Is this supposed to be related to education?......
"Inverness is rural, more people attend WOMAD than live in the "city""
1. Like it or not, Inverness is an officially-designated city
2. For those who are cerebrally-challenged and incapable of reading a map, it's the capital of and service centre for an area that's larger than Belgium. In such a situation, common enough in many countries, it has the facilities of a city with a much larger population than those who live within the city limits
3. It's actually the fastest-growing city in Europe
4. The University of the Highlands and Islands is based in Inverness but many of its facilities are scattered around the Highlands and Islands, hundreds of miles apart and some of them in areas which are actually rural.
5. How many people live in the "City of London" as opposed to the city of London?
6. Never heard of WOMAD until today. I guess one should have expected some idiot writing on "education" to be incapable of avoiding the use of some initialism, acronym or other impenetrable piece of non-communication
Paris, because even she's not quite that thick.