AVG vs Norton
It's at time like this that I prefer to be a Windows user instead of a Maccer. I know the world (wide web) is a dark and dangerous place so I take adequate precautions and run AV and all because if I didn't I would expect it would be dead within an hour of surfing the internet. Poor unsuspecting mac users waiting for a killer virus to come along before bothering to do anything. Like building defenses and castles and such after you have been invaded and destroyed.
Norton is paranoid that every thing is out to get it so ends up killing itself and what it's trying to protect by working too hard. AVG sits there reasonably until a threat comes along. I currently have Firefox, AVG, iPlayer and Spotify open and using an average of 2% CPU which goes to 20% during a scan. Np.
Helicopter because I will be in my (metaphorical) one laughing at the Mac fan boys when they realise that they have lived a lie and wake up and find their hard drive's been wiped.