* Posts by Brian 6

208 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Jun 2009


WinPho to eke out 4% of US smartphone biz

Brian 6

Re: Microsoft have Windows Phone fans left?

Adverts are a fact of life, they don't stop u watching TV, going to the cinema,walking down the street or using the internet. There will be an upgrade from 7.5, Its 7.8 which will give Win8 features to win 7 phones. Most people get high end smartphones on contract anyway so new hardware is not a problem.

Euro cellcos hoard nano Sims ahead of iPhone 5 launch

Brian 6

Re: I think I'll pass, thanks.

At one point we were heading towards a point where sim cards would need to get smaller with the ever decreasing size of phones. But smaller sims in larger phones is just stupid. 2FF would have been fine for Iphone 4 and Galaxy S3.

Boffins build eye-controlled interface out of game-console cams

Brian 6

Re: Definitely misleading

I think u have missed the point, this 40 quid camera system can be used with a 300 quid PC making a very cheap system compared to what was available before. Of course the software cost money to develop, but thats true of any system.

Boffins make graphene micro-distillery

Brian 6


"As well as being the thinnest and strongest material known....." Strength would not be a problem.

Xbox 720 to double-up as a DVR

Brian 6


Yes for 3 years, this patent was filled in 2007 that was 5 years ago.....Does anyone actually READ THE ARTICLES before they post ???

Intel gets Atoms out ahead of CES

Brian 6

@Armando 123

Wouldn't it be nice to have a slimline metal cheap netbook, with a great battery life. Small SSD, 4 gigs ram. Yeah that sounds like a Mac Air but an Atom based machine could be £199.

Nikon 1 V1 interchangeable lens compact camera

Brian 6

Better depth of field

Better as in greater, do I really have to explain English to you ? Of course you can have a better depth of field. "I've seen it done with photoshop and I've seen it done in camera by one of those nasty fujifilm bridge cameras and it doesn't convince." So you have seen some poor examples, and the good examples you have seen you just assumed that the pic was like that to start with. But then that's what your were supposed to think. "However what I fail to see is why you would put in all that effort when you could just do it by having a decent sized sensor and having it right in the first place." Its no effort what so ever. Just cos you suck with Photoshop doesn't mean everyone does. Its amazing how I'm getting flamed for saying I would not choose a camera based solely on sensor size. I'm not gonna lug ma SLR and a selection of lenses around everywhere I go am I. But that doesn't mean I wouldn't be prepared to pay good money for a smaller camera with a smaller sensor.

Brian 6

Depth of field

Actually smaller sensors have better depth of field (not saying u didn't know this), its just a poor depth of field is seen as a good thing. Personally I think blurred backgrounds have been done to death. As for "there's no getting round this one....." well I could blur the background in software so there is easy ways round the depth thing. Anyway u CAN use long lenses on this camera then u have the best of both worlds.

Brian 6

sensor size

Why do people always talk such pish about sensor size ? There have been compacts with full size SLR style sensors that sucked because there is so much more to picture quality than sensor size. The reviewer of this camera is a pro photographer. If the photo quality sucked from this camera I think he would have mentioned it.

2011's Best... Premium Tablets

Brian 6

@Jamie Kitson

Well charge it before you leave your own house then. If u were at your mates house long enough to run the Sony flat u would be packing a lot of stuff anyway.

Globe slowly warming, insists 'Hansen's Bulldog'

Brian 6

Dr Whitehouse

"It's a case of making statistics show what you want it to prove in the first place," physicist and science author Dr David Whitehouse told us. "I don't believe you can take away three big effects, and be sure the little effects you've got left are due to man.".............. Maybe you think u are better qualified than Dr Whitehouse or maybe u just dont think he has a grip of the basic science. Well of the two of you I know who I'm more willing to believe.

Brian 6

Basic Science

The margin for error still means the increase could actually be a drop. I never had a problem with the basic science. The reason no one has ever been able to "prove" man made global warming is the fact that its not happening.

Brian 6

Global bullshit

If "Two of the most vigorous advocates of the manmade global warming theory" can only come up with a 0.4 increase in the last 30 odd years, with a margin for error much larger than the rise they are claiming...Then why does anyone believe in global warming ??

