Re: Support for technical / Infosec team members
Yes and no. Pursuing the Service Desk route as a first point of contact is always the "correct" response in a corporate environment. Why? It gets the matter on record, date and time stamped and in the system. There will always be exceptions to the rule but it still needs to be the default action. At that point a properly run Service Desk will manage the call and chase up either the tech team or customer as required. Please note my use of the words "properly run" here. That's the ideal but we know it isn't often the reality.
As a former Service Desk then support team bod I had more than my share of new starters, they aren't a waste of time or even begrudged that often. Just the ones where you receive notification at 4 PM on Friday that they start 9 AM Monday. Oddly enough this was most often from those who ought to know better, e.g. IT. As long as the actual requirements are detailed properly it's a non issue, the end user was required to sign off on the build after the first 14 days to confirm that they had what was required and anything extra in that time was just added in.
Part of the established process was to educate the new user on initial contact protocol, everything goes through the Service Desk without exception. It might get copied in to a tech if it was via email but that wasn't guaranteed to be seen by said tech if an incident ocurred, it also ensured that the call would be picked up by someone should the tech be unavailable. I just used to point out that I usually had 2K+ emails daily, the odds of one being missed were rather high so to always raise a ticket or cc our Service Desk to make sure tickets were created and updated correctly.