The cervil
Its like a tabby with big enormous ears. Trust the Aussies not to bother spelling it right.
170 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Jul 2009
That all of these supposed measurements of the cosmos are based on our current theories and observations. Once that new James Webb space telescope comes on stream, assuming it does, I think there will be new observations that challenge these very theories. And at some point in the future, we are likely to view our current set of theories as we now regard the ideas that were dominant before the age of enlightenment. A flat earth in the middle of everything.
Big thumbs up for space telescope science
There was a similar scam in the UK. The AA had set up a string of wirelessly connected emergency telephones along the early motorway network. Each was powered by a car battery in the base that was presumably replaced with a freshly charged one at a regular interval. Thereby helping to keep the British motorist moving (hence the thumbs up).
The point about evolution is that in a natural state of things, the pathogen would arise in a certain area, killing colonies within a certain radius. It may spread beyond this area but at a limited rate. Those colonies on the edge of the infected zone may slowly develop resistance, those that do will survive and eventually take over.
Unfortunately modern industrialized farms use pollination contractors who transport their hives all over the land. This means the pathogen is spread very rapidly over the entire area and the colonies have no chance to develop resistance, or evolve.
Very sad state of affairs.
The local police would have staged a press conference asking for someone to come forward with information about the perpetrators of the pressurized-canister dumping incident, then arrested the nearest-dwelling social misfit, concocted the necessary evidence and locked him up for the best part of a decade.
This has been tried on human subjects for years. Your regular charter jet is an airborne breeding ground for virulent strains of mutant virus, and usually packed full of meaty test subjects with compromised immune systems to boot.
Ever wondered why you always get at least a cold and usually worse after returning from your holidays? Now you know.
Fair enough. The number with temperate conditions and suitable mineral/liquid/gaseous resources that actually go on to develop carbon-based life forms that evolve into intelligible communicative beings remains to be seen. Our own planet has not yet satisfied the last criterion.
That's all the wildlife you've find in the Severn estuary, because its a marine desert. There is too much silt in the water, therefore very little plant life or algae, supporting very little animal life or fish, supporting very few birds.
We must end this enviro-nimbyism now, before we can no longer do anything of value.
Well I for one welcomed Freeview HD with open wallet. That is, I avoided buying an "HD Ready" TV until it could actually receive said broadcasts, and kept my large and heavy CRT until that point.
Now I can watch the history channel (sorry, the BBC) in HD for free on my 32" LCD. Its definitely a cleaner clearer picture but not much more than that. I haven't yet tried any other HD source though.
Because you are supporting some biological research that is interested in the contents of whale snot. Seems obvious really. World's largest mammal may have some interesting viruses or antibodies present. Either that or you like collecting really large bogeys.
Mines the one with the extra-large packet of man-sized tissues in the pocket, ta.
Seems like Intel have been asleep and woken up late. The smartphone party is already in full swing, and it isn't playing the mobile WiMax tune. Seems like the Intel board are desperately trying to make it look like they know the way ahead, when in reality, their business is running out of steam.
Smart move for Infineon to unload their perennially loss-making wireless division at a time when its apparent value is into 10 figures.
Regularly see meteors along with satellites and other celestial bodies out here in the west. Just gotta look up and be patient.
Nice to see Andromeda in the binos now I know where to look for it.
Best to see meteors after midnight, because then the side of the Earth you are on is heading into the particle field so collision energies are higher.