* Posts by Adam Connelly 1

4 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Jul 2009

Playmobil figures feared lost in Great Fire of Guildford

Adam Connelly 1

Failure to provide amusement!

I agree with Evil Auditor. The article is a failure because it fails to include a re-enactment of the disaster. Where's the playmobil? Where's the IT angle?

While I'm at it - we should be able to choose more than one icon. One icon doesn't adequately describe my emotions!!!!?!?!?!

SSL spoof bug still haunts IE, Safari, Chrome

Adam Connelly 1

\ and 0 characters?

"The bug stems from code that causes browsers, email clients, and other SSL-enabled apps to ignore all characters following the \ and 0 characters, which are used to denote the end of a sequence of characters in C-based languages."

Not to be pedantic, but \0 is an escape sequence in languages like C that actually becomes the NULL character (i.e. a single rather than two characters). Therefore, it should read:

The bug stems from code that causes browsers, email clients, and other SSL-enabled apps to ignore all characters following the null character, which is used to denote the end of a sequence of characters in C-based languages.

MIPS open sources living room Android port

Adam Connelly 1

@I'm confused... "open sourced"?

From what I can tell, Android is released under the Apache license and not the GPL, which means that a port is not necessarily open source. So MIPS would not have been compelled to make the source available with any binary distributions.

So I would argue that the story is "MIPS open sources living room Android port".

Kingdom of Sweden dragged into Reg smut-basket

Adam Connelly 1


That guy is a twat.