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Show where the past 25 years went. This article should have a warning, nostalgia is a nerve agent. Now I'm going to have to email my first love and drink a bottle of whisky.
2212 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Jul 2009
I signed a contract once for a very good wage that stated if I broke the contract, left the contract, or even failed to turn up on time then I owed the umbrella group Alexander Mann £10,000. They mucked me around and I walked, and they threatened me with the £10,000 clause. Total BS. My brother in law is a QC and he told me the contract was "restraint of trade" and no court would pay attention to them. It's a scare tactic.
About 12% of companies have a pro-female pay bias. For example Smirnoff.
I saw abother study last year that showed British females aged 22 to 30 earn more than British males aged 22 to 30, which could be seen as progress but equally could be seen as dirty old men employing sexually eligible young women.
Any gender imbalanced working environment is sexist, as explained by Gorky.
26 Men and a Girl
And you know he was correct because he had a park named after him, and someone made a movie about the park.
I'm confused by you stating IT is a brutal meritocracy while admitting a lot of guys only occupy space. If it was a genuine brutal meritocracy then those male space occupiers would be cut, and I suggest many of them would be replaced with more competent females. My contention is IT is largely an idiocracy. In the 1980s and 1990s a whole wheen of incompetents were attracted in to a profession they have no skill or aptitude for, and have now risen to management positions.
Worse, even many of the genuinely talented engineers and programmers have poor "man"-management skills.
A lot of the IT gender pay grade differential seems to me to be down to fewer women in better paid roles, due to fewer women training for those roles *and* fewer women who do train for those roles being welcomed.
In my experience the fewer female workers were ecouraged and promoted by employers when productive, but because it is an overhwhelmingly male industry then there is a culture of sexism that has actually got worse over the past thirty years that is discouraging to females.
Paris Hilton, because I'm talking about us.
Download the for The Lost Worlds of 2001
I'm not being helpful, just pointing out the irony...
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"In 1940 the elected president of Catalonia, Lluís Companys, was captured by the Gestapo, at the request of Spain, delivered to them and executed. Today, German police have arrested the elected president of Catalonia, Carles Puigdemont, at the request of Spain, to be extradited."
It is factual. It is certainly undiplomatic but that could be considered a virtue. Why has Germany arrested a Catalan democrat while Finland and Belgium didn't?
Spain is not good at this democracy game, they are new to it, but what is Germany's excuse?
Well, there is British music which is quite wonderful music, and then there is American music which is a bit rapey.
We've heard US politicians saying he should be killed. We know there is a 'secret' Grand Jury to extradite him. We've seen how Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning have been treated. His fears are rational, even if he isn't often rational.
I reckon a month inside and a guarantee of safe conduct to a third country is the most sensible option. Let him go to Ecuador or Australia on his release, but guarantee he won't be sent to the USA. Problem solved.
Contempt of court is an utterly silly charge, and the maximum sentence reflects that. A month inside and a £2500 fine - I think Julian would jump for that 'punishment' compared to his current situation.
I mentioned here a couple of years ago I was thrown out of my own trial for wearing my jacket disrespectfully in court, before the court had started, and then was charged with failure to attend trial despite my best efforts to get back in. That was so damn silly that I'd have to plead guilty to contempt of court from the start if I ever end up in court again.
Anyway, I think Assange faces the more serious charge of skipping bail, but the years confined to a pokey room in an embassy with only morons for company should be taken into account.
I'm uncomfortable with the hateful tone of many of the comments here.
I don't agree with a lot of Assange's decisions and I wouldn't want to have him staying in my flat. He strikes me as a bit of a narcissist with Asperger's. But he started off as a good programmer and a lot of his work at Wikileaks was very important. His fear of extradition to the US is rational.
I particulary dislike the earlier jokes about prison rape. When wider society jokes about this, it enables it. That is the case in the US which some say is the only society with more raped men than women, and a recent Howard League report shows an increase in the UK, at least 1% of prisoners here. Bear in mind all of us could make one bad decision and end up behind bars and we would want to be treated decently.
I'm not a St Julian fanbois, but I don't approve of the gloating either. I also disapprove of the expense of this case, the cost of his surveillance. It's irresponsible to extradite anyone to the US, and if Assange is willing to spend time in a British prison for skipping trial in exchange for no extradition to the US then that seems the adult solution.
Cambridge Analytica tweeted, "Cambridge Analytica subcontracted some digital marketing and software development to Aggregate IQ in 2014 and 2015."
AggregateIQ released a statement, "AggregateIQ has never entered into a contract with Cambridge Analytica."
They are mutually exclusive claims, unforced lies. C'mon boys, get your story straight before putting your foot in your mouth and shooting yourself in the foot.
