@david 132.
You have to turn the service off to disable Defender....
1062 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Jul 2009
The FCC will now take over as the consumer's champion – something that it has said it's prepared to do, although so far it has repeatedly shown its inexperience in dealing with consumer complaints and internet matters. Its peculiar culture is still tied closely to its historical role as an inside-industry regulator.
I'm sorry, but isn't the role of any government organization supposed to be for the people?
I have to admit, I was a bit disappointed to read that it is on par with current Intel architecture. I expected a ground up chip design to blow away the competition, not something to get the to the current level of performance.
I was an AMD fanboi back in the day, but when I looked for my new laptop recently, I didn't consider AMD as a viable alternative. As long as PC cycles are these days, I'll probably consider it in several years. By then it might be too late t hough.
Go Phone if you have AT&T. Other carriers offer them too. Cheap and durable. Survived 3 kids.
For myself, I'm in the IT industry (systems). I'm online all day. when I get home I can't be bothered to be "online" other than watching a Netflix movie. More often than not I'm in the shop building something or out mountain biking or boating. I purposefully detach from the interwebs and have done it for years. Its a good thing.
handling varying workloads on demand in the cloud
handling varying workloads on demand in the cloud
handling varying workloads on demand in the cloud
handling varying workloads on demand in the cloud
handling varying workloads on demand in the cloud
handling varying workloads on demand in the cloud
handling varying workloads on demand in the cloud
handling varying workloads on demand in the cloud
handling varying workloads on demand in the cloud
we must get naked
handling varying workloads on demand in the cloud
handling varying workloads on demand in the cloud
handling varying workloads on demand in the cloud
handling varying workloads on demand in the cloud
When I installed O365 it wouldn't let me install my 2013 version of Visio. Said it wasn't compatible. After much tinkering and experimenting, I found that if I installed Visio and then installed 365 it would work. What a pain.
TBH, the only reason I use windows on my personal machine is for VPN to the office and Visio. The rest I can do on mint.
Email client? Meh. I use web mail and it isn't an issue.
I'm not so sure that your assessment of games is entirely true. More and more games are being made available for linux platforms. As Windoze continues to get worse and worse, I see this trend continuing.
Unfortunately, I am a windows sys admin and work in a windows shop. So its windoze all day during the work week.
@AC & Windows 8/8.1
I recently speccd and am provisioning new desktops for a client. (side work). Got some nice HP micros with the Windows 7 downgrade rights and ordered media for another $5. What a treat. You get Win7 Pro or whatever, along with Win10 for the system on real DVDs!
"The company paid a tax rate of seven per cent on the past quarter's results; worth remembering the next time Microsoft whines about the US not investing enough in STEM education."
The fuck is that supposed to mean? Somehow it is Microsoft's job to pay enough taxes to get people to take interest in STEM? No amount of money can change peoples attitudes towards hard work. STEM isn't popular in this country because it isn't easy. On the flip side, it pays well for those who have the intelligence and desire to pursue it.
There is a cultural problem in this country (the US) that is showing more and more people less interested in education and work and more interested in handouts and pissing their lives away playing video games*, watching TV, playing gangsta or doing drugs (or all of these at once). 'Social' media has us 'engaging' with other people without ever having to see their faces. Until there is a shift in what people think is important, and how they relate to each other, STEM will continue to be unpopular in this country, and blaming the government or corporate tax rates is not only naive but childish.
I like a game as much as the next guy, but I don't while away countless hours playing them. There is more to life than staring at a screen for 6 hours a day. And there is a real world out there that needs attention. It won't go away just because you try to ignore it...
And accolades to Pokemon Go for getting people outside...
No, that isn't the problem. The problem is education. There are less black/women/minority applicants and employees because there are less educated people of this type. The why's and how's and political, socioeconomical reasons behind this are better discussed elsewhere.
The bottom line, as stated elsewhere in these comments is qualified applicants. I don't give a rats ass if you are black, white, yellow, purple or have 3 arms (might increase productivity now that I think of it). If you can do the job, you will be considered for employment - whatever the field. If not, not. Don't like it? Go get an education or learn a trade. Knowledge is just about free to acquire these days. It just takes time and dedication. So enough excuses! Get out there and make something of yourself. Or just keep playing gangsta poser.
