* Posts by Sammy Smalls

109 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Jul 2009


Google snags ex-Microsoft exec to helm cloud in the UK

Sammy Smalls

you will be empowered

whether you like it or not.

DARPA suggests turning old C code automatically into Rust – using AI, of course

Sammy Smalls

All your code belongs to us/US...

Sure, pump all your code through a US agency to be improved. Maybe not so much TRACTOR as Harvester.

'Skeleton Key' attack unlocks the worst of AI, says Microsoft

Sammy Smalls


The only answer is not to play. Shall we play a nice game of chess?

VMware's end-user compute unit reportedly headed to private equity firm KKR

Sammy Smalls



Buyer's remorse haunts 3 in 5 business software purchases

Sammy Smalls

'And that on top of the fact that those who actually understand IT are never part of any IT decisions, which makes advertising heaven easier, installing hell easier and optimizes divine payment.'

Swings both ways. Plenty of IT types dont involve the business. The results are usually similar.

Microsoft may stop bundling Teams with Office amid antitrust probe threat

Sammy Smalls

Saturation point reached.

They've probably hit, or are close to, their saturation point for Teams, so this offer doesnt really hurt them as much as an anti-trust suit might. They are far enough ahead that it will take anyone - Zoom, Slack, Webex - a long time to make any significant inroads into the Teams lead.

The other piece of the puzzle is the integration into Office. Sure, it's not bundled (maybe), but it will have the best Office integration. (or should).

What the EU should do is force an open standards integration. Now that would be fun. Mind you, we'll just end up with and ODF/DOCX situation.

End result..... no change.

ugh. I'm going back to bed.

IT phone home: How to run up a $20K bill in two days and get away with it by blaming Cisco

Sammy Smalls

Happened to me

We were opening a new office and the boss didnt want to pay for a leased line, so decided to do ISDN. Before the new office was commissioned we decided to test between 2 local offices. Said boss marched down and said 'what's this £5k bill for'. When he found out it was for call charges, we got our 2Mb line. Oh, and a fibre for the local offices.

Anyone remember Sonix Arpeggio plus/lite? Happy days.

Save $7 million on cloud by spending $600k on servers, says 37Signals' David Heinemeier Hansson

Sammy Smalls

Are mainframes in or out?

I’m so confused and at this point a little afraid to ask.

Quickest way to save with Oracle? Get off Unlimited Licensing Agreements, says pundit

Sammy Smalls

Oracle in Byzantine overpriced license shocker. Bears are still using the woods as necessary after their morning coffee.

Apple’s M2 chip isn’t a slam dunk, but it does point to the future

Sammy Smalls

Re: In Apple-specific terms, still a huge win

I moved up from the 2018 i5 1.6Ghz to the M1 Air and the difference is night and day. Battery life, performance, noise (lack of), heat, and general doing what a computer should without noticing it.

I hated that u1060 iteration. The only thing that made me move to it was the 8GB of ram limit on the previous, non-retina air. It probably wasnt worth it. There was negligible performance increase because of how crap the CPU was.

One thing about the m1 - do not believe the people who say 'you only need 8GB of ram because of how the SSD is tightly integrated to the SOC'. I hit the 16GB limit on mine sometimes and it's very noticeable. Maybe not as bad as my Windows PC, but its definitely there.

Seriously, you do not want to make that cable your earth

Sammy Smalls

I'd heard thicknet between buildings was interesting.

Earthed between different power feeds.


Arm, Microsoft at pains to say this CPU arch can be trusted with real server work

Sammy Smalls

woah oh! Living on a prayer.

As per icon...

Dell trials 4-day workweek, massive UK pilot of shortened week begins

Sammy Smalls

I'm not sure I understand how this is going to work.

The bit I'm struggling with is the 'no loss of pay' and 'not squeezing 5 days worth of work into 4 days'.

