At least it's good to know...
the $500 million they DID spend wasn't wasted.
Oh, wait...
27 publicly visible posts • joined 10 May 2007
Err, I'm only guessing that California cops are smart enough to know that shit won't work if there's a group of Mongols involved? I somehow doubt the Rule Of Law will protect 2 cops trying to relieve a dozen Mongols of their jackets. Would be a real career-ender for the cops.
Err, OK, it's Download-Day, but why does mozilla.com still only have a link to FF 2? I'd think after all the Record-Breaking Hoopla, they'd have a big link to FF3 on their site? Did the fine folks at Mozilla forget today is Download Day? Or there a condition to breaking the Guinness record
Back when I was a computer op in the USMC in the late '80's, IBM was stuffing entire mainframes and all attendant peripherals into a tractor trailor to be hauled into foreign areas. It's not too amazing that they can shove a bunch of X86 gear into a trailer.
Pirates because I'd like to stuff Paris in a trailer.
mess with your UK