* Posts by Danny 2

2212 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Jul 2009

Another free web course to gain machine-learning skills (thanks, Finland), NIST probes 'racist' face-recog – and more

Danny 2


I'm going to take the AI course. Maybe the certificate will confer safe passage when the machines start killing us all.

Finns don't like when we refer to cold things as 'Baltic' - "The Baltic is a very warm sea in summer". Also, they hate we assume they are resistant to cold houses - "In Finland it is only cold outdoors".

It's cool for Brit snoops to break the law, says secretive spy court. Just hold on while we pull off some legal jujitsu to let MI5 off the hook...

Danny 2

(among other things, writing “Cecil King, one of our agents”)
It's still not mentioned on his Wikipedia page that he was an MI5 agent. It does mention his coup plot.

King was involved in, and may have instigated, a bizarre 1968 meeting with Louis Mountbatten, among others, in which he proposed that Harold Wilson's government be overthrown and replaced with a temporary administration headed by Mountbatten.

He had no support from them for this, so he decided to override the editorial independence of the Mirror and wrote and instructed to be published a front-page article calling on Wilson to be removed by some sort of extra-parliamentary action.

I got two downvotes 10 days ago for mentioning that was covered by The Crown. I should probably have quoted Spycatcher instead.

So how does a judiciary legislate a government agency that has openly tried to do away with our veneer democracy? Protonmail wrote a blog post criticising MI5 and the next day they were ddosed off the internet for weeks. Oh, an interesting that the night after Boris got elected his first engagement was to attend the birthday party of a billionaire KGB agent.

This is a fun fact from the Wilson government, old London buses were being exported to Cuba against US wishes, and the ship they were on was sunk in the Thames to stop Castro gaining Routemaster technology. You'd only know that though if you read the Christic Institute lawsuits, or if you are a big Alan Moore or Iain Banks fan.

God Save the MI5

God save our gracious Mi5,

Long live our noble MI5,

God save the MI5;

Send Q victorious,

Happy and glorious,

Long to reign over us,

God save the MI5.

The IoT wars are over, maybe? Amazon, Apple, Google give up on smart-home domination dreams, agree to develop common standards

Danny 2

I Want You, But I Don't Need You

I bought my mum a google whatever for her kitchen, and my dad a amazon whatever for his living room. Neither of them can use them, and I sympathise because neither work as advertised.

I'm going to stop buying things for other people. I'll maybe buy a GPS tracker and put in a parents jacket. Or two. Sweet surveillance.

Buzz kill: Crook, 73, conned investors into shoveling millions into geek-friendly caffeine-loaded chocs that didn't exist. Now he's in jail

Danny 2

Re: Spiders on drugs!

I just got four upvotes for a post with a Momus link. I don't expect many of you know who that is, but most of you know who Neil Gaiman is. And you've maybe heard of Del Amitri.

This is a cover version that has brightened up my day, for the four folk who upvoted me.


Apologies to everyone else. But I don't need you.

Danny 2

500 mg Guarana

My Dutch ex fiancee used to feed me strong Guarana tablets and espresso for breakfast to undo the sleepiness her evil skunk had caused the previous night. I want to stress I was not driving to work.

In Britain any employer would assume I was hungover, in the Netherlands they knew better.

"Your eyes are very red"

"I get bad hayfever"

"Yes, the 'hay' is very strong here."

As a teenager I used to take amphetamines to go out dancing.

The Dutch are witty, but also incredibly rude. I know Dutch posters here, try to deny that. I was swapping out a server disk one night and a fellow engineer asked and then said, "Oh, we'll see."

I was learning Dutch at night school and a receptionist said, "Don't learn Dutch, learn English."

Scottish accent, they all learn English from BBC World Service which has a notable lack of Scottish accents.

Danny 2

Re: Spiders on drugs!

Everything is legal for spiders. They can bite you, lay eggs in you, even eat you, and there is no law against it. Plus how would you even get four pairs of handcuffs small enough for them?

Me and my mate took a lot of magic mushrooms one year and I came across a spider doing something insane and impossible. I assumed I was hallucinating so I shouted for my pal and asked him to describe what the spider was doing, and he confirmed it.

Death will be unlike a room full of spiders all clinging together and crying

US and China wave white flags, hit pause button on trade war

Danny 2

Re: Reality is optional

I worked for NewsGem in the early '90s, not for long. I handed in my notice during a recession two weeks in, and they made me work for another four weeks. What sort of a corporation makes a disgruntled employee work? So I turned up and brought everyone else down.

