars Bars. I stated we don't, so they went into the nearest chippy about bought one. They loved it and asked if I wanted a taste; I did not.

They asked me when Edinburgh Castle was built and I didn't know, but they were getting on my tits by then so I made something up. "It was in fact the original Strasbourg Castle, but the Scottish king loved it so much he bought it and had it shipped stone by stone to Edinburgh."

That'll teach them.

Danny 2

Re: Sumption is wrong

Aye, they should have cited the Declaration of Arbroath.

tl:dr- Scot's are sovereign not subjects, and any ruler who claims otherwise can get tae France.

A new island has popped up off the coast of Japan thanks to an underwater volcano

Danny 2

New Tectonics

My dad's an octogenarian geographer, and he surprised me by saying plate tectonics wasn't taught in his university. I'd always assumed knowledge of plate tectonics was as old as the hills, but it was surprisingly recent. The new theory rose up in the science community before gradually spreading out into academia and the mainstream. Like, after they'd exploded nuclear bombs.

Scientists reckon eliminating COVID-19 will be easier than polio, harder than smallpox – just buckle in for a wait

Danny 2

Re: Trichloroethylene increases risk of Parkinson's five fold

Thank you for the advice Dante. That'll be months from now as first I have to see a GP to get an appointment to see a neurologist, and the NHS is understandably stretched just now.

Some readers may think I'm over-reacting to my symptoms. Michael J. Fox, the poster boy of Parkinson's, was first diagnosed due to a twitching little finger and a sore shoulder.

Danny 2

Trichloroethylene increases risk of Parkinson's five fold

A couple of months ago I read an article about trichloroethylene that made me email my mate saying, "We're doomed!"

Our first employer used huge vats of trichloroethylene to clean boards and components and as trainee techs we'd have to clean out the vats. I'm sure most electronic firms did the same at the time, maybe still do.

Then last month I was so unwell I was admitted to A&E, who diagnosed a potassium deficiency. Ate a banana, then I got better, now I'm unwell again. Ate another banana, still unwell. I've not seen a doctor yet but my symptoms do fit with PD according to Doctor Internet.

My left hand is now too shaky to hold a cigarette, and everyone - everyone - put that down to my drinking too much. Hopefully I'm a hypochondriac drunk, just thought I should warn you lot.


Woman sues McDonald's for $14 after cheeseburger ad did exactly what it's designed to

Danny 2

Re: When ever I hear the word Cheeseburger...

Stranger thing, to me. I don't want to go all "Yesterday" the movie, but there was a quarter decent song song that started with 30 seconds of, "Cheese burger, please" over and over. It was funny in the eighties because I didn't eat cheeseburgers. Cheeseburgers were the enemy, initially.

I always assumed it was 'Love and Money' from their song Cheeseburger, but the internet does not validate me. I hate not being validated by my best friend the internet, it brings out my inner psycho.

What do you call a one hit wonder who never actually had one hit?

Love And Money - You're beautiful. I won't link or quote.

Danny 2

Wisdom of Solomon

The court should have found in her favour and ordered McDonalds to deliver her a cheeseburger every year for the rest of her life. In the middle of Russian lent.

THX Onyx: A do-it-all DAC for the travelling audiophile

Danny 2

I do love a great digital to analogue decoder

Audio is wasted on me though, I blew my ears standing in front of speakers at punk concerts because I enjoyed the vibrations. My favourite ever comp. tape was Bob Dylan, and the guy that made it did a terrible job, It was hissy and scratchy, but the songs were well chosen.

I had one of the first MP3 players in the UK, so I showed it off to an audiophile. He said that's crap quality. No, that's CD quality. Yes, but CDs are crap. He had shelf loads of CDS, audiophiles are rank.

I bought my parents a state of the art TV, well, a state of the affordable art TV, and I beamed at them, "Look, this is normal TV - and this is 4K TV - see the difference? "


Please, no Moore: 'Law' that defined how chips have been made for decades has run itself into a cul-de-sac

Danny 2

Are we approaching peak computing? What are the alternatives?