Either, of the original 5 days there is a 1 day of work that doesnt need to be done or, there really is 5 days worth of work and someone else is going to be hired to do it.

In either case, someone will end up being hired, increasing costs. Prices go up, inflation goes up and we end up taking a paycut through the backdoor.

I know there are efficiency gains to be had, but I cant see how this particular circle ends up square.

Microsoft rolls out Files On-Demand with tighter macOS integration – but it defaults to 'on' and can't be disabled

Sammy Smalls

Try one drive on an M1

Constant 100% runaway and flakey desktop integration make me want to scream.

Currently my most hated daily app.

Ooh, an update. Let's install it. What could possibly go wro-

Sammy Smalls

I loved Netware. If you wanted a really hard life you went early with NT on the desktop and server. ‘What do you mean we need more ram? And disk. And cpu….’

In the '80s, spaceflight sim Elite was nothing short of magic. The annotated source code shows how it was done

Sammy Smalls

Re: Anyone remember Aviator, before Elite...?

My Dad played it for hours with those joysticks and ended up with some elastic bands to Heath Robinson self centring. I could fly under the bridge, but landing was proper hard.

Chiptune to brighten your afternoon: Winning 8-bit throwback music revealed

Sammy Smalls

'Swedre' was something that a friend had in a ROM. Happy Days.

Not for children: Audacity fans drop the f-bomb after privacy agreement changes

Sammy Smalls

Re: Depressing

It's only because the overall user base was too small, that software hasn't been targeted like this at scale beforehand.

We've hit the L'oreal moment. Because you're worth it.

Turning the cynicism up to 11, you might find that someone has done the 'what if they fork?' calculation.

Just to depress you a little bit more.

Perseverance Mars rover sets off on its first mission, to boldly drill and return samples as no rover has drilled before

Sammy Smalls
Black Helicopters

So they're already spying on each other on another planet!

I'm not sure sharks with frikkin lasers are going to work very well on Mars.

Apple's macOS 12 adds improved virtualization though no sign of anything like Boot Camp on M1 silicon

Sammy Smalls

Re: No one needs Bootcamp anymore

Yup. Pretty funky.

Sammy Smalls

Re: No one needs Bootcamp anymore

I held off getting an M1 for until 6 weeks ago. I wish I'd jumped sooner. It's how a computer should be - invisible in daily use. No slowdowns or beach balling, no whirring fans (I've got the MBA M1 - 16GB if you're interested). There have been a couple of foibles (Excel in Rosetta for all features for example) but nothing that's cause me any issues.

It's funny, this is how Macs used to be 5 years ago. Not sure who to blame.

Sammy Smalls

Re: No one needs Bootcamp anymore

It will be interesting to see if there are any mainstream use cases for bootcamp, but I cant think of any off the top of my head.

I'm playing around with Parallels on an M1 with the Windows preview, and I've got to say that I'm impressed with the M1, Parallels and Windows on ARM. Not perfect, but pretty damned good. I've used it for demos and it worked just fine. I can also just leave it running and not even notice it's there.

My current challenge is to get COD4 running properly. It nearly does, and I've actually played a couple of games, but it's very flaky. It's actually got worse with the last couple of Windows updates... :(

Microsoft: Behold, at some later date, the next generation of Windows

Sammy Smalls

Re: Most significant upgrade in a decade

I shall be shamelessly stealing this, with no attribution. Muchos gracias.

Apple's macOS is sub-par for security, Apple exec Craig Federighi tells Epic trial

Sammy Smalls

I'd be annoyed if the walled garden is opened up.

Ok, I get it. Apple is absolutely gouging devs on this, and they could be much fairer - BUT I like the walled garden. I like that I dont have to think too hard about 'will this app rape my device'. I like that someone is curating the apps to make sure that I'll probably be ok. I very much like that they stick 2 fingers up at companies like Facebook.

If I didnt like it, I'd buy an Android device.