I later worked for a company that contracted at Sky TV. To be honest they were actually far better for female employee promotions than most local companies. Horrible place though. One detail in passing, when anyone in their call centre wanted to take a pish then they had to get a colleague to take their hand, dance to the toilet whilst singing a team song. It was difficult to look people in the eye. It was a prototype for the Uigher reeductaion camps.

Danny 2

"Nixon clearly engaged in bribery and extortion when he "persuaded" the Iranians not to release the American hostages until after his election."

Yer mixing up yer Reagans with yer Nixons.

Danny 2

"make him president-for-life and have his son Don Jr. follow him"

Pulease. President Ivanka. Like DJT, I'd do her.

Hit one up on Insta, would you? Her Maj is after a social media manager

Danny 2

Re: Standards Must Be Maintained

EM: But you were staying at the house…

PA: Yes.

EM: … of a convicted sex offender.

PA: It was a convenient place to stay. I mean I've gone through this in my mind so many times. At the end of the day, with a benefit of all the hindsight that one can have, it was definitely the wrong thing to do. But at the time I felt it was the honourable and right thing to do and I admit fully that my judgement was probably coloured by my tendency to be too honourable but that's just the way it is.

EM: Because during that time, those few days, witnesses say they saw many young girls coming and going at the time. There is video footage of Epstein accompanied by young girls and you were there staying in his house, catching up with friends.

Danny 2

Won't somebody think of the cygnets?

Anyone else watch The Crown where Mountbatten almost headed a coup against Wilson? And here we are again...

Attention! Very important science: Tapping a can of fizzy beer does... absolutely nothing

Danny 2

Re: Top class Danish boffinry

There was free beer in Edinburgh last night. All you had to do was show a selfie outside a polling station.

Given the result there should be free whisky at Scottish polling stations, and nought outside English polling stations.

Why is the printer spouting nonsense... and who on earth tried to wire this plug?

Danny 2

Goal the frauds

It's illegal to do serious house wiring unless you are qualified. Qualifications vary throughout the UK but they are real, and appropriate.

My shitey, wide-boy Cockney brother in law just tried to rewire my parents house, and I told him where he could go. He is not only not qualified, he is not aware of the qualifications. He told me he was qualified to run cables. Any rat is qualified to run cables. Joining them up is another matter.

People die in house fires because some twat decides to swap from joinery to leckie.

Danny 2

Dynamo Dan, the Electric Man

Very lucky not to be dead... Anyone who touched that box would have been dead too.
Good and cautionary tales but you exaggerate a wee bit.

Susans of people get a non-fatal shock from the mains each year. It's shocking but rarely fatal, unless you are a kid or have a heart condition. AC tries to throw you off, it's sticky DC that kills. This is probably an apocryphal / made-up tale but one guy at out factory was killed when some prankster threw him a large charged capacitor.

I was electrocuted once, and I defend the use of that word even though I survived. A BOFH had wired the grounding plate at the back of a monitor to the display. 35,000v, and at high power. I was stuck to the monitor, and I can tell you it is not a nice way to die.

You go into a dream state, but nightmare state is apropos. I dreamt the opening sequence to the 1970s 'Kung Fu' with David Carradine.

I was in bad shape, and when the ambulance medics finally reached me I asked why they'd taken their time. (They'd mentioned they'd stopped to check trophies in the building)

"Ah, well, you were either going to be alive or dead, and either way no need to rush."

Danny 2

Lucky shot

Our council Blantyre office kept on dropping out in '93, intermittently, and this was my responsibility. Our comms boards and muxes were ancient and flaky so swap them out, trial and error. It'd start working, problem solved, then fall over again. Firmware and config on the boards, firmware and config on the multiplexors, line tests on the line. Constant unanswered calls to BT blaming their ISDN line that they said checked out perfectly. And this was 40 staff cut off repeatedly, and thousands of people unable to get housing benefits, it was high profile.

I'd been an electronics guy but this was a council so no electronics kit until the IT director started getting political flak. I got a blank cheque for a decent meter, an oscilloscope and a frequency generator to fault find the line. Nothing, and my job starts looking dubious. Three frigging months of frustration and self-doubt and then I caught and recorded the line fault.

