* Posts by Danny 2

2212 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Jul 2009

Your job was probably outsourced for exactly the reason you suspected

Danny 2

Re: re: Once it's safe to go home, go home - Ms Patel, Mr Sunak.

Who am I racist against? Well, yer English and Americans and Italians, but that doesn't count, they are the same race as me just less pale..

I volunteer with refugees. My favourite was a Palestinian who hated Scotland. "Everyone is racist, the food is awful, and there is no sun - how can you live without a sun?" Folk are normally overly polite so she made me laugh. So why don't you go back home? "Because they'd kill me". Fair enough.

I'd like an end to borders, multilaterally and simultaneously, but removing ours unilaterally is just inviting the worlds poorest, it will impoverish us - and I'm already poor. I'd like to expand the number of refugees we take by a huge number, but on the understanding they go home when it is safe for them too.

My Palestinian pal had a Kurdish pal. They were both treated well. Crappy flats admittedly, albeit better than mine, but free cars, decent clothes. He went home to Iraq for a holiday to visit his family. I ask you, if you are able to fly home for a holiday are you really a refugee?

Try to lecture me about anarchism Sabroni. Half wit.

Danny 2

My last contract in England was in 2000, £28ph, and I quit after a month because it was awful living in a B&B in Norwich surrounded by English folk. I enjoyed the work, learned a lot, would have stuck it out if it wasn't for the costly, ghastly B&B, and half my money going to tax.

I was replaced by six university graduate Indian MCSEs. Now I wasn't earning six times the minimum wage so they were being paid less than the national minimum wage, which Norwich Union could get away with because they were on one year contracts from their Indian branch. That is one way to avoid outsourcing, insourcing.

I'm a bit nativist but not racist. My family has been supporting two Indian girls who were ignored by their parents once a younger brother was born. One is coming to stay for a year but apparently can't speak English very well so won't be able to use her nursing qualification here. I have a plan. Sit her in front of my mum's huge TV playing all 9 series of 'Still Game', and coax her to repeat the spraff. Dissnae matter yer skin colour or race, if you can adopt the accent and the vernacular then you are accepted as a Scot.

I'm an anarchist, I think, but I opposed the 'No Borders' campaign. My forebears fought and died for workers rights, unions, social care, and the only people who benefit from sudden mass migration are landlords and business owners. I think we need to re-think the Refugee Convention. Once it's safe to go home, go home - Ms Patel, Mr Sunak.

Danny 2

Re: $110,140 is not much in US...


I don't like to admit it on an international forum but care in the NHS has declined sharply and remarkably in the past decade. We still spend half the amount of GDP on healthcare that the US spends, and still have better outcomes, but it is not what it used to be. 'Free at the point of delivery' is meaningless if it isn't delivered.

Weigh your positive experience against survivorship bias. My dad died last year partly because the ambulance centre two minutes walk away took thirty minutes to get here, and then the hospital five minutes walk away wouldn't admit him because they don't do trauma. What sort of hospital doesn't do trauma?

It's funny how one, two and then three rotten Tory governments can undermine a national institution. Let's just take our current incumbent. His Brexit bus said £350 million per day could go into the NHS instead of to the EU - could being the operative word, didn't being the qualifier. 40 new hospitals turns out to be 2 new hospitals. Nurses rely on food banks.

I can't get my teeth fixed unless I claim Universal Credit, which risks my flat. I've got an ophthalmologists appointment tomorrow which I certainly need but never asked for as I haven't been able to see a GP in years, but my first thought was, "It's a trap!"

Oh, and it's far worse in England. All their NHS records are monetised and come with adverts now.

Russian ChessBot breaks child opponent's finger

Danny 2

Chess anecdotes

Me and my ex-fiancee would play chess naked in a big bath. I miss baths. Her too.

Me and my best pal played chess on LSD. I was the better player, he won. It was psychology 101, he would take 30 minutes to make a move and I'd respond instantly freaking him out. "I won!"

Did you?

