The origin of Field Service Engineers...
is because so many service engineers drove into fields.
My worst job was field service engineer for a company (Not Saying it)that had the CAA contract for Scotland and the north of England. Due to underfunding, corrupt employees and awful management I was driving 100,000 miles a year between airports, probably the same in flights. That should have been a red flag, preferably waved by someone walking in front of my company car.
The midlands based control centre had no idea Scottish A-class roads aren't quite English A-class roads, so they'd berate me if I couldn't drive from Prestwick to Aberdeen in 90 minutes. Edinburgh to Dundee is doable in 90 minutes, sometimes. Prestwick to Aberdeen is a nice day trip with plenty of stops.
So I became quite a "good" driver, in an F1 or GTA sense of good. I'd learned how to avoid speed cameras by timing me speeding past them just as a lorry was between us.
One motorway cop car caught me, pulled me over, and I was bang to rights as we both knew I was doing 110mph. The cop congratulated me on my strategy of using lorries to block the cameras, but it was obviously cop sarcasm relishing the bust. He asked why I was in such a rush, and I explained Aberdeen Airport Air Traffic Control needed sudden replacement equipment.
He asked me why I didn't just phone ahead to warn them I'd be late, and I explained my employer only issued us pagers, not mobile phones. At that point he took pity on me and decided to help. He said, "Follow me", turned on his lights and sirens and led me at 110mph to the airport gate. He would've driven faster but I couldn't keep up.
When I replaced the dot-matrix printer in the control tower all they said was, "Oh, aye, we'd forgotten about that."