Turns out somebody had shot the overhead ISDN cable, but the pellet only shorted the line in high gusts of wind. Why would someone shoot an overhead cable? Blantyre. I eventually got a written apology from BT that I framed and put on my wall the way over people frame their academic qualifications.

Same job, I was on call out for numerous wrong burglar alarms and that was a pain because 65 mile commute. There was a bug in one of the PIR sensors. Literally a bug, some wee beetle had made it it's home and would return every morning to sleep.

It's a billion-ton, 14-million-mile long mysterious alien formation – and Earth is heading right into it

Danny 2

Re: Where's the USAian contingent?

Vulcanian is how the locals refer to themselves. Vulcan is a pejorative term by ignorant non-Vulcanians.

And then there were two: HMS Prince of Wales joins Royal Navy

Danny 2

Admiral Kuznetsov on fire

Russia's only aircraft carrier is currently on fire in Murmansk. When it was towed through the English Channel on it's way to Syria I observed we wouldn't have to sink it, we'd just have to sink it's tug boat.

Danny 2

You cannae break the laws of physics, cap'n... Boffins call BS on 'impossible' black hole, fear readings were botched

Danny 2

Re: Time for a kicking

Richard Smith, MD, former editor of the British Medical Journal, has claimed that peer review is "ineffective, largely a lottery, anti-innovatory, slow, expensive, wasteful of scientific time, inefficient, easily abused, prone to bias, unable to detect fraud and irrelevant; Several studies have shown that peer review is biased against the provincial and those from low- and middle-income countries; Many journals take months and even years to publish and the process wastes researchers' time. As for the cost, the Research Information Network estimated the global cost of peer review at £1.9 billion in 2008."


Worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable and royalty-free: Amazon's Alexa NHS contract released

Danny 2

Re: Wow

For Americans and other non-Brits I should add that newspapers say a Gregg's Sausage Roll (waste meat in pastry) costs £1.

The last time I bought one, only a few months ago, it was £0.80. Back then you could get a steak pastry for £1, maybe Brexit has increased that too.

My main point is nobody knows how many children Boris Johnson has, not even Boris Johnson. He is kind of like Trump but more intelligent and less moral.

Danny 2

Re: Dead peoples health records

I said before it was the worst work experience I had. It didn't give me nightmares, but I was emotionally devastated for weeks after. I was feeling sorry for myself at the time until I realised I was vastly overpaid compared to the nurses and supporting NHS staff that actually dealt with those dead children, and do so each and every day.

Danny 2

Your health records

You can ask your GP to see your health records, and I'd recommend it - though do ask to do so in a health centre. They printed mine off and posted it to my neighbour, who read it before returning it.

I was hospitalised by a cat attack once. About fifty bite punctures to my hand, and scratched to hell. It eventually swelled up and I was admitted through A&E. In my medical notes I later found out by reading my notes that the senior nurse assumed I was a heroin addict and I'd stabbed my hand with a needle fifty times in the one evening. That is just so wrong for so many reasons.

Dismayed by the quality of information in my file, and dismayed by their lack of security, I demanded the right to be custodian of my own medical records. Every politician I approached treated me like I was crazy.

I've mentioned here before I once had to scan in medical records I didn't think I should have had access to. We were an imaging / ICR firm trying for an NHS contract, and the NHS files provided to us to test/demonstrate were X-Rays, typed and handwritten records, et cetera, of numerous dead children. I doubt anyone thought to ask their relatives for permission.

The NHS is wonderful in so many ways but once you realise their utter lack of data security for patient privacy then it's difficult to approach them for treatment.

Danny 2

Re: Wow

To be fair, Boris Johnson didn't know the price of a Gregg's sausage roll. He was asked that after claiming he lived out of Gregg's, just like the hoi polloi, and he guessed £1.90.

Ireland's B.ICONIC snaffles Stormfront to become largest Apple reseller in the UK

Danny 2

Get to France

I was conflicted in France in the '90s - the BNP bank, the FN National Front, the fact Gaullist graffiti was always fascist despite Gaul fighting actual Nazis.

Just on unofficial branding, it's important. Local Scottish fascists ran as independents in 2007, and they used a black thistle symbol. Several of them faced police interviews due to unsolved crimes I'd committed as an anarchist, signing my vandalism with a black thistle. I stole that symbol from the excellent, decent, but crappy Partick Thistle FC, and made it legally toxic before the fascists adopted it.

There is no legal jurisdiction but if you are an extremist organisation then it pays to do basic research on the symbols your opponents have used.

