You're no better than those noobs in Battlefield 1942 that claimed I was cheating because I could shoot their Japenese Zero out of the sky, with a destroyer's artillery gun while at full speed, at half a km. Yeah, it seemed impossible, and i even amazed myself, but if you do nothing but play games sooner or later you'll tune your movements to the optimal way of playing, and slaughtering everyone in sight.
What next, kicking people off the servers because some whining camper claims it's cheating to shoot him while he thinks he's hidden? Or maybe kicking people because they know how to circle strafe around players, that are too stupid to return the favour? I'd bet dollars to donuts, some bitch at MS got his ass handed to him by this kid, and the only way he could get back is have his stats reset. You're lucky that kid's autistic, because if it was me, I'd spin kick you in the throat!
Instead of resetting all the guys stats, why don't one of you fatasses get off the couch you're glued to, and drive to Seattle to see if he's actually that good. It's right in your backyard you fat fucks!