Adult colouring in books.


Mutual masturbation.




That's how I remember the seventies at least. Until the Atari.

You know how you've just made the latest computers mine crypto-currency? When they get sentient we'll all be working for them.

8 years ago another billionaire ploughed millions into space to harvest solar power and beam it back down to Earth

Danny 2

Simpsons did it!

The first contemporary description of the structure was by Olaf Stapledon in his science fiction novel Star Maker (1937), in which he described "every solar system... surrounded by a gauze of light-traps, which focused the escaping solar energy for intelligent use".

Dyson Sphere

84-year-old fined €250,000 for keeping Nazi war machines – including tank – in basement

Danny 2

Danny's last drive

My mum just wrecked my car through a hedge. Technically, legally and financially her car, but still I had it booked for Saturday so inconsiderate. Unroadworthy, a complete mess, and I haven't even checked on the car.

This poor guy is being forced to donate his tank, and my mum needs a vehicle that can drive through hedges. Can someone hook us up?

Microsoft to require proof of vaccination from on-site staff, pushes back full reopening

Danny 2

I don't think I will ever lose my masks, and I'm hugely self destructive. I used to assume the Japanese tourists in Edinburgh were wearing them due to traffic pollution, but apparently cooties. I'm buying bigger and better masks and will eventually have the whole Ebola gear. You people are disgusting and dangerous and I do mean all you people. I am never kissing any of you. I'd like a 27m social distance before I enter an office.

My second jab is on Saturday, I may calm down a tad a few weeks after that.

Off topic: (way off, like over the meadow and far away)

A fair few years ago I didn't eat much for three months, (extreme poverty) and since then I can't tell when I am hungry or full. That relay between my brain and my stomach has been blown. Because painful.

I'm pretty sure I just ate too much, mum's kedgeree. I'm pretty sure the previous day I was starving again because faintness from a week of under eating. Like literally about to faint, not being able to walk straight. Certainly not safe to drive. Fairly clear warning signs if your brain is working right.

One of the great things about whisky is calories. instant cure. They should give it to anorexics on the NHS. And bananas. But alcohol does not get the credit it deserves.

I heard a BBC radio 4 programme about a Russian woman in the siege of Stalingrad who stumbled across a ton load of abandoned baby orphans. No food, so she'd go to the front line and beg soldiers for vodka for them. Probably, no definitely, not healthy for them but she kept them alive.

Here's 30 servers Russian intelligence uses to fling malware at the West, beams RiskIQ

Danny 2

Re: if you know the suspect addresses

Ta Michael, that was a very detailed and informative response, If you ever need a safe house then contact me. Horrid flat, barely liveable but survivable.. You won't even meet me because I'm an utter coward.

Danny 2

Re: if you know the suspect addresses

I agree with your gist but Jakes a pal. I don't agree with him most times but this is a friendly forum. And the rule is forgive and engage

You don't have to call me Mister Danny 2. Danny is fine. .

Danny 2

Re: if you know the suspect addresses

"ALL countries engage in this kind of crap."

Mostly your country though, if Snowden is to believed. You kind of have a huge lead here. Which leads to the question why can't you, or won't, just stamp it out?

UK chancellor: Getting back to the altar of corporate dreams (the office) will boost young folks' careers

Danny 2

Talking to LinkedIn News – no, really – Rishi Sunak

Say Boris didn't exist, then this guy would have to be the stupidest, deadliest person in British history. "Eat out to help out", maskless? A truly cunning stunt.

Russia tells UN it wants vast expansion of cybercrime offenses, plus network backdoors, online censorship

Danny 2

Re: Why not go Orwellian?


I doubt you understand Orwell, or English for that matter. Try reading his books not the internet quotes.