Drugs and chess are far more fun than drugs and sex. Not just chess, al sorts of games - Crossfire on speed!

Rejoice! System Administrator Appreciation Day (SAAD) is nigh

Danny 2


A sys admin helped get me sacked once, for no good reason. I figured that out but 'magnanimously' offered him a lift home, way out of my way.

All the drive I was thinking, "On coming traffic or the road ahead." He certainly deserved a crash, but I'm an engineer, the oncoming traffic didn't deserve that.

I was demoted to sys admin in Holland once, it was horrific all that porn taking up a quarter of the server I'd suddenly inherited. And what to do about it. How to look people in the face next day.

I've been fired, says engineer who claimed Google chatbot was sentient

Danny 2

Chess robot breaks finger of seven-year-old

Chess robot grabs and breaks finger of seven-year-old opponent

Violent annoyance is a sure sign of sentience. My nephew Lee was way better than me at chess when he was seven, better than my chess computer. I was humbled and impressed, but you know, annoyed.

Dad however flipped the chess board over when Lee was beating him. My arrogant QC brother in law phoned me for the first and only time to ask me the rules of capturing en passant, I told him to phone Lee instead. He said he was playing Lee. I told him to trust him, he didn't need to lie to beat us.

When robots start hurting smart-arse children, then that is proof they are human and should go to prison. And no chessboards or videogames in the cell.

Danny 2

The Tourette's Test

I, for one, think Musk/Bezos/Zuckerberg may be almost sentient. Sorry, I don't know who runs Google now - LaMDA?

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

My Big Coin founder is – you guessed it – a $6m crypto-fraudster

Danny 2

Bewre the dead cat bounce

My rich sister's dog just died. It was a rescue dog, she only had it a year or two, it never liked her. She liked it, she spent £15,000 on it in vet bills. Eye cancer, all sorts of cancer, all sorts of other things too - more disease than dog.

If I had cancer she'd wish me well, maybe, but she wouldn't send me a present. The last present she bought me 2004 was a charity donkey in Africa I've never met. I hope it never gets cancer.

I can't convey to her how much £15,000 is for, you know, ordinary people, because she'll reply, "I support 36 different charities."

It costs less than £50 for a vet to put a dog down humanely.

A peace activist pal with MS said to me, "I can no longer keep my chickens, can you take care of them for me?"

"Sure, my uncle and grandpa were poachers, I don't mind killing them for you."

Misread the room. She meant take care of them, as in care for them, raise them up and send them to college. Kind of lost a friend with that.

£15,000 effing pounds on a random dog - you can take out a professional hit on a human for £2000 - don't ask me how I know.

Chip shortages hit hard at Yamaha's musical instrument business

Danny 2

A Tale of Two Ex's

Two relationships I failed.

Dutch girl, well woman older than me, upright pub piano, she would belt out songs joyfully and had a decent recording history with cool bands. If you hum it, she'll play it. Plus, stuff that would just chill your soul and make you cry.

Finnish girl, far younger than me, slightly depressive, very posh piano if not grand, never played it once in front of me. I asked her why she wouldn't play it for me. She had been rated, I don't even know how pianists are rated, but she decided she wasn't good enough and retired as a teenager. She kept the piano but only played it when alone. It was heartbreaking! I could only play the first line of "Oh Flower of Scotland", I would have been impressed by anything, but no, in her head, "I should have been..."

Help desks use the put down, "The problem lies between the keyboard and the chair."

True, but too casual a dismissal.

After 40 years in tech, I see every innovation contains its dark opposite

Danny 2

Re: Agree, Agree ..... 1000 times agree !!!

Ouch, I winced when I read that 'joke' this morning, and am grateful for the downvotes.

I'd withdraw it but that seems dishonest, so I'll come clean like any politician would -

1) It was a different time. I was very young back then, that's not who I am now.

2) My account was hacked, a big boy did it and ran away.

3) Someone spiked my water with whisky.

Danny 2

Re: Agree, Agree ..... 1000 times agree !!!