Dead at 13: Napster 1998-2011

Brian 6

@AC 3rd December 2011 09:54 GMT

""How is the music industry hurt by me listening to MP3's of some random fan's personal recording of a concert that took place more than 20-years ago? How is the music industry hurt by me listening to MP3's of the songs from a demo tape of some now-famous band that they made while they were still an unknown garage band in high school?"" Well maybe because they were hosted on a P2P network that was mainly used to share commercially available tracks. Could u really not have worked that out for yourself ???

""Heck, I have legally bought my favorite album of all-time 5-times now because I started buying it back in the cassette tape-era and kept wearing the tapes out until they broke because I played the darn thing so much."" If your tape deck was chewing tapes that bad maybe u should just have bought a decent tape deck.

HTC Sensation XE

Brian 6

@Alan Potter 1

" What I heard through the 'phones was nothing like what I would hear in a concert hall or opera house..." and what exactly gave u the idea that Dr Dre headphones were supposed to sound like an opera house. Do u even know who Dr Dre is. ??

iOS 5.1 name-checks next-gen iPad, iPhone

Brian 6


"When found, this information will result in a load of free marketing" what percentage of Iphone buyers do u think read geeky tech sites like this one. I'll give u a clue. Its less than 0.001%

Samsung Galaxy Nexus Android smartphone

Brian 6


Having the battery replaced in a phone with a "non-removable" doesn't cost that much. Most people will get this phone on contract and after 2 years they will be offered something else.

Apple one-day-only sale plans for Macs, iPads leaked to web

Brian 6


You just made those figures up.

Ice Cream Sandwich phone a no-show on Vodafone

Brian 6

Android Razor

And all u twats were complaining about the Razor not coming with ICS.

Sony HMZ-T1 3D head mounted display

Brian 6

@Ralph B

LOL Yeah ok m8. You're right. It was late, I was tired. 720p on a sub 1 inch screen is mind blowing.

Brian 6

"720p for £800 ... I'm still laughing!" That's 720P per eye on 0.7 inch monitors. Your just too stupid to be impressed by that right ??

Acer Aspire S3 Core i7 Ultrabook

Brian 6

@Craig 12

"My 13.3 laptop from 5 years ago is still lighter and more powerful than most..." In no way what so ever is your 5 year old laptop more powerful than an I7 based ultrabook. As for your old laptop being lighter than an ultrabook, that's just a stupid thing to say.

NEWSFLASH: Chips cheaper than disks

Brian 6


Using an SSD is not an excuse not to have backups.

Sony Walkman NWZ-A866

Brian 6

@Martin Huizing

""Do you mean "Sony's media players could sound better."?"" No he meant Apples media player could sound better, a lot better. Sony players have always had better sound quality.

Scale-out virgin Fujitsu pushes out high-performing tool

Brian 6

@Pete 8

So the fellow I was talking to last year........................ You start off saying it was last year, then within a couple of lines of text it becomes 2 years ago. The news angle is in the facts. You can just believe everything some fellow says to you.

Zimbabwean claims prostitute turned into donkey

Brian 6
Thumb Down


Stealing a joke directly from the article. That's clever.

Hands on with the Motorola Razr

Brian 6


If your keeping your current phone for 4 years you WONT be buying this will ya ? Who says there will be no way to reset the phone ?? And finally Ive replaced the batteries in devices with "non replaceable" batteries before, not really that difficult. Just look how many companies are selling replacement Iphone batteries.

New RAM shunts data into flash in power cuts

Brian 6


U have completely missed the point. At the point of power failure the ram is written to flash. Then as soon as the power comes back on its written back to ram. Hibernate wont save u in a power cut.

Brian 6

"Or in other words "Super-capacitor style battery powered dram" !" NO U IDIOT. The data is stored in flash, The super capacitor just provides power long enough for the data to get to the flash after the power cut. Then the memory is not powered at all.

I would so love to have this on my PC.

Motorola sharpens smartphones with revamped Razr

Brian 6

Love It

I really like this phone. Thin and fast. Very nice screen. 12 hour talk time, and $300. Whats not to like ?

Panasonic HM-TA20 underwater camcorder

Brian 6


There is absolutely no chance that u dived down 12 meters to retrieve a shoe on just a deep breath.

Apple cofounder Steve Jobs is dead at 56

Brian 6

Apple predicted AI assistant for tablets in 1987

Brian 6


WOW, a touch screen tablet with folding LCD screen, voice control and face time. All predicted in 1987. Great video. Now that we have folding LCD tech when are we going to see it in a tablet ?