Talk about over-provisioning. This isn't work.(read: enterprise SLAs and large storage trays).
Buy yourself a couple of internal 1TB drives, or larger if needed. $50 to $100 depending on what you get. Remember high performance is not needed here.
Set them up on two PCs as SMB3 shares. Copy your bits from your phone to one, mirror to the other.
Unless you are playing with JOBDs for shits and giggles, its just a waste of effort and money. And time.
Ah, but you see, there is a clear parallel. Containerization has been around since Tupperware. Why have a fridge full of fully cooked meals in tins and foil wrap when you can have your potatoes in one container, your chicken in another, and your veg in a third? Then when you want to eat one, you call on the fridge to serve up the correct appli-, er, I mean food, to you. The software industry is clearly infringing on Tupperware's 50 year's worth of prior art. They should sue.
Okay, all well and good. But is it actually a proper thing or is it just a relatively young term that inept managers throw about without either understanding it or meaning it?
Well, first of all I'll start by saying that I don't really like the second half of Wikipedia's definition: I fail to see what specific relationship DevOps has with automation. I do, however, get a warm feeling from the fact that both these definitions (which happened to be the first two I picked at random) both include the words communication and collaboration. So perhaps there's something in the concept
You must be lucky. What most people think of Dev Ops is Agile process coupled with the latest version of Chef or Puppet, with the goal of automating the operations team out of the picture so that the latest version can be shipped. There, we met our goal. Don't know what Operations problem is...
I think you are all missing the point. Legal jurisdiction aside, the real issue is tracking of non users through the service. I'm not a FB user, but anyone who is and knows me has now shared my information without my consent. Its such bullshit and it pisses me off to no end that I can't do anything about it.
Another irritating statement about the lack of women in programming. So what? There seems to be a lack of breastfeeding men in the world. We should do something about it! Or not.
Nothing is holding women back from developing. Games, productivity software, whatever. I think there is less bias than the media (looking at you Alister) would have you think. The fact is, women just don't find it interesting so they pursue other career interests. This isn't a bad thing. Women and men don't have to think the same and want the same things for there to be perfection in the world. We are different and that's how it should be. Otherwise the world would be quite boring.
As a side note, when I was last contracting at the Evil Large Software Company in the Redmond Area, there were actually quite a number of women in programming and systems roles. Those who want to do it will, those who don't will do something else.
@Wild Bil
In my experience in a DevOps shop, there was less and less testing as the methodology "matured." If it worked on the dev's workstation, it must be good. Put it in production and suddenly there are all sorts of issues because the dev had x version of .Net installed, but production could only run y version for one reason or another, or the data set on the workstation was small, but the production set was 10 times larger, or more.
To me, this is the far swing of the pendulum. As stated above, customers value stability. Yes, they want all the new features, but bring the system down too often and they will look elsewhere for their needs...
As others have noted here, there is far more abuse in the system than there should be. Hand up, not hand out as it was noted. If i hadn't had family, I would have gone to state and federal programs to get me going again. There are job centers everywhere in the states. You just have to be willing to go there. Might not be the dream job but it will be money on the table and that's a start. Housing assistance is harder to come by, I will admit, but it is there. There are ways.
I fully support programs to help people who are disabled. It happens. But I don't like the abuse by Joe construction worker who gets a twinge and defrauds the system.
I support programs to feed you when you are down and out. Used it myself. Gladly pay.
I support all of these things, in the name of bringing people back to happy, self sufficient tax payers. The problem is, there is no system in place for making it mandatory that you have a plan for getting off of assistance. If you are getting any sort of hand out because you are on hard times, there should be a comprehensive plan to get you working with a hard end date.
I do love the thumbs down for all the points about swallowing your pride, being accountable for your own actions, and asking for help, etc. Makes me smile because it proves the point. It is distasteful to have to rely on others for help for some reason (I don't mind really). I wonder if any one thumbing down has had to rely on others to get where they are? Or been poor and worked their way out of a bad life situation?