Ted, are you asking me to polish up on my Dante? Because I've been polishing up little Dan all day.

[Dutch joke, the Dutch will get it and explain it to the Italians]

Danny 2

Re: Agree, Agree ..... 1000 times agree !!!

"a sign at the entrance of the Metaverse - "Here Be Dragons""

Some folk like dragons, such as the Welsh and Chinese.

Lasciate ogne speranza voi ch'intrate - abandon all hope, ye who enter.

Tesla jettisons 75% of Bitcoin holdings, boosting cash balance by $936m

Danny 2

Re: Twitter fine?

$1bn is pocket change? My tightest jeans fall down if I have more than £15 coins in my pocket, I can't imagine the problems poor Elon faces maintaining his dignity, or his love life.

The most beautiful woman I've ever seen said she loved me, and I wanted to marry her, but I suspected she might love me because of my money and influence. I decided to test her, I quit my job and gave up my car, etc. Aye, she dumped me instantly without apology, went back to her fat drab accountant ex.

As a romantic man that was a damn close escape. As a walking appendage to a penis, that was my worst decision. The scientific method is trial and error, Musk has erred and is heading to trial.

More and more CS students are interested in AI – and there aren't enough lecturers

Danny 2


About 15 years ago, maybe 25, I spoke with a bunch of Edinburgh University computer science students and asked what they were studying. AI, to a man. I burst out laughing because they didn't see a problem with this, even career wise. Nobody on databases? Nobody on processor optimisation? No language developers?

They think it is cooler than other specialities and will pay off big time any time soon. And those things are true for a very few of them, eventually.

A girl at a gig asked me what I did once, and was obviously contemptuous. "So you make the world go a little bit faster?"

"Not just that, more importantly I make a lot of low skilled people unemployed."

Next time a girl asked me, "I don't do anything, I never did nothing."

UK government refuses public review before launch of NHS data platform

Danny 2

Ophthalmology appointment

I've got an appointment with an ophthalmologist on Monday. Which is great because I really need one as anyone reading my posts knows. I only found out by chance just in the nick of time because I got a hand held magnifying glass and was finally able to read the last years snail mail.

My one worry is how the hell did they know? I've not been able to see a GP in years. Did an El Reg editor or reader arrange it for me?

[It was funny reading a year's mail all at once in order. Council is demanding £160 tax. Council takes me to court. Council sends me a cheque for £130 for the pandemic, that I can't cash. Council send me a £150 rebate on my tax. Council takes me to court again for £10. Council sends me a cheque for £150 for the cost of living crisis, that I can't cash. I'm on the waiting list for an ophthalmologist. Ive got an appointment with an ophthalmologist. My appointment with an ophthalmologist is cancelled. New appointment with an ophthalmologist. I just phoned the council and they suggested I see a moneylender. "Do you mean like Raskolnikov did?" "Hold on a minute, I'll need to ask someone.."]

Engineers on the brink of extinction threaten entire tech ecosystems

Danny 2

Chip in

I got a decent apprenticeship at 17 with a US blue chip. We had to do an Electronics & Electrical qualification at a tech college one day a week for four years, and then another year Software Engineering. Like someone previously mentioned if you are competent in various machine code then C is a squoosh. We were one of three major companies on the one campus, with scores of wee supporting companies, so if you need a PCB you'd just walk over to the PCB firm.

Learned more at work than in college as my colleagues knew far more than the lecturers, but also techs would teach you stuff like soldering a 1cm cube of wire - which seemed pointless but taught you not to over heat and cause a dry joint.

One career high was designing a high speed board CERN bought but my name wasn't on the patent because I was a teenager.

Apprentices were rotated around departments. I remember I fixed eight boards in the test department and the tech there knocked me out - I thought he'd be impressed but he said, "You've just passing through, we have to work here and you're making us look bad." So next day I only fixed four.

