* Posts by M 6

46 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Jul 2009

Admins using Windows Server Update Services up in arms as Microsoft deprecates feature

M 6


Microsoft's Connected Cache may be a useful alternative for those that need to conserve bandwidth

Apple Watch HATES tattoos: Inky pink sinks rinky-dink sensor

M 6

Re: A good use case

Why use humans to identify remains? Tattoo a QR code on limbs and you can automate the search!

Review: HP Spectre XT TouchSmart

M 6

You what?

No gigabit ethernet yet there is USB 3.0?

IT boom driving candidate hungry Honkers

M 6

No No

I'd rather all the recruitment agents stayed in the UK, that way i'm safe in the knowledge that the muppets won't be there when I apply for a job in a nice hot country.

'SHUT THE F**K UP!' The moment Linus Torvalds ruined a dev's year

M 6

Sounds like Linus Torvalds needs to take an anger management course and learn some people skills!

'Spend police USB stick data loss mega-fine on IT lessons for cops'

M 6

This news title...

no make sense!

Curious robot rover Curiosity chews a second mouthful of Mars dirt

M 6
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Sub Heading

Should have been 'Nom nom nom...'

O2 roaming rates to rise by up to 140%

M 6

and Giffgaff keep their roaming charges low. Telefonica ripping off O2 customers again!

Hitachi buys Horizon to save UK's nuclear future

M 6

Killed nobody? You should dig deeper. Also why are you only considering deaths? Think about the bigger picture, environment, etc.

O2 kicks out Ericsson server for breaking its network

M 6
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"...you'd splash out £10million on new kit on a single outage. Please, do NOT ever work for us."

Please don't ever apply for a job at a decent IT company as you clearly can't read (there was more than one outage) and you don't understand the scale of the problem.

Huawei - Maybe they caused the outage to get their kit into O2! ;)

DDR 4 sets the pace for fast memory

M 6

Feel free to correct me, no need to be condescending

M 6

Less Power? Really?

I would have accepted this until the downside was mentioned...all slots needs to be filled. OK, not a problem is you have a server maxed out on memory but if this is not the case then power consumption is going to go up.

Lets say there are eight memory slots in the server and four are used up. 8GB in each slot, 1.5v per DIMM. That's 6v. With DDR4, this will use 9.6v whatever the capacity you choose.

Battlefield Earth ruled worst film EVER

M 6

Re: Slightly out of touch el reg readers?

Which suggests that these polls are also incorrect. You are contradicting your own point!

M 6

"here are the 20 worst films which actually were made, as nominated by Reg readers"

The films listed clearly shows that Reg readers in general do not watch enough movies to properly vote!

Norwich City FC Web CMS exposes privates. Club respond by calling police.

M 6

As an Ipswich fan I honestly couldn't give two shits.


M 6

New versions please

This game would still be immensely fun if they just brought out a newer version that didn't change the gameplay (carmageddon 3 ruined it)

Samsung says no to MWC Galaxy S III launch

M 6

My bet...

..is on it appearing at a Samsung hosted Olympics event, maybe the Torch Relay starting on 19th May?

Server, disc glitches mar Battlefield 3 launch

M 6


If you had it pre-installed you could have been playing it since Monday afternoon without any server issues.....

Will the looters 'loose' their benefits?

M 6


I never said they would become soldiers, the military camp is for them to learn respect. 6 months in a camp and there's no way you'll be insulting the office to his face. 20 pushups? More like 200 and there wouldn't be any beatings but you will be running 10/20 miles, cleaning up shit or scrubbing the entire courtyard clean with a toothbrush.

M 6
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Looters Debt

Each and every one of them should have to repay the damages caused, I doubt anyone would disagree with this (unless you're one of them).

"..but they don't have any money to repay it"

Get a job. If you don't get a job, the government will give you one doing shitty jobs that pay even less and you will be forced to do it.

If you think you can't be bothered to do that even, you'll lose your home and basic benefits. So you'll think you'll live on the streets after that? Think again. You'll find yourself in a military style camp for 6 months where you WILL learn respect.

Something like the above needs to be introduced to stop these lazy bastards from living off the state.

M 6

@Danny 5

Do Not Feed The Trolls

Videogames caused riots says plod

M 6


I yawned before the end of the article and didn't bother to read the rest. What a load of bollocks.

Duke Nukem Forever

M 6

Take Two Quality?

I'm used to these guys making top notch games and I cannot believe after so many years that this was even allowed to be released, for a premium price as well. If I had tried the game first, I would not pay more than £4.99 for it.

Easynet network goes titsup

M 6


" Standard procedure was immediately invoked and we diverted all traffic via alternative routes"

....You mean via carrier pigeon? It certainly wasn't diverted at a working speed!

Mexican telco exec: iPhone 4 antenna fix imminent

M 6


It does say on the Case Program that "Any iPhone 4 that has been returned is not eligible." I would bet that means they are fixing the returned ones.

Jobs tells iPhone users to get a grip

M 6

Holding it wrong?

