Re: Sigh
@First Light
There are many aspects of the US judicial system that are better than the UK judicial systems. Swings and roundabouts, there are many aspects better here. We both have room for great improvement.
If I publicly smeared a non-paedophile as a paedophile then I'd be gaoled in the UK. Understandably, because the victims of that smear are at risk of vigilantism due to my false statement. We have a wide variety of invective and inventive insults here.
Vernon Unsworth was a hero who risked his life to save children, and was exhausted by his super-human effort.
Elon Musk might have genuinely wanted to help, but to me, the world and my dog he seemed to be a billionaire trying to get publicity for a daft idea on the back of other peoples risk. The fact he inserted himself into that potential tragedy was forgivable, but smearing one of the rescuers was utterly, irredeemably immoral. Classic Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
Musk's subsequent lies, demanding an apology from his victim, playing the victim, and then getting off in a clear cut case in court is indicative.
It indicates Musk is evil. It indicates the eight jurors are either evil, stupid to the point of evil, or just plain corrupt.
Vernon Unsworth is a hero. Elon Musk is a liar, a smearer and a zero.
You know in Britain, this wouldn't be a civil case, this would be a criminal case and Musk would be in prison tonight for at least a year. Unless he bought our court like he obviously just bought yours.
The monetary claim for compensation is a separate issue. Vernon could have been awarded a dollar and that would be just as just as $190m. The verdict is a sham though, and yet another stain on the declining idea of the the USA.