I hated the clean room because I had to clean out the tanks of trichlotoethylene, deadly stuff, - without protective gear - plus the female operators were just so course and loved to make me blush. I had fun with the liquid nitrogen but again, no protective gear. I made a snowman that lasted until summer.

Things started to go downhill with surface mount components, pgas and asics. Fault-finding to component level went out the window, they'd just throw away the board and replace it because it was cheaper. How is that cheaper? "Because we soon won't have to employ you!"

They made me - my whole division - redundant on the day of my fifth year. I was a bit shocked because I was brilliant, had sailed through the apprenticeship, our R&D division had just made it's first million pound profit so I'd cancelled my mortgage insurance. Do I get the 5 year £500 bonus? No. Can I at least get the company tie-pin? No.

The big companies started moving out to the far east, their support companies went burst, and for a while I was jumping from sinking ship to life-raft to flotsam.

Then I went into computing, which still had plenty of jobs, was better paid and was far easier. No offence!

Some of the senior engineers started up their own companies but they all hit the same problem - they were working class so couldn't get investment here. Many of them moved to the US.

Hush now: Baby talk has common features across languages and societies

Danny 2

Ding Dong!

My first words, indeed my only words for three years, were, "Ding Dong!"

Mum must've bought me an ice-cream cone from an ice-cream van one day. And every day the van would visit I'd assume she couldn't hear it so I'd shout that at her to alert her.

I was a late talker - why bother when your favourite thing only needs two words? I was taken to a speech therapist later because I'd say words backwards, I don't know what that saw about. I can't recall the treatment but it was the '70s so probably involved drugs, shock collars and needles under my nails.

Danny 2

Re: "a special connection to infant care in human psychology"

"Klingons don't sing, they growl."

That's speciest! Klingon opera is widely regarded as being better than American opera. Like German opera but less aggressive.

Copper shortage keeps green energy, tech ventures grounded

Danny 2

Have you ever spent the night in jail? Well I have

Two cell mates discussing a factory burglary - "No, don't go for the contents, go for the copper wiring behind the walls, that's where the money is."

Long before his death my dad couldn't recall what cables went where or why, but I am sitting in a copper gold mine, with a huge stash of pasta and vegetable oil. Mums house is an effective Faraday cage thanks to dad's DIY wiring. The wiring is probably more valuable than the house.

Being declared dead is automated, so why is resurrection such a nightmare?

Danny 2

Dick Laurent is dead

My mum has had awful stress declaring my dead dad dead. It was killing her but it made me laugh. Every petty little company or office wants the original death certificate mailed to them, and then take weeks to return it. Pensions, bank accounts, benefits, humanity I hate you.

She asked me what I'd learned from her ordeal. "Well, don't store your death plans behind a picture on the wall. And when you die I'm not going to tell anyone, I'm going to taxidermy you to your seat with a cup of tea in your hand, like Norman Bates."

She laughed.

I actually told the same joke to my dad before he died and he was fine with that, his one question was, "Who is Norman Bates?"

We used to live locally, your bank manager, insurance agent and whatever would hear when you die. Computer says no.

North Koreans spotted harassing SMBs with malware

Danny 2

The Terminal List

It's a Prime Video series about a nefarious security corporation. Halfway through there is the line (from memory):

"He accessed the internal server. We don't know what he downloaded but we suspect he gave it to a journalist"

THE internal server? Only one server for a corporation? And it wasn't logged to see what was accessed, but you assume it went to a journalist for no apparent reason?

Scripts that SEALs enjoy aren't scripts we'd enjoy. But I'll watch the rest anyway because I'd like to be a SEAL, although I'd rather be a seal.

James Webb Space Telescope looks closer to home with Jupiter snaps

Danny 2

a new El Reg standard unit of measurement?

The BBC went through a decade or two of comparing everything to the surface area of Wales. I don't know if it was just one journalist, or a deliberate insiders joke, but it culminated in something astronomical being compared to the weight of Wales.

The weight of Wales?! Is that right down to the centre of the earth or just the topsoil and coal heaps?