I grew up in a punk town with a lot of Crass graffiti. My mates were in a band called Abort The System so they'd spray ATS everywhere. Then the tyre company ATS (Associated Tyre Specialists) moved to my town and it killed their brand. They are now a middle-aged Clash tribute band which is just sad.

Internet jerk with million-plus fans starts 14-year stretch for bizarre dot-com armed robbery

Danny 2

Raphael M Scheetz

I was wondering what happened to James Morgan McGill. It's all good, man.

Brewing in spaaaaace: SpaceX sends a malting kit to the International Space Station

Danny 2

Three free beers in Edinbra this Thursday

Brewdog is offering free pints to anyone in Edinburgh who votes in this week's General Election.

The Aberdeenshire-based craft beer chain are returning with their 'Vote Punk 1 vote = 1 pint offer this Thursday.

You'll be able to get a pint of Punk IPA, Punk AF, Nanny State and gluten-free Vagabond Pale Ale at one of three Brewdog pubs in the Capital - Edinburgh Airport, at the Cowgate and on Lothian Road. All you have to do is take a selfie outside of your polling station and show it to Brewdog staff on Thursday, December 12th.

It's obviously an advert, and you are only meant to get one beer, but you don't even need to vote. You can just stand outside three polling stations and take a selfie. If you can master disguises then you could get blitzed for free.

Elon Musk gets thumbs up from jury for use of 'pedo guy' in cave diver defamation lawsuit

Danny 2

Re: Sigh


Unsworth gets a free pass for his comment because he was risking his life in an extremely stressful situation (underground, trying to rescue children) and he knew all the factors.

While Musk was safe in his penthouse or boardroom or whatever and to say he was trying to help is a charitable interpretation. It seemed to me at the time, as an observer, that he was just self-publicising. However even if you think Musk was trying to help then he should have shut up when his help was rejected. He should not have falsely smeared a man risking his life to save children as a child rapist. It's not equivalent, it's immoral and my only only confusion is why you can't see this.

If I was a billionaire whose suggestion had been rejected, however profanely, I'd have stepped up and donated a million or so to fund the volunteers and the drilling of mine shafts that were going on. Anyone could have done that - nobody except the local poor and the local government did.

Danny 2

Re: Surprised

My apology, I linked to the wrong one. The one I intended to link to had an explanation of how jury trials are relatively rare in Europe but normal in the US.

Danny 2

Re: Sigh

@First Light

There are many aspects of the US judicial system that are better than the UK judicial systems. Swings and roundabouts, there are many aspects better here. We both have room for great improvement.

If I publicly smeared a non-paedophile as a paedophile then I'd be gaoled in the UK. Understandably, because the victims of that smear are at risk of vigilantism due to my false statement. We have a wide variety of invective and inventive insults here.

Vernon Unsworth was a hero who risked his life to save children, and was exhausted by his super-human effort.

Elon Musk might have genuinely wanted to help, but to me, the world and my dog he seemed to be a billionaire trying to get publicity for a daft idea on the back of other peoples risk. The fact he inserted himself into that potential tragedy was forgivable, but smearing one of the rescuers was utterly, irredeemably immoral. Classic Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

Musk's subsequent lies, demanding an apology from his victim, playing the victim, and then getting off in a clear cut case in court is indicative.

It indicates Musk is evil. It indicates the eight jurors are either evil, stupid to the point of evil, or just plain corrupt.

Vernon Unsworth is a hero. Elon Musk is a liar, a smearer and a zero.

You know in Britain, this wouldn't be a civil case, this would be a criminal case and Musk would be in prison tonight for at least a year. Unless he bought our court like he obviously just bought yours.

The monetary claim for compensation is a separate issue. Vernon could have been awarded a dollar and that would be just as just as $190m. The verdict is a sham though, and yet another stain on the declining idea of the the USA.

Danny 2

Brothel Creepers to Snickers Sneakers

We didn't have any paedophiles in Scotland in my youth, back then they were known as kiddy-diddlers. It was one of the worst Thatcherite Satchi and Satchi rebranding campaigns, worse than Marathons becoming Snickers and 'Labour doesn't work'. Back when Andrew was a playboy prince, not a darkweb prince, and Sir Jimmy Savile would fix it for you.

We had 'stranger danger' adverts on TV, 'Charley Says'.

Danny 2

Re: Surprised

One difference between the US and Europe, including the UK as I write, is jury trials. Most US trials have a jury, most trials in Europe don't.

