* Posts by Cathal Gantly 1

3 publicly visible posts • joined 2 Jul 2009

Palm Pre re-re-introduces iTunes synchronization

Cathal Gantly 1

A letter Palm should ship with each Pre

"Dear Pre User,

Thank you for purchasing your Pre. We are sure the device will give you many months of happy usage. While we feel we can compete with Apple in terms of hardware, when it comes to software on your PC or Macintosh, we can't and so continually work on half-baked methods to allow your new device sync with iTunes.

Regretabbly, this arrangement is unofficial, and means that from time to time service may be interupted. We hope you are sufficiently enthused by your new Pre to stick with us, and not jump ship to Apple who can offer you a complete soloution that just works at the touch of a button.

From Palm."

Well, is there another way to look at it?

UK Palm Pré carrier confirmed

Cathal Gantly 1

@Piloti... Not quite the same thing

While I agree with the petition, it's not the same thing as "exclusivity" deals.

I think it is unfair to be "locked in" to a network and handset. If I want a Palm Pre, an iPhone, or whatever handset is the flavour of the month, I should be free to purchase that handset, and then decide what network I want to use for calls. Just like your car manufacturer doesn't tie you to a particular petrol company, your CD player manufacturer to a particular record label. For the life of me, I cannot understand why Offcom allow this to continue.

By all accounts, the Pre is as good a rival to the iPhone as we have seen so far. Can't help but feel it won't get a fair crack of the whip as o2 win either way.

O2 wins UK exclusive on Palm Pre, says report

Cathal Gantly 1
Paris Hilton

Exclusivity scam!

I am absolutely fed up to the back teeth with "Exclusive" deals, and contract only schemes.

When I buy a car, regardless of brand, I am not tied to a single brand of petrol. My car is useless without petrol. When I buy a phone, I am tied to a network provider. In some cases, I'm even tied to the nature and duration of contract I sign.

Why can't I just buy a phone (any brand) and then be completely free to decide on my network provider, and the type of payment arrangement I have? Personally,I think the whole mobile phone market needs a shake-up, and I think subsidies and exclusivity deals should be abolished!

Paris, because she's not exclusive...