Death of Dreepy
A wheen of local eight year old wains were throwing stones over a garage which were hitting cars on the other side. As the only upstanding adult present I upbraided them and bid them explain themselves. Their football was on top of the lock-ups and they were trying to knock it down. "Why don't you just climb up and get it?"
They couldn't climb. I was mortified, and explained when I was their age every child in the street would climb up there every day and they should be ashamed of themselves. I asked why they didn't just give one of their peers a punty up. They didn't know what that meant so I gave a kid in a Celtic shirt a punty up so he could retrieve their ball.
I was walking away when he shouted he couldn't get down. I said, "Dreepy down!"
None of them knew what that meant.
It means dangling down from a ledge by your fingertips from a ledge to lower your drop. The word was lost and so the technique was lost.
My unco uncle told me when I was 17, "Don't take this the wrong way, but when I was your age I was more of a man than you."
How could I take that the wrong way? But I repeated it for the eight year olds who didn't know how to climb or dreepy.
Billy Connolly had a lyric about saying fuck in front of your granny - "They not only said it, they did it as well".