* Posts by Greg Tiernan

12 publicly visible posts • joined 2 Jul 2009

How the iPad ruined the lives of IT architects

Greg Tiernan

Re: My iPad is more robust than most of the appliances in my kitchen

How available? 100%?

Adobe's revenge on Steve Jobs: HTML5

Greg Tiernan

Re: Oh no!

Adobe have a version of Reader for Linux? Not that I have any interest in installing it.

Firefox-based attack wreaks havoc on IRC users

Greg Tiernan


Agreed, I am fairly sure this is not really a FF problem it is just exploiting the fact that IRC is a text protocol and will interpret anything that is sent to it from any program that connects to it .

Most Mac owners getting Windows on the side

Greg Tiernan
Thumb Up


They are obviously only keeping the PCs to get Windows Updates everything else is done on the Mac.

Fake ATM scam rumbled by Defcon hackers

Greg Tiernan


Surely it doesn't take a hacker to figure out that they didn't receive the money, or did the machine try to fake some sort of error to throw people off? And are not most ATMs just PCs running some software on top of XP?

El Reg to launch space paper plane

Greg Tiernan

There are some problems with your comment:

aplanefromSpace and all the on-board equipment has to produce almost nonsensical data.

IT admin sentenced for sabotaging employer's network

Greg Tiernan

@How to do it properly

a 10 mile radius offset 20 miles from your location.