* Posts by Danny 2

2212 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Jul 2009

Chris Morris jihad film good to go

Danny 2

The terrorist as clown

Morris could have made this movie about the Weathermen or the Angry Brigade or other countless historical troupes, so it should be viewed as an exposé of that mind-set rather than a belittlement of Islamic terrorism. Watch any serious documentary about 1970's terrorist groups and you'll find the details cringeworthy in their stupidity. The fact any of their acts had any impact at all is more a reflection on the Keystone Cops chasing them and 'The Day Today' media sexploiting their 'spectacle'.

The closest I'll ever get to this world is nvda, and my experiences were beyond pastiche. Take five well meaning, intelligent people plus an idiot and you end up with six idiots.

In-depth probe fails to hit the G-spot

Danny 2

Up the fabled North West Passage

Nonsense, I've found three of them right where they're meant to be. In one girlfriend in particular it started off as a tiny spot and grew with stimulation to be a pronounced horn a few millimetres high. Great for her, and great for me on those occassions sex was just another tedious chore like emptying the buckets or doing the dishes.

'Alien spies live among us' says Bulgarian gov space boffin

Danny 2

Cut 'em Up

Since the Bulgarian Georgi Ivanov was in space 12 years before Britains Helen Sharman maybe we shouldn't mock. The Britons who have confessed to making crop-circles should be dissected immediately as a precautionary measure. At best, we will find alien intelliegence, and at worst we will lose a few clowns like Doug Bower and Dave Chorley.

Police Intelligence may be a thing of the past

Danny 2

Das Leben der Anderen

The intelligence will still be gathered, just by a competing security service.

A DI helped me try to prosecute a corporation on war crimes charges, which was very decent of him. He mentioned in passing a peaceful activist who had publicised police attempts to recruit them, saying 'What do they expect? We have to do our job'. When even decent cops think it is their job to infiltrate peaceful groups then we really are just 'East Germany with computers'.

EU gifts Ireland €14.8m after Dell Limerick shutdown

Danny 2

Dell Limerick were eejits

I went for a job interview there once, and encountered ageism for the first time. The first question at the interview was "The average age here is 27 - do you really think you'd be able to fit in?" I was 32, and they obviously didn't. Plus they'd promised to pay my travelling expenses and reneged on that.

Needless to say in my next role I was able to change the 'buy Dell' policy to 'buy anything but Dell'.

Irish brogue voted world's sexiest accent

Danny 2

Unfair, unscientific and rigged

"Our beloved English accent" ? I came in third myself, but beyond that, which particular English accent ? And accents vary hugely within countries, so it would be better to vote on regional voices. Even women who like Glaswegians will find an Aberdonian accent abhorennt.

That is a weighted survey, since it is only women voting on what is attractive in a male voice. If you factor in the gay vote then the Scots would beat the Irish, gays always prefer a Scotsmen to another-wise equal Irishman, perhaps because we're slightly less homophobic or maybe just for the kilts.

Besides, some accents sound very differently between depending on whether it is male or female speaking it. I think most people of a certain age still flinch instinctively at the sound of an Afrikaner accent of whichever gender, for no good reason anymore, so such a poll should be adjusted for social background and age to be accurate.

Plus, do the survey sample have to give their top ten in order, or did they simply vote for their favourite? I think that is another step that would factor out the obvious anomally of Irish being considered sexier than Scots. Any result should factor in the obvious bias towards certain accents in mainstream media - meaning the the 'Colin Farrell' effect should be factored out. Of course Colin Farrell is more shaggable than Sean Connery today, but if my mate John was plastered all over Hollywood then Scotland would regain it's top-spot.

The Register should run it's own poll on the sexiest female voices to add to this important research. I vote France, but I want to change my vote to Scotland if Ireland is winning.

Guardian in hot water over activist face flash

Danny 2

@Phil - and employers

I agree with your comment but I'd like to point out these people probably drew attention ( oppression) onto themselves by being competent at the task they have assigned themselves. I've worked in a lot of blue-chip companies filled with far less competent, honest, ingenious and hardworking employees than many of the blacklisted or unemployable dissidents who suffer from blanket discrimination.

Chomsky said we are all primarily selected from infancy for obedience, and it is true. Even without political opinion, the people who are first made redundant in any company aren't the incompetents, it is the people perceived as troublemakers by incompetent or competitive superiors. This bias is magnified when you boss knows your politicl opinions. It is possible for a worker to be promoted while labelling themselves as an anarchist, but you only if you have already made yourself indispensible. In this poisoned climate, with state oppression and intimidatory sites like RedWatch, it is not generally acceptable to print or even reprint other peoples idenities without express permission.

Ex-GCHQ chief compares Iraq whistleblower to Soviet spy

Danny 2

Family as in Mafia

GCHQ is a family in the same sense the Mafia are a family, except without the mafia code of honour. To manipulate and lie a nation into a genocidal war is the greatest crime of all and undermines democracy and the rule of law. This treacherous, petty and shameless little Gestapo kapo should be hunted down by the relatives of the squaddies he sent to die.

Police charge anarchist over G20 protest network

Danny 2

A 'self declared anarchist' ?!!

Does that make Chris Williams a 'self-declared journalist' ? It may sound more liberal prose than 'self-confessed anarchist' but the implication is the same. You don't after read here about Bush being a 'self-declared republican' or Thatcher being a 'self-declared tory'.

The word 'democrat' was at one point in history a vague insult in the western world, during the reign of kings. The words 'dirty democrat' would have ran together like poison in wine. Today the word 'anarchist' is taken to be demeaning, despite high profile anarchists like Noam Chomsky being voted the worlds favourite intellectual and most quoted living author.

Anyone here who has broken the most minor law, when they knew it wasn't sensible to abide by it, dropping litter or speeding or whatever, you are all anarchists too. We are the majority.

10,000 Hotmail passwords mysteriously leaked to web

Danny 2

Hotmail isn't changing passwords just now

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It's been like that all day.

Arms biz: Your taxes mainly go on our fat salaries! Ha ha!

Danny 2

Starting from false assumptions

The Taliban didn't "plot to blow up skyscrapers in Western cities", Al Qaida did and General Paetrus says there are no Al Qaida left in Afganistan. So whatever the argument for the war - and like many people I always argued against it - 911 is no justification for the ongoing occupation. Terror groups should be interdicted like criminal gangs, not with occupying armies, perhaps by special forces and intelligence agencies.

Lewis claims a poll shows most people supported the war at the time, but the public were being misled and misinformed by the media and even by the questions in that poll. 70% said they supported action if more than 100 Afghan civilians died as a result. If they had been asked would you support the action if more than 30,000 Afghanis and hundreds of British died, as has happened so far, or that the 'action' would last for 50 years, then the figure would have been significantly lower. Most Brits were assuming the timescales would be similar to the Falkland campaign because that is what the media inferred.


Office admin sacked for Blears abuse

Danny 2

New job opportunity

She should stand against Blears at the election.