Danny 2

Re: So this is what they spend our money on…

The telescope also looks back in time. If they pointed it at the earth then they see what your neighbours were up to before you posted, or evolved, or whatever you've been up to.

Microsoft tests CD ripping for Media Player in Windows 11

Danny 2

Re: When some hipster shows me vinyl....

The Computer Aided Design joint versus the artists joint

In the mid to late eighties my trouble girlfriends trouble friends would compete to make the bigger joint. I couldn't compete until I was sent on a Mentor Graphics CAD course then I built the biggest joint any of us had ever seen. It was like two hand lengths. It was an engineers joint par excellence, like a rocket ship. It helped I had more money than those doleys, but the structural integrity came from the CAD.

I never thought I'd see a better or bigger joint. 15-20 years later I'm in a Moroccan coffee shop in Amsterdam because I prefer being the only white guy in the room and the snacks are better. Some genius had made a joint in the shape of a rose, for his girlfriend, must've taken him weeks. Totally impractical to smoke compared to mine but a thing of beauty. They must've put it behind the counter for him night after night.

My humongous rocket ship didn't compare to his perfect rose so I gave up and stuck to jointjes after that.

Danny 2

Do you remember the first time?

'94 or '95, borrowed the first recordable CD kit I'd access to. I'd rewritten the ROM so it could record audio, learned how on my snazzy 14k modem, then I invited three pals around to all burn their very first audio CDs. Albeit from my record collection, but I had 500 albums, 700 singles and they only had to choose ten or eleven songs each. Everyone got drunk, everyone was happy, I dunno if minds were blown but for once I was the coolest kid in the room.

I'd made about 5,000 compilation (mix) tapes by then because piracy was fuelling music, and it was an art form. But burning CDs was a game changer as they say now.

Last compilation CDs I gave and got, 2006. I had to make my niece a comp for her 21st and had to have one of my friends help me. He pontificated, "As anyone familiar with the 21st century knows it has to be on Spotify..."

Oh, eff off you sanctimonious twat, I can remember you calling a 3.5" floppy disk a hard disk because it was hard.

Pulp - Do You Remember The First Time?

NYC issues super upbeat PSA for surviving the nuclear apocalypse

Danny 2

You gotta laugh

There are X Berths around the UK where British nuclear-armed subs go to berth. I had to explain to a young peace protestor that they weren't going there to give birth to mini-subs.

Two decades ago the Royal Navy were forced to give disaster contingency plans to the local communities. I went along to the one in Skye, Broadford bay, I arrived late but was made to feel special because the MoD plod had reserved me the one free seat in the middle of the crowd, and every RN officer made eye contact and spoke directly to me. They seriously overestimated my peace protester, anarchist abilities.

I said nothing, asked nothing, did nothing but observe, yet it was hilarious and nearly ended in a riot.

The first part of the plan was police cars would go around with loudhailers announcing instructions and distributing iodine tablets. First question: "A lot of old residents here are deaf and won't hear that, what about them?"

Second question: "You said injured people would be removed from the blast radius and evacuated to Broadford hospital, but on your map Broadford hospital is within the blast radius - did you not notice that in your planning?"

Third question: "You crashed a Trident sub into the Isle of Skye earlier this year, for the second time. Have you considered Sonar, or even a tourist map?"

Danny 2

Re: Hmmm…

An unarmed British Trident missile was test-fired towards the coast off Africa, but instead flew towards Florida. It was put down as a malfunction but I reckon it was a warning shot to Trump in Mar-a-Lago.


Trident missile misfire off Florida: When did British PM learn about it?

Last December mum asked me when I thought war in Ukraine would start. 2014. But when would the new invasion take place? Feb.22nd. But will it lead to nuclear war? Mum, look at us both, it would be a mercy if it did.

There is a brilliant documentary on iPlayer Storyville just now, "On the Morning You Wake Up to the End of The World". It's about how folk in Hawaii reacted when they got a false alert they were about to be nuked.