"O wad some Power the giftie gie us, to see oursels as Facebook see us!"
you've quit Facebook
ahead of me
we've fallen out
at least on this we agree
so don't come around
no checking up on me
since we've fallen out
i've been left here to seethe
and your enemies
became my closest friends
since we've fallen out
fallen right over the edge
my patience wore
and my temper thinned
since we've fallen out
never to make up again
such a waste of a friendship
since we've fallen out
spiralled out of existence
so forget that we happened
i've picked over the bones
since we've fallen out
i've tortured and torn
my soul from its core
my soul is ripped from its core
since we've fallen out
i don't believe anymore
The sheer number of shell company names suggest planned malfeasance, especially Aleksandr Kogan's 'cloak and data' pseudonym Aleksandr Spectre.
An innocent company wouldn't have paid those huge legal fees to buy time, and whatever skeletons were in those crates hastily removed on Monday, shamelessly under the journalists noses, will be disappeared by now.
The delay in getting a warrant hints at corruption or complicity within the British establishment and highlights that the ICO should no longer be required to obtain a warrant.
Facebook's complicity is shown by its legal threats against The Observer before publication, but it's lack of legal action against Cambridge Analytica for reputational damage after losing many billions of dollars.
Hawking wasn't even knighted, even Ringo Starr is a Sir. Seb Coe was made a Lord.
Richard Dawkins complained recently that people mistake him for Hawking - aye, he wishes. Let's bury Dawkins at Westminster Abbey, alive, at least up to his neck. If information isn't lost then can we really die, at least if we post here enough?
I hope one of Hawking's fans create a mini black hole that swallows up the abbey.
There is a story in The Guardian just now that ties the two stories together. An award winning journalism student accused her boyfriend of leaking nude selfies online and he denied it. She'd sent them via Facebook. It's entitled "What I learned when naked pictures of me were leaked online", apparently not ironically.
The emergency services can just break down your door if they suspect there is a crime being committed or if someone is at risk, this case proves the ICO is ineffectual. Also, their maximum fine is £500,000 which is peanuts for companies like Facebook, so why not add the threat of prison sentences too?
I was going to request an icon of a man stroking a pussy, but I suppose that would be misused.
[Facebook] provided him with an anonymised, aggregate dataset of 57bn Facebook friendships...
Kogan was publishing under the name Aleksandr Spectre at the time. A University of Cambridge press release on the study’s publication noted that the paper was “the first output of ongoing research collaborations between Spectre’s lab in Cambridge and Facebook”.
Not him, he wasn't there, but maybe someone else who was slipped that way. There are too few known details to guess though but he shouldn't blame himself.
Here is an idea, maybe some Reg reader closer to Surrey could offer him some computing security advice? If only to assuage him of responsibility.
I politely disagree because you don't need to understand a technology to be affected by it. Non-military people should be able to write about wars to use an analogy. I'm slightly impressed Macwhirter didn't label it Open Authentication.
He is not alone among non-technical journalists arguing for greater regulation, such as
I'd comment on Macwhirter's article to suggest new legislation so the ICO doesn't require a warrant to raid premises in future, but I'd have to use a social media account to log in!
I find it very suspicious that the ICO still doesn't have a warrant to search Cambridge Analytica, or that they haven't responded to CA's claims that the company had been cooperating contrary to ICO claims.
I noticed one US commentator claiming Cambridge Analytica's Facebook micro-targetting can't be that effective because it didn't work for Ted Cruz, and secondly because they wouldn't have to offer dirty tricks and honey traps if it did.
I don't find that convincing because Cruz lost in the Primaries, and perhaps was intended by Mercer to lose. It seems to have worked elsewhere including Kenya, although we can't know how many times it failed to swing an election, but it seems criminally reckless in Kenya due to previous electoral violence there. Indeed, even to consider a Sri Lankan client is morally bankrupt for the same reason.
This is at least as big a scandal as the NotW hacking scandal, and I'd suggest banning the Mercer family from any corporate involvement in the UK.
I just had to install Windows 10 from scratch on a Lidl tablet for my mum, Took me two days on a fast internet connection, Effing insulting. Forced me to create a disposable outlook account, and then whined when I didn't want Edge as the default browser? It used to be bimbo~ware, now it is Putin~ware. I feel dirty.
What I Saw Treating the Victims From Parkland Should Change the Debate on Guns
Pai shows typically bad judgement associating with the NRA just as the rest of corporate America are distancing themselves.
In Leaked Chats, WikiLeaks Discusses Preference for GOP Over Clinton, Russia, Trolling, and Feminists They Don’t Like
Off topic but I thought this may interest some of you. Some of the commentators are interesting if you can guess the names. I don't want to comment there but I am out of popcorn.
"I do not wish to leave out an important branch of this subject, for it is a danger from which princes are with difficulty preserved, unless they are very careful and discriminating. It is that of flatterers, of whom courts are full, because men are so self-complacent in their own affairs, and in a way so deceived in them, that they are preserved with difficulty from this pest, and if they wish to defend themselves they run the danger of falling into contempt, and popcorn being passed."