'Prophetic' Steve Jobs autograph telling kid to 'go change the world!' among Apple memorabilia at auction

Danny 2

Re: "The kid went on to work for IBM"

I was made redundant when I was 22, and my IBM pal said, "Well you've been there five years now, at least you'll have your five months redundancy money to tide you over."

"No, no, five weeks!"

I guess that is a proud boast for younger readers but it was a cry of desperation then.

I get a £100 pa pension from Texas Instruments when I'm 65. I'm both grateful and confused because I never worked for them, but I don't qualify for a state pension so I'll take it.

On this most auspicious of days, we ask: How many sysadmins does it take to change a lightbulb?

Danny 2


I bought a PAT tester to prove my usefulness to my council employer, stealing work away from the utilities folk who complained to me. So I gave them it because deadly dull.

In the same year an overhead power cable was brought down in my village and was thrashing around sparking on the ground and my neighbours came to me to fix it. "No, that's more than 12v. I'm more of your electronics engineer. I did get taught power line reflection theory but I also got taught to stay well away from sparking power lines."

Fly this plane back to 1976

Danny 2

Fly this plane back to 1976

CNN has a '100 Greatest Speeches' segment that is basically Steven Hawking telling us we are all time travelling into the future.

I don't want to travel forward in time. Stephen Hawking did not speak/type for me. I cling to the past until my fingernails bleed.

"The past is a foreign country, they do things differently there" - aye, better. You can keep your global warming and covid and "social" media and social influencers; I'll stick with the Cold War, lead paint on toys, and unions and corporal punishment.

I yearn for the days you could actually hijack a plane - you millennials ruined all that for us.

UK arm of international charity the Salvation Army hit by ransomware attack

Danny 2

Re: Tough one

I loathe them. Where I live six churches and the Sally Ann provide an evening meal to the homeless. The SA are the only one to charge for the food, and the only one to evangelise. And boy, do they hate the gays.

There'll be pie in the sky when you die

Ecuador shreds Julian Assange's citizenship

Danny 2

"Former couch-surfing world record contender" jibe

Whatever you feel about Assange that is pejorative and inaccurate.

For a start he'd been to court, seduced and impregnated a new woman, and he'd presumably have done more if granted the freedom.

I haven't, and wouldn't. I've sat here and posted here since he went into the embassy. That's about it. A wee bit of porn, an old computer game but those are couch stuff. I wouldn't even call what I do as couch surfing, more of a dead-man's float.

I've brushed my teeth twice this year. And I bet £5 I'm not the laziest poster here.

You MUST present your official ID (but only the one that's really easy to fake)

Danny 2

Re: I met a Fridge

The thing about my CIA guy was he obviously was used to my 'fuck off' responses. They must get that every day in their job.

Politician? Nah, I'm an anarchist and await the unwilling dictatorship. No crown for me, ta.

Dalkeith, if you were wondering where the pit pony was.

Danny 2

I met a Fridge

and saw him carry a fridge freezer up three flights of stairs under one arm. Apparently being kicked in the head by a pit pony gave him superpowers.

I took a phone call from the CIA.

The guy introduced himself as so and so from the CIA, and I replied, "Oh fuck off", and hung up. I assumed it was the older techs pals in Tuscon playing a prank. To be fair, that was totally the sort of crap they did.

So he phones back and again says he's from the CIA, and they are banning my board being exported to Hungary because the relay technology is too advanced.

"Oh fuck off prick. If you read the Electronic Times you'd know Hungary just built their own supercomputer and would hardly be interested in my relays."

I was a wee bit sensitive about my relays being of the backside of the board. Form factor error in CAD.

He said maybe he should phone my manager instead, and I agreed - just stop wasting my time.

Turns out it was the CIA.


Danny 2

Re: Earthquake

I think drunks are the last people to be scared by earthquakes. Frankly we'd probably never realise.