These centrifugal moon towers could be key to life off-planet

Danny 2

The Father Thing

Dad died last year. The previous few years were a bit rough in terms of science fiction because he went off fiction. For example he wouldn't watch Picard because it was fiction, despite owning every Star Trek episode and movie. He loved 'Dark Matter' and tolerated 'The Expanse' because, who knows.

I was bought up with a wheen of sci-fi books - your Brian Aldiss, your JG Ballard, your HG Wells, your Isaac Arthur, your Horselover Fats. All first editions.

Weirdly the most valuable book he gave me was 'Franny and Zooey' by JD Salinger, signed by JD Salinger. It was pretty wrecked before I got it and I loaned it out until it was totally wrecked. I didn't believe it was a genuine signature because dad had faked the signatures of the moon landing crew on a record sleeve of the landing. But dad never knew who Salinger was.

Apology for the eulogy.

I think we should make artificial gravity 2g, so they are strong enough to kick our ass.

First-ever James Webb Space Telescope image revealed

Danny 2

Re: Still missing?

"Any sign of god?"

Yes! The brightest stars are all sexagrams, or hexagrams if you are an unsexy Greek. Exactly like in every naivety Christmas card above the manger.

I'm a life long militant atheist but that photo has convinced me there is a G~d, and we need to learn their pronouns as they/he/she seems to be transitioning.

Leaked Uber docs reveal frequent use of 'kill switch' to deactivate tech, thwart investigators

Danny 2

Le Taxi

Because of the Macron link I think I should issue a cautionary warning. Le Taxi is French police slang for a police truck where they put people they don't like and beat them up.

I had the temerity to complain at a Ryanair desk about Ryanair causing me to miss a Ryanair flight, and the dastards went and called the cops on me. A rotund, uniformed pensioner pulled a gun on me for reasons beyond my ken, and said he was going to call me a taxi. It didn't sound like much of a threat but I only got a B in my French O Grade. Some Arab French guy rescued me and explained it. Say what you will about Arabic French but they know fine well the police vernacular.

Second tip: never, ever enter a queue in France that has a British/American flag on it - it's a trap!

TL;DR - If a French cop mentions the word taxi then call your own taxi and flee.

Joe le Taxi

US military contractor moves to buy Israeli spy-tech company NSO Group

Danny 2

Abu Ghraib torturers

L3 were one of the main torturers at Abu Ghraib. They called themselves Titan back then, then L3 but this is them. You got to worry about any company that rebrands itself every few years.

Now you may think torture during the Iraq invasion was justified. No. Torture doesn't produce good intelligence, and even if you don't care about the innocent Iraqi victims then maybe you care the awful intelligence led to US soldiers dying. They'd just round up a bunch of innocent civilians and torture them to meet their quota. This created ISIS.

Now you may think that they'd be punished for their war crimes, but no, the only people punished at Abu Ghraib were a few lowly GIs - and every whistleblower.

Please do ask me more, this will be my chosen subject on Mastermind.

Microsoft resorts to Registry hack to keep Outlook from using Windows 11 search

Danny 2

Called off the search due to bad weather

An MS search on my computer means leaving it on all night and expecting to be disappointed the next morning. I often find stuff faster by sleeping on it and remembering where I put it.

I am a big fan of Protonmail, but the free version search has never worked once for me. I picture it saying to me, "That's a secret above your pay grade, if I told you then I'd have to kill you".

Boris Johnson set to step down with tech legacy in tatters

Danny 2

Re: Only one person can save is now

Keir Starmer can run as Tory party leader now that Durham police have cleared him.

MPs swap parties, and that is the PM that Labour would fear most at a general election.

Danny 2


The first female French PM, Édith Cresson, visited my council. She declared all Scottish men must be homosexuals because none of us looked at her when she walked down the street. She looked a bit like Boris Johnson in a skirt, or Ann Widdecome in a skirt. Aye, and we also try not to look at car crashes.

She said homosexuality is an anglo thing, you don't get it in latin nations. Really? Big fan of Ricky Martin no doubt.