This evidence was provided by engadget is just showing an email between a guy and 'Steve Jobs'. It's clearly a fake. Firstly SJ wouldn't have time to reply to an email that quickly himself and secondly if he did reply, it would be far more polite.

Steve Jobs twitter annoucement anyone?.....

Journalist fail.

England beat Germany - what are the odds?

M 6

@Jonathan Walsh

Yes, good one there pointing out an imaginary score after the game finished. Well done!

Middle-aged sex: The X-rated photo guide

M 6


this brightened my day :)

Microsoft closes door on 64-bit development for Office 2011

M 6


Another MS basher/Linux fanboy! Welcome :)

So you blame Microsoft 100% eh? You do know that the hardware wasn't around until 2003 to even support 64 bit desktops? I'm talking mainstream of course, no need to flame for the specialist hardware that was around.

Firefox? You seem to have missed the 64bit version of Internet Explorer that is available. 64bit version of Flash? Do you really think you'll really notice any difference with that? Thought not.

New cycle helmets emit stench if they need replacement

M 6


cheesy helmets!

'World's largest' airship inflated in colossal Alabama cowshed

M 6


" as many as 1500 cattle ("with milking parlor") "

I saw this and thought it was what the airship could hold! Wouldn't that be cool though? Have a floating field with cows and a milk parlor. The home milk delivery in the morning would be much more exicting!

Waterstone's whips out its pendulous dugs

M 6

@Christopher W

it's making use of HMV's letter 'm' because they own waterstones....should have been a very cheap makeover! still pointless in my opionion, it was fine before.

Google backpedals on IP 'anonymization' claim

M 6


"There is NO IP address that ever actually points to me"

This is why the world wants you to move to IPv6.

Archos 9

M 6
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I've been checking out more reviews from Reg recently and the percentage scores never seem to match the review. 65% for this POS? Eh?

Sony Ericsson Android phone caught on camera

M 6


looks a bit laggy if you ask me...so much for the 1Ghz processor.

EC drops Microsoft browser probe

M 6


Microsoft doesn't support it on the Linux, Unix or Mac (any more). Do you care? If so find another browser.

It. is. still. free.

People are just whining because they have an OS with parts that they don't want, so that means they shouldn't have to pay for it. BS. I don't want wireless support on my desktop as I'll never use it but it's part of the emcompassing package of Windows that I myself AGREED to pay for. Do I whine about having to pay for it? No. If I didn't like it, I would choose something else.

M 6

@MJI & Chris iverson

Now you two are just being pedantic. My point was clear enough.

M 6
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Hey Dave,

Would you expect a Jaguar dealer to fix your Ford?...

M 6
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@Lewis Mettler


No one needs to purchase IE, it's free. Your analogy is completely wrong.

It's more like walking in to a shop, them giving you a voucher for free shampoo of their own brand (why would give another brand away for free eh??). If you don't like it, don't friggin use it.

M 6

Kick Neelie Kroes OUT

I cannot begin to understand how much time and money this woman has wasted with Microsoft and forcing them to allow a choice of browsers

I quote Neelie - "It is as if you went to the supermarket and they only offered you one brand of shampoo on the shelf, and all the other choices are hidden out the back and not everyone knows about them," "What we are saying today is that all the brands should be on the shelf."

In that context, what about Aldi or Lidl who only offer their own branded goods. If you don't like what you see on the shelf, shop elsewhere you silly b****.

I do not see her going after Apple to make them offer competing browsers on a Mac, why is this so? I would say this should be next on her list but she'll only be wasting even more of our money.

Fail - because nothing is more FAIL than Mrs Kroes

Windows 7 soars while Mac OS X trips online

M 6

Poor Predictions

" I predict 2013 will be the year of the Linux desktop."

How did you come to that conclusion!? I think you mean 3013.

Sony Ericsson confirms Android Xperia

M 6

If only..

it had a flash, I'd be sold. Why must there always be something that is missing from creating a perfect phone?

Windows 7 - the Reg reader verdict

M 6
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Experiences so far

I've been using Windows 7 for about two months now and it's all working fine but I have noticed two noticeable issues.

1. If you leave IE8 open for a few days with many tabs open, it seems to cause problems which can be noticed when going to the Tools menu. The 'internet options' button is dimmed out and other strange problems begin to occur. May happen on any OS with IE8 but as it comes with it, it should be mentioned.

2. Copying large files, roughly 500Mb or more, across a network causes the system to slow to a crawl, the cursor jumps across the screen instead of a smooth motion and this continues until the copy has finished.

Other than that...it's been great!

UK Music secret data: 'Young people will pay for downloads'

M 6
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outlaw OUT-LAW

Most of the stuff OUT-LAW spew out is bollocks. Why are they still around?

BIND crash bug prompts urgent update call

M 6

RE: Anonymous Stupid Coward

The acronym BIND was derived from its first domain use, Berkeley Internet Name Domain, and the server software being the "Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) Server". It was not, as is sometimes assumed, Berkeley Internet Name Daemon

Marking something true as a Fail = Epic Fail