You could give users the choice to opt in or out of the walled garden, which is probably the best Epic can hope for. I think I know which way most people would go. (see FB privacy choices). Its then a balance of law suit cost vs how many people will opt out.

GitHub will no longer present a cookie notification banner – because it's scrapping non-essential cookies

Sammy Smalls

Re: s

Or into essential oils.

We spent way too long on this Microsoft, Intel, Adobe, SAP, Red Hat Patch Tuesday article. Just click on it, pretend to read it, apply updates

Sammy Smalls

If I were a cynic

I might suspect that these vulnerabilities are designed to keep people on the upgrade hamster wheel.

Apple was the only Fortune 50 company to foresee COVID-19 pandemic risk and properly insure against it – Forrester

Sammy Smalls

Re: Will any of this affect house prices

I suspect the Daily Fail will answer this for you, although you may have different answers on different pages and on different days.

Google: OK, OK, we pinky promise not to suck Fitbit health data into the borg. Now will you approve the sale?

Sammy Smalls

A shame

I liked my Fitbit and I found the service very good. The moment a Google came sniffing, I ditched the device and service.

No service is perfect or can be trusted but when you’ve got Google’s form, you’d better be happy having your bowel movements as public knowledge.

I did get some comments saying I was using the Fitbit incorrectly. Hey ho.

Don't panic: An asteroid larger than the Empire State Building is flying past Earth this weekend but we're just fine

Sammy Smalls

Re: "Don't panic..."

It would soak up the goo though.

Who's still using Webex? Not even Cisco: Judge orders IT giant to use rival Zoom for virtual patent trial

Sammy Smalls

Re: used webex twice recently

There is no single 'Webex meetings'. Broadly there's Webex Meetings on-prem, Webex Meetings cloud 'Legacy' (multiple versions thereof) and Webex Meetings cloud 'New'. Financial institutions usually have on-prem because they've had it for years (frequently 10+) for compliance and archiving.

They are all rock solid in terms of stability, but if you're on the first 2, then yes, they can be a bit dated for look/feel and user experience. The new cloud version (around for a couple of years now) is a much better experience. Modern even. ;)

I'll bet you were using the 'new' Webex first and then the on-prem for the second. Very different things.

Full disclosure - yes, I work with this stuff as a partner.

Royal Navy nuclear submarine captain rapped for letting crew throw shoreside BBQ party

Sammy Smalls

What do you burn apart from heretics?

More heretics!

How does Monzo keep 1,600 microservices spinning? Go, clean code, and a strong team

Sammy Smalls

Re: You don't need to know how 1,600 services work

Nothing that couldn't have been done in a monolith of course. Perhaps the real change is the understanding of the detailed metrics and reporting required to maintain something like a banking system over a long period of time.

Don't Xiaomi pics of other people's places! Chinese kitmaker fingers dodgy Boxing Day cache update after Google banishes it from Home

Sammy Smalls

Why use this stuff?

Aren’t there enough stories of privacy ‘mishaps’ happening with sensitive devices like this to make them generally a bad idea?

Happy new year, readers. Yes, we have threaded comments, an image-lite mode, and more...

Sammy Smalls

One of the 4000..... :(

The post is required, and must contain letters.

Where's my opt-out link gone?

Sammy Smalls

Thank you. I must have missed it in all that white space....

I'm trying hard to overcome my inertia, but I'm really not liking it, even with the options.

Ah well. All things end.

Sammy Smalls

Where's my opt-out link gone?

I liked the old format. Not full of white space, could browse quickly. What is this Vice.com?

Bah, humbug.

Serverless is awesome (if you overlook inflated costs, dislike distributed computing, love vendor lock-in), say boffins

Sammy Smalls

Caveat emptor

As always.

Official: Voyager 2 is now an interstellar spacecraft

Sammy Smalls

Really quite uplifting.

After a crappy day with a crappy cold and crappy news. Well, it made me smile.