As a supporter of Scottish independence I am sad to see Boris Johnson almost go. Luckily he has surrounded himself with loyal idiots who will ensure his legacy until the next General Election.

Favourite tech moment: when he defeated a zip wire and demanded a ladder.

Elon Musk considering 'drastic action' as Twitter takeover in 'jeopardy'

Danny 2

Not going to Mars, going for a Mars bar

Good name in man and woman, dear my lord, Is the immediate jewel of their souls: Who steals my purse steals trash; 'tis something, nothing; 'Twas mine, 'tis his, and has been slave to thousands: But he that filches from me my good name robs me of that which not enriches him and makes me poor indeed.

Germany unveils plan to tackle cyberattacks on satellites

Danny 2

Re: File this under 'Aye, right'

I'm not the least bit worried because I wasn't signed up for the Official Secrets act, it was public information in the organisation I was in.

I admit I was worried the first time I posted it years ago inn case I was pressed for an identity, but then I never knew for a fact who it was. It's basically hearsay so go ahead and claim a reward for dobbing me in if you want, just cut me in for 10%.

Danny 2

File this under 'Aye, right'

This is one of these 'I don't care if you believe me, why would I lie' anecdotes, which I have posted here years ago.

My Dutch ex-fiancee told me that one of her pals had hacked a British satellite and changed it's orbit. I mansplained .to her that what she meant to say was her pal had hacked satellite communications bandwidth, and what she claimed was impossible.

Couple of weeks later I read on a high security intranet that a British military satellite had been lowered in orbit until a £10 million ransom was paid. Never made the press for obvious reasons.

UK signs deal to share police biometric database with US border guards

Danny 2

Re: Dependence day

Trump's Menie golf course is remarkable only for the environmental damage, the loathing of locals, and the broken promises on employment. The Samantha Bee show had a very funny expose called "The Original Trump Haters" which includes an angelic 7 year old stating, "Donald Trump is a c--t". I posted that far and wide online and was surprised to get a lot of criticism from New Yorkers who all claimed, "WE are the original Trump haters!"

Trump also bought Turnberry at the other end of the country, a reputable club until then. It was removed from the PGA tour and since then it's main income was secret service agents that Trump insisted stay there while he toured the UK.

An independent Scotland will keep Elizabeth as queen and head of state, so Balmoral, Holyrood and the various other estates will remain in her hands. Personally I hope we don't replace her with Charles when she goes, maybe Harry as he seems fun and his wife is fit.

I maybe coined the term 'disneyfication' to describe Edinburgh's council prioritisation of tourism over locals - in fact I certainly did about two decades ago but presumably other people did too independently.

Danny 2

Re: Pass the parcel

"Here in Scotland the rules are different. Just arrested they must destroy."

Must - who checks that? I can assure you they don't, unless that is a recent rule change. I asked them why they'd stop taking my DNA swabs a decade ago - "We've already got it." "So why do you keep taking my fingerprints?" "That goes on the paperwork."

Danny 2

Dependence day

It's July 4th in Scotland today, to be fair it's probably July 4th in a lot of places, but I'd like to Register my displeasure at my data being shared with the US. Not that I'd ever go there again voluntarily. The US was dodgy in the eighties but now it is Super Talibanistic Extradite Atrocious.

I had to fill a hot water bottle yesterday afternoon. That's not a complaint though I do miss summer, it's a boast when the rest of the world is suffering from deadly heatwaves and floods and we remain gray and windy. Our biggest threat from Global Heating is climate change refugees, and I think we should exclude Americans, Australians, Canadians, Chinese and Indians - they know why.

An American comic, Colbert, just asked Britain to take back America, but we can't, we have nowhere to put it.

British Army Twitter and YouTube feeds hijacked by crypto-promos

Danny 2

Dad's Cyber Army

I couldn't decide whether Musk or Putin should replace Hitler in this song, I just want our non-British pals to hear it:

Bud Flanagan - Who Do You Think You Are Kidding Mr Hitler?