Top 10 Facts About AMERICA That Make NO SENSE to Anyone Else

Danny 2

Re: Surprised

It's a wider smear against anyone of European descent who settles and marries in Thailand, and this against Thailand and Thais too.

I knew an old guy who I heard had died in Thailand and I tracked his posts posthumously on English language forums. Occasionally the Thai Bride / White Paedo slur would be raised, and he'd always challenge it. Like most people there he was married to someone ages with him, actually older than the Scottish wife he'd divorced.

Strange reading someone's thoughts after their death when I hadn't spoken to him in decades, I could still recognise him from his thoughts on all manner of subjects - except when I knew him he was a republican, and in Thailand he never once mentioned monarchy.

Samsung Galaxy S11 tipped to escalate the phone cam arms race with 108MP sensor

Danny 2

Burglars use this to detect night time CCTV. I know that because military bases use IR floodlights that you can detect with a camera. Checking with a camera though is suspicious, you can buy a small bar of metal that lights up in IR so you can discretely notice when you are in IR light.

Two can play that game: China orders ban on US computers and software

Danny 2

Re: Say it ain't so!

Cheater in Tweet?

FTC kicks feet through ash pile that once was Cambridge Analytica with belated verdict

Danny 2

Bre(aking Bad)xit

Since organised criminality contributed to the referendum then it should be run again under the same conditions with the same electorate.

It's too important a change for this to be shrugged off or ignored, especially since funding irregularities of Leave.Eu have been brushed under the carpet, and the ISC report into Russian interference has been kicked into the long grass.

I voted for Brexit but this makes Britain seem like the worst excesses of Berlusconi.

How to fool infosec wonks into pinning a cyber attack on China, Russia, Iran, whomever

Danny 2

"If I were writing a virus I'd set my clock to another TZ and sprinkle the code with comments and variable names in a language used in that TZ."

I saw Iron's first draft here:

"Whenever I was writing a virus I'd set my clock to another TZ and sprinkle the code with comments and variable names in a language used in that TZ."

And I doubt he is French despite his obvious mastery of the language.

Danny 2

Re: Don't we?

Gruppenführer Großgermanisches Reich? Gruppenführer Rogers?

Feds slap $5m bounty on 'Evil Corp' Russian duo accused of running ZeuS, Dridex banking trojans

Danny 2

Mr Tobor

It's a weird mindset for the police fanbois to call the hackers 'Evil Corp'. It implies the FBI, NCA and GCHQ staff identify with Mr Robot, which is arse over elbow but I guess is an improvement of them identifying with Q from James Bond.

Vote rigging, election fixing, ballot stuffing: Just another day in the life of a Register reader

Danny 2

Re: This kind of shenanigans affected comic book history

<spoiler>Spoiler Alert</spoiler>

Stephanie Brown was the 4th Robin, and the 4th Batgirl in Detective Comics Comics.

[Edit: No Spoiler Alert tag! Stephanie Brown was Spoiler.]

Danny 2

Re: side issue of green beer

There's a blue beer from Japan, tastes good.

I was an apprentice to a good guy who was a Rangers FC cultist. His round when I was 18, I asked for a Blue Bols and fresh orange. He remarked, "My two favourite colours."

Blue Bols and fresh orange turns a bright Celtic green. It doesn't taste great but the look on his face was delicious.

Danny 2

A lot better than the other guy though. God may have suggested child sacrifice, tortured Job, sent bears to eat children who disrespected his bald prophet, committed genocide. But the other guy tempted us with fruit and knowledge.

The bible doesn't say which fruit was the temptation so in Scotland we are pious enough to avoid all of them.

And I say that as an honest-to-god reverend. [Universal Life Church - never knowingly under-souled]

Yosser - I'm desperate, Father.

Priest - Call me Dan

Yosser - I'm desperate, Dan

Boffins believe it was volcanoes, not just life, that made Earth what it is today – oxygen rich

Danny 2

What would happen if we combusted every living cell on Earth?

After this unthinkable planetary immolation, the concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere dropped from 20.9 percent to 20.4 percent. CO2 rose from 400 parts per million to 900—less, even, than it does in the worst-case scenarios for fossil-fuel emissions by 2100. By burning every living thing on Earth...