Giant Tesla battery providing explosion in renewable energy – not as intended

Danny 2

It's just drop down dead funny

I copied this Guardian article to my three American pals. "Three Americans create enough carbon emissions to kill one person, study finds "

I told them to just stop, just dinnae dae that. Australians, did we ever need them anyway?

Hard drives at Autonomy offices were destroyed the same month CEO Lynch quit, extradition trial was told

Danny 2

I am Danny, destroyer of disks

We got a bit paranoid about disposing of data in the peace movement, pre-Snowden. Most went for hammers of various sizes to bang their old disks / browsing history. I built a furnace to smelt that aluminium. Fireclay and vermiculite cover stoked with charcoal easily gets to 800c.

I started melting friends hard drives, giving them the remains as a shaped trinket, and then I thought to offer it as a service to the general public. It turns out the general public are all just paedophiles or drug barons, so I broke my furnace.

I have several disks of mine left to destroy but my last fireclay ironically was destroyed in a fire.

eBay ex-security boss sent down for 18 months for cyber-stalking, witness tampering

Danny 2

I have a fun slightly eBay related story

I hate people who use the drunk excuse too, but you are smearing us all with it unfairly. I am a tad more sensible drunk than most of you lot are sober. I would never blame booze for anything except sexual performance.

Two almost famous anarchists asked me to drive a refrigerator/freezer they'd bought on eBay from Falkirk to Glasgow because it wouldn't fit in their car. It kind of would have. Took two hours to get there because Multimaps wasn't that accurate at the time.

I quickly noticed I was doing most of the heavy lifting. Typical lazy anarchists. We get to their flat, I unload it (alone) and they say the lift is broken, could I help lift it in? I thought they were nice people at the time. "Sure, what floor are you on?"


I've got a broken combine harvester – but the manufacturer won't give me the software key

Danny 2

Re: Only half the story

@Mike 137

I totally get owning the best kit, I just keep on forgetting that life moves on without me. An old Fluke 8845? Sheesh.

I have a joke for you, but it's true. As a teenager I designed a very expensive, but not as expensive as your meter, VMEbus board. The company had a board meeting to launch it, I wasn't invited because I was a teenager plus I was still busy testing it. The board went on fire. I tried a second board, and it went on fire too. Now in my defence I was a teenager as previously mentioned, hormones and stuff, but I burst into the boardroom and interrupted my managing director, shouting, "You can't release it! It bursts into fire!"

Turns out I was putting ten times more current into it than it could take. I learned that the "Fully Calibrated" sticker on a meter does not equate to fully accurate. I should have tried a second meter instead of the second board, logic failure due to flames.

Danny 2

Re: Only half the story

A £1.5k DVM? Seriously? Wow.

I've a £370 Fluke 87. Some idiot drowned it in water and it didn't work for ten years, then I saw a youtube video that explained how to fix it. Nobody ever believed how much it cost because it looks like a £30 model. But yours cost £1500, and it broke - ouch! My sympathy, but you had too much money.

What does a £1.5k DVM even do? Work on astrophysics problems in it's spare time, or is it gold plated and diamond encrusted?

Iranian state-backed hackers posed as flirty Scouser called Marcy to target workers in defence and aerospace

Danny 2

Non grata

My Iranian girlfriend (unless she was a scouser pretending) said she was going back to Tehran to see her family. I said I'd join her because I'd love to see her country and meet her parents. "No, silly, they'd kill you."

"Your parents would kill me? I mean I don't actually like meeting parents but that is the best excuse ever."

"No silly,, my parents would love you. The mullahs would kill you., and they'd kill me too. We're not married."

The best girlfriends leave you with anecdotes rather than STDs.

UK regulator Ofcom seeks more powers to deal with mega constellations

Danny 2


Speaking on behalf of rebellious Scots, Glasgow manufactures more satellites than anywhere in the world outside of Houston.

So far these are just used to surveille Edinburgh, but they could be deployed over England. Take them down.