California state's gun control websites expose personal data

Danny 2


"I think I should know if my neighbors have private arsenals"

Careful what you wish for! Anyone will be able to look up homes like yours that are unarmed, except for that double-edged sword.

A better way to find out which of your neighbours have arsenals is to talk to them for five minutes, or step on their lawn.

Google location tracking to forget you were ever at that medical clinic

Danny 2

Lawmakers v. The Scientific Realities of Human Reproduction

The New England Journal of Medicine pointed out that now life is legally at conception, then any couple who use IVF are guilty of mass murder.


10 year old rape victim had to travel between states to get a termination - that sounds like a logical fallacy but sadly it is a recent example of the effects of a supremely stupid religious court.

Whatever hit the Moon in March, it left this weird double crater

Danny 2

Re: High angle of impact

"Bill Gray, a developer building software for professional astronomers, who first predicted the impact"

Bill, experts like you are meant to stay above the line. We don't like people who know what they are talking about below the line, it just makes the rest of us look bad.

The prevailing theory below the line so far is the crater was created by Clangers, but like you I disagree. Personally I suspect the Soup Dragon, but I'm willing to call the Astronomer Hotline.

Big Tech silent on data privacy in post-Roe America

Danny 2

Compulsory vasectomies

Compulsory vasectomies for all US males at age 12 would slash the number of abortions. Couples could then apply for a court order to temporarily reverse the procedure in order to breed.

That way the intrusive medical burden would be passed onto the males who frankly seem far more vexed by the issue. Put your balls where your mouth is or STFU.

Cisco quits Moscow

Danny 2

Re: It's not enough

You have to strike right inside Russia...if you want them to...depose Putin."

Quite the reverse. Putin cemented his hold on power by blowing up apartment blocks in Moscow, killing hundreds of Russian civilians, and blaming it on Chechens. There is nothing Vlad "Why are you hitting yourself?" Putin would love more than if Russia was actually under attack.

By all means send more Himars with longer range missiles, strike Russian supply lines close to the border, but any attack on Russian civilians in Russia is playing into his hands.

NSO claims 'more than 5' EU states use Pegasus spyware

Danny 2

Re: .....or use a 2G so-called "feature phone"........

Umm, you are kind of both wrong, kind of.

If you buy your burner from a supermarket then they will have CCTV footage of you up to a year later - so plan ahead.

I clicked on to UK surveillance before Snowden, realising I'd been a target. I warned a famous (in our circles) anarchist that he was being targetted. "Don't be paranoid, why would MI5 waste time monitoring me?" "I dunno." A few months later his best mate was exposed as a police infiltrator.

To paraphrase John Donne, you can wonder why the bell is tolling for you but it is tolling for you.

Danny 2


"Amendment Rights and being based in Israel, have far more relaxed rules on spying on overseas targets."

The US doesn't have any rules on spying on overseas targets. We don't have any Amendment Rights, hell, I'm not even allowed to own assault rifles. The fuss over NSA spying was due to US citizens being 'inadvertently' being caught up in mass surveillance of foreigners.

Microsoft pulls Windows 10/11 installation websites in Russia

Danny 2

Re: I resisted for all of 20 seconds

"how DO you say 'Windows' in Russian?"

These is the windows you about to accidentally fall out of.

Micron aims 1.5TB microSD card at video surveillance market

Danny 2

Mid '90s and I worked in Pinkhill, Edinburgh for the CAA. I plucked a 2mm camera on a half centimetre circuit board out of the sole of my shoe. I looked at it and looked at it then told my colleagues, "That's a camera, that is scary."

"Oh don't worry about it, they just make soft toys for children down there." Not reassuring, in fact far more alarming. I wasn't a parent but couldn't understand why parents weren't concerned by this. I never again masturbated in a hotel, never nude unless in a group.

μSD is inherently scary at any capacity because you can swallow it and shit it out without data loss. Or so I've been told by prisoners.