it's time to give the libdems a go... are they still called the libdems???
61 publicly visible posts • joined 2 Jul 2009
That was probably the worst part of the whole affair. It's one way, they get our data (and can use it for all sorts of things not just looking for terrorists) and we don't get theirs... crazy.. nearly as crazy as the one way extradition agreement where they can extradite people from the uk and we can't get at theirs... our government is great...
You haven't a clue about the Fujitsu situation or unites involvement.
I don't have a problem with you thinking they are Marxist, you can have an opinion. However you clearly have no idea of what has been going on at Fujitsu, how the local union members have behaved, how the local reps have behaved or even how the unions 'execs' have behaved.
Go and check your facts then feel free to spout off.
"They were taken by a family friend about eight years ago." My mothers family friends come round for a BBQ,or a pot of tea and scones...
I'd understand if she said "They were taken by a boy/girlfriend about eight years ago." maybe it's an NZ thing...
"All hands man the pumps..." for obvious reasons ;-)
Could this be nothing to do with the GPS? If people are using WIFI at home then the iPhone can locate them because they look up the location of the wifi (apparently there are databases - I was surpised too and know where you are because of your access point rather than your GPS.
So maybe it's something screwed there, either in the database or in how the iPhoen handles the location it gets form the database. Which may mean that location services under GPS work fine...