* Posts by John 104

1062 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Jul 2009


Celebs join call for official Turing apology

John 104


Forget about the bank note, it'll never happen. Money for Bletchley Park on the other hand, is a great idea.

Government unbans dirty vids but bans 'legal highs'

John 104

Glad I live in the USA

Our legal system isn't perfect, but at least we don't let a bunch of tossers bully us around and make us remove our own laws from our books. The whole EU thing cracks me up though. Soverign nations are just that. the idea of the EU is to take that away from individual countries and make for one big happy europe that will stop fighting itself. Good luck..

Pirate, because thats what the UK will be called if they step away from this nonsense.

IDC: Linux support sales to break $1bn in 2012

John 104

No so free...

So much for Linux being free! ;)

Finger crossing won't lure iPhone coders to Windows Mobile

John 104

@Simon Banyard

Simon Banyard

Touched a nerve with you eh? I'd have to say you are the epitomy of the apple fanboi. You are completely incensed over this topic to the point of hurling explitives and insults to people you don't even know! You need to learn to chill out.


I, as an owner of a Mac and an iPhone, am sick of reading some of the vitriol that cowards hiding behind pseudonyms or AC like you levee at me because of my choices as a consumer. I don’t pontificate about the products. I like them because they work *for me*, and if asked for an opinion, I give it. You might not agree. Get over it and grow the fuck up."

end quote.

You are giving more than an opinion here, "mate". You are screaming at the world because you love a product and somebody else doesn't. I don't like Apple products. I like my WinMo BJ2, it does what I want it to and is reliable. If somebody doesn't like it, fine, whatever. I'm not going to go 3 shades of red. Know why? Because I just don't care that much about it to get pissed!

As for AC's saying things to your face, come on over to Seattle any time and I'd be happy to call you vapid poser to your face. You might get mad and punch me in the snout, but the rest of the apple users here (and there are a lot) would just stare with blank faces - that is until they found an app at the store that told them what to do...

Bungling cybercops' r00t-y0u.org sting backfires

John 104

AFP Fail

MFP wouldn't have failed. They would have driven over the perps in thier Interceptor V8, or perhaps handcuffed their ankle to a steering wheel next to a soon to be engulfed gas tank. "The ACLs on this DB are high security 64bit encrypted. It will take you 10 minutes to decrypt. Or you can give me sa in 1 minute."

X-Men helmsman to fly Battlestar Galactica

John 104

Date Fail

11/9 (DAY / MONTH thank you!)

It happened here in the US, so its 9/11 thank you. ;)

As for the movie, Whiskey Tango Foxxtrot????

73% of Brits too shagged for a shag

John 104

Long Work Day?

So let me get this straight, leaving at 8:30 and getting home at 5:30 is considered a long work day? No wonder the UK is getting fat! I leave the house at 6AM and get back home at 5PM - And still have the juice for some nookie 2-3 times a work week (not counting the weekend). That being said, there are our fair share of fat MoFos here in the states, but it doesn't seem to stop them from having babies and living off of wellfare!

WTF, because WTF!

Powered robot suits make debut on Tokyo streets

John 104

Good Hip Action!

"The girl looks like hers is poorly fitted - she looks extremely uncomfortable.

Either that or she is walking awkwardly for some other reason ...."

Looks to me like she just has some nice girl hip action going - even in robot legs!

IT grad sues school over failed job hunt

John 104


This broke here in the US last week. Disregarding the pathetic attempt at getting her tuition back and the great upbringing by her mom.... this gal is pretty much shouting her name out for every one to black list. She'll never get a job in IT now.

French workers threaten to blow up factory

John 104
Thumb Down

Auto Terrorists?

So if they pay, then they set the stage for other out of work frenchies to hold their place of former employment hostage. Sounds like terrorist tactics to me. I say, send in the french equivilent of SWAT and take em out. As for the value of the parts and the building and equipment, meh, thats what insurance is for.

US thesp to attempt audacious tw*tdangle

John 104


Better than the last Apple humanitarian effort... oh wait, there never was one....

I for one will be downloading IE8 as many times as I can. Fat American jokes aside (and believe me, as a 175 pound NOT fat American, I see more than my fair share of fat bastards here), there are hungry kids and familys out there that will benefit from this.

Way to go Microsoft. Oh, and David Arquette? Well, OK. He is pretty funny at times.

iPhone 3.1 code goes beta

John 104
Paris Hilton

And in Other News...

My dog farted. Back to you, Jim.

Paris, because she could give a rats ass about the new iPhone SDK too.
