Re: Protect the NHS
"Scotland is part of the UK"
Yeah but health is devolved so we've followed two different strategies (well, four different strategies). Scotland was proactive in leading on stuff like face masks back when Boris was refusing to wear one and boasting about shaking the hands of Covid hospital patients - the week before he caught it.
Our lockdown measures have been quicker and harsher, and still are. I'm an anarchist, I get the freedom argument, but I'm deliriously happy that all my poxy relatives can't legally visit my parents today.
The Scottish Government do deserve criticism for this, they've only been a wee bit better than the (let's face it) English Government, but they have always led the English Government by at least a week. And a week counts big time in pandemics.
Sturgeon, she's always been on message with her daily briefings. Boris barely talks to the public but today had to apologise for "misspeaking" about his half hearted Northern English lockdown. He's a bungler, and a bumbler, and a fumbler.
Scots are noticing the difference even if you aren't.
Oh, and I cast doubt on your care home stats since you didn't cite them. I say that from the littlest care home in Scotland.