Not API: Third parties scrape your Gmail for marketing insights

Sammy Smalls

Well colour me surprised.

Use something for 'free'? Expect to pay somehow.

However, what I didn't see in the article was anything about paid for accounts. Now that would be a shitstorm.

Intel CEO Brian Krzanich quits biz after fling with coworker rumbled

Sammy Smalls

Re: non-fraternization policy

I wonder if he made the Intel chime at the critical moment...

Microsoft commits: We're buying GitHub for $7.5 beeeeeeellion

Sammy Smalls

Re: Shite

As much as anything, it's the negative feeling that it engenders. Unless they do something really stupid like making private repos accessible to M$ 'for usage statistics' etc then there's not much they can do.

Maybe I answered my own question....

'I knew the company was doomed after managers brawled in a biker bar'

Sammy Smalls

'gloves were forbidden'

Ah yes. Happened to me whilst measuring the 'magnetic screening properties of a high temperature superconductor'. High Temp, in this case, meant liquid nitrogen. Being undergrads, the kit was all a bit Heath Robinson, including the clamp holding the sample in place. As you might suspect, it fell off once or twice. Only once did I put my hand in (with glove). There was a hole in the thumb (Dear Liza) which promptly filled up. Cue spilled liquid nitrogen all over the desk/floor.

This is when I learned that liquid nitrogen is cheap, so the easiest way was was to pour it out, salvage the sample and start again.

My first encounter with liquid nitrogen was during an open weekend at the Physics dept in Exeter. A group of us walked into one lab, where some prof decided it was fun to pour it all over our feet.

Hardware has never been better, but it isn't a licence for code bloat

Sammy Smalls

Years ago, I was a network admin who had a running battle with the developers when the file I/O moved from local disk to the network. 'But it's so slow' they cried. I tried to convince them that reading one byte at a time wasn't perhaps the best approach.

Eventually one dev relented and wrote a program to test file I/O with variable length requests.

Guess what? A 10 byte request was 10 times faster.....

Tezos crypto and $232m initial coin offering risks implosion – reports

Sammy Smalls

Re: Variant on a theme....

'maybe get in early, make my fortune....'

If you can see a bandwagon, you've already missed it.

EasyJet: We'll have electric airliners within the next decade

Sammy Smalls


What they need is planes with flywheels. Big ones. Like the one at Jet (insert pun as appropriate).

Plug, in spin up, and off you go.

Admittedly the gyroscopic forces would make takeoff, cruise and landing a tad difficult, but other than that what could possibly go wrong?

Hotter than the Sun: JET – Earth’s biggest fusion reactor, in Culham

Sammy Smalls

Re: Didn't they used to have a flywheel?

I remember being told about the flywheel at a school talk.

IIRC we were told it took a couple of days to get up to speed and if it ever came away from it's bearings it would go all the way to Reading, smash through the centre and keep going.

Not all bad then....

Avaya files for bankruptcy

Sammy Smalls


from a CUCM monkey. What is it that leaves you unimpressed? As you say, no product is perfect, but I am always interested in CUCM opinions from people with cross platform experience.

Microsoft's Cognitive Toolkit on GitHub in all its speech-recognising glory

Sammy Smalls

Except it's not. Is it?

It's the documentation.

Which is a bit of an odd mix. 'Here's some open source documentation for our 'open' (closed source) web service'.

More accurately, this is 'Please, please PLEASE use Bing. Someone? Anyone?'

I was initially genuinely excited, only to come crashing down to earth. Ah well.....

SpaceX blast kills Zuck's sat

Sammy Smalls

A partial success?

Most of it will have landed back on the pad.

Microsoft buys LinkedIn for the price of 36 Instagrams

Sammy Smalls

Re: LinkedIn shareholders must be very happy

That made me smile. I want to go to an interview for the sole purpose of using that line. Pictures of Spuds interview in Transporting.