Premier League loses footie decoder case

Brian 6

@Tom 38

"...all so that a pub landlady can publicly display footy at a competitive advantage to other pubs in her area." The other pubs in her area can do exactly the same thing and she has no problem with that. All this means is that Sky will have to be more realistic with there pricing in the UK now that we can legally source our football from other European suppliers.

22,000 'freetards' escape Hurt Locker piracy suit

Brian 6

@Graham Marsden

All 22,00 WERE FREETARDS, yes there was no proof, Its hard to link an individual to an IP address, but they still DID down load the movie illegally.

LG BD670 3D Blu-ray Disc player

Brian 6


DivX and Xvid obviously.

Star Trek TNG revamped for Blu-ray in 2012

Brian 6

No need to import.

Its being converted from 35mm not from video tape. So both the US and UK HD versions will be the same. No strech.

AMD spills secret to World Record clock speed

Brian 6


"Although the liquid helium–cooled AMD FX hit 8.429GHz, it didn't stay there long. "Seconds," Solotko said. But at that clock rate, the chip churned through tens of billions of cycles – long enough to take a screenshot of the system running CPU-Z, few seconds and a screen grab from cpu z"

Not impressive at all once u relies it was only stable for a few seconds. And what was all his crap about intel CPU's topping out in the 5's ?? I've seen intel CPU's do better than that on water.

Intel promises '20X' power reduction with 'Haswell' chips

Brian 6


Performance wise ARM still sucks compared compared to Intels offerings. Why would u want 24 hours on a single charge ? We all have to sleep, let your laptop charge while u sleep. Anyway it does sound like 12 hours plus will be possible with Haswell chips. Time will tell.

Toshiba: Europeans to get specs-less 3D TV by year's end

Brian 6

@AC 1st September 2011 16:12 GMT

So now you'll be able to get Deep Vein Thrombosis just by watching telly from your fixed position.. RTFA.

" ....Built-in face-tracking tech adjusts the sweet-spot locations to handle folk who can't sit still by shifting the nine spots a little........" There is NO NEED to stay in a fixed position. And Deep Vein Thrombosis is actually caused by the bad air in aircraft and certainly not by staying in the same position for a few hours.

Motorola Atrix Lapdock

Brian 6

Missing the point guys..

Yes this thing is too expensive, should be between 100 and 200 quid. But the point u are missing is that when your contract runs out and u upgrade to the next Atrix phone, (which will have a faster CPU more memory etc) then it will be like having a "new" netbook as well. Where as if u spend £150 on a netbook today, its cpu will never be upgraded and it will become more and more obsolete.

Anyway I like how the unit charges the phone even when its not connected to the mains. And an 8 hour battery life for the combo if a lot better than most laptops.

Giant iPhone 4 brings Mac OS X to the table

Brian 6


True, but u must admit that its a very cool bit of kit. Shame about the lack of multi touch though.

English, Welsh cops get mobile fingerprint-check tech

Brian 6


"If they compare your fingerprints against a database and don't find a match, will they be added? How would you know?".........No they wouldn't

Toshiba gets bit-patterning between its teeth

Brian 6

They will need to do better than that....

"Toshiba is targeting 2016 to introduce BPM technology drives. We might expect to see 4TB, 2-platter, 2.5-inch disk drives from Toshiba then." Given that there are 3 TB drives available right now (Yes is the 3.5 inch form factor), a 2.5 inch 4 TB drive being introduced in FIVE years time would be laughed off the market. SSD's will also be far more popular and cheaper by then. Maybe not affordable 4 TB SSD's in 2016, but I'm sure I'll be able to afford a 1TB SSD by then.

HP TouchSmart 610 touchscreen all-in-one PC

Brian 6

Get a life.

If u cant hadle a little bit of well placed humor and sarcasm then why are u reading the Reg ??

Dev's iPhone cable melts after iOS 5 upgrade

Brian 6

Use your brains.

Weather his phone over heated or not, it certainly didnt cause the damage shown in the photo.

Facebook snuffs Chrome extension for uncaging 'friends' data

Brian 6


Would only be one-sided if u didn't have any friends.

Brian 6

@Version 1.0

Just how sad are you ??

Glasgow cammer not thrown in slammer

Brian 6



Sony goes slim with the Vaio Z laptop

Brian 6

Not Expensive by apple standards

If u wanted a mac book pro with 8 gigs of ram, an i7 and a 256 SSD it would cost u more than 1500 quid.
