* Posts by Phu

6 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Jul 2009

Forget solar panels, it's time for rooftop slime-tanks


Eco science fail.

"the use of reflective building materials to send solar energy back out of the atmosphere before it can cause global warming."

Seriously, who thinks this crap up ?

Its not the solar rays reaching the ground that causes global warming. Its those same rays reflecting off CO2 in the atmosphere BACK to earth. Using reflective building materials will make no difference in either direction. It'll just make everyone's house intolerably bright to look at.

-- Richard

Government unbans dirty vids but bans 'legal highs'


Slice of Irony, Sir?

"Legislation ... is not actually enforceable because the government of the day never told the European Commission."

This is fantastic. A UK law is being dismissed as unenforcable on the grounds of not being cleared with the EU, whereas the EU itself it not enforcable on the ground of not being referred to the population to vote on a constitutional law change (Transfer of power to foreign entity forbidden by Treason Felony Act 1848, Bill of Rights Act 1689).

I love the irony. Our government is illegal left right and centre, and is still trying to work out how its arse differs from its elbow.

-- Richard

Watchdog bites Mattesons saucy sausage ad



This attitude of not letting children hear swear words or sexual innuendos or see nude women has got to stop. Don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting we go around handing out porn mags to 5 year olds, but we do need to stop worrying about it.

I'm 29. When I was 6 every kid in the playground had a full repertoire of swear words to hand. They were all familiar with fuck, shit, piss, bastard, etc, and they all used them frequently (and appropriately) when the teachers weren't around.

Likewise, every kid has at some point seen their parents naked. They already know what a naked human being looks like. Keeping them from seeing nudity isn't going to prevent anything.

Likewise, I think its extraordinarily insulting to children to everywhere to suggest even the youngest of kids would hear "where do you like to stick your saussage?" and immediately consider porking the nearest little girl.

Adults everywhere need to learn what their kids are really like before wasting time on this nonsense.

-- Richard

High spam response powers junk mail economy


Title Approved

The Society For Exceeding Long Overengineered Titles For Reports That Could Be Shortened Considerably Had Anyone Bothered To Spend More Than Five Seconds On The Toilet Starting At Angelina Jolie In A Magazine would officially like to endorse and approve the title of the report mentioned in this article.

"A Look at Consumers' Awareness of Email Security and Practices or 'Of Course I Never Reply to Spam, Except Sometimes" is considered acceptably long and over-engineered to qualify for a special award.

Thank you.

-- Richard

Stargazers spot oldest supernova yet


Stacking aint new...

You talk about image stacking as if its some fantastic new technology or idea... its been around for years.

Even amateur astronomers using stacking to bring out details in images of celestial objects. Absorption nebulae are prime candidates for stacking as they are dark by their nature, and need a lot of light exposure to see in any detail.

A popular program for performing image stacking is RegiStax, thought I'm told its a bugger to learn to use effectively.

-- Richard

Eurostar tunnels through UK border ring of steel


Not lawful ?

Since when did something being illegal stop the government ?

Britain's entry into the EU is unlawful (Bill of Rights Act 1689: It shall be an offence to give control of the nation to a foreign power - Treason Felony Act 1848: It shall be a treasonable offence to allow a foreign entity to govern, control or instruct the United Kingdom).

Immediate traffic fines are illegal (Bill of Rights Act 1689 again).

Almost every law passed since 1910 is illegal, as the Parliament Act was passed without the consent of the people, an act that breaks the law on Royal Assent.

If the government wants to break the law, it will do so. Fact.

-- Richard