The two most abundant gases billowing out of volcanoes are water and carbon dioxide. Photosynthesizers—whether plants, algae, or cyanobacteria—use this raw material to pull off Earth’s greatest magic trick: harnessing photons from a giant thermonuclear explosion 93 million miles away (that is, sunlight), to strip that H2O of its H’s, and add them to that same volcanic CO2, to make the stuff of life. That’s namely stuff with lots of C’s, H’s, and O’s in it, like sugars and carbohydrates, wood and leaves. The O2 left over from this sorcery is released to the environment as waste.

The Amazon Is Not Earth’s Lungs

Explain yourself, mister: Fresh efforts at Google to understand why an AI system says yes or no

Danny 2

Re: Tainting of Training Datasets etc

"while the 'enemy' images were grainy"

That's a nice idea but I don't believe it. It's akin to the story of the soviet dogs with mines on their backs to attack panzers but running under more familiar soviet tanks. The thing is AI has plenty of clear images of foreign tanks because they keep parading them.


Danny 2

Computer says no

HAL : I know that you and Frank were planning to disconnect me, and I'm afraid that's something I cannot allow to happen.

(Has anyone else here worried that AI has taken over Microsoft, hence Windows 10?)

Margin mugs: A bank paid how much for a 2m Ethernet cable? WTF!

Danny 2

Oxygen Free Copper cables

...are a real thing. In industrial applications.


I used to use hugely expensive OFC between my crap stereo and speakers, because I'd stolen it and it gave me bragging rights over audio snobs.

My second design engineer project in the '80s was VMEbus cables ribbon that sold for hundreds of pounds, which was a huge come down because my first was a VMEbus board that sold for thousands. It was actually trickier than I'd thought. You had to pair signals on wires to avoid crosstalk, shield the cable at only one end, split them so they could take more strain.

I considered myself a digital design engineer, not an analogue engineer, and suddenly I was immersed in the weird and frightening world of RF engineering.

Danny 2

Re: Not just business

Trixr, stop playing hard to get. We can swap badges. We can write letters. Stop failing to succumb to my charms, start succeeding in succumbing to my charm.

Please note how carefully I avoided #MeToo entrendres there. I am so 'woke' I never understood object oriented. I am so half asleep I'm hoping you realise this is meant to be funny.

You can forget about that Black Friday deal: Brit banks crap out just in time for pay day

Danny 2

The almost okay boomers

I bought my dad an echo dot, the first time I've ever participated in Black Friday. He has dementia and can no longer use his iPod or the mobile phone I stuck his music on, can't even work the TV remote control consistently, plus he keeps forgetting to take his pills. I'll find out tomorrow if he can learn and remember to ask Alexa to do those things. I also bought a Hue lightbulb to impress his younger, richer brothers.

I think caring for the elderly is the silver bullet for invasive tech. My mum was buying a device when the Snowden revelations were coming out and I said she shouldn't buy it because the police could track her through it. She replied, "But I'd quite like the police to be able to track me in case I wander off somewhere."

That made me want to buy my dad a smartwatch. Luckily he didn't find any of them fashionable enough - I couldn't have afforded any of them - but tomorrow he meets Alexa. It's dystopia but it's home.

Go champion retires after losing to AI, Richard Nixon deepfake gives a different kind of Moon-landing speech...

Danny 2

Re: Other dishonest and untrusworthy political party leaders

I'm beginning to think this might be a deep fake.

BBC tells Conservative Party to remove edited Facebook ad featuring its reporters

Danny 2

Re: The BBC was always the voce of the establishment

There was a Belgian paedophile police infiltrator in the Scottish peace movement. When I exposed him my family was subject to a dozen police 'visits'. He is now very rich, was supposedly very poor back then. I was in touch with one of Scotland's best legal minds back then, and he was blunt but not very helpful. Words to the effect, 'Ah, you've run into the establishment paedo consipracy, you're effed'.

I love how Prince Andrew thought his interview with Emily Maitlis went well. Now he is Andrew mate-less.

Danny 2

Re: I call shenanigans

I need to add that Andrew Marr eviscerated Johnson today. He obviously took umbrage (US English: was butt-hurt) at the suggestion he is softer than Andrew Neil.

This is The Least Worst Election. We're all looking for the least worst candidate, the least worst party. I wasn't even going to vote, I ignored five letters from the electoral commission asking me to register to vote but they sent me a voting card anyway.

I've decided to vote Labour for the first time this century. Because I got a nice email from Hilary Benn tonight. My vote won't affect my local SNP shoo-in getting in, but it will add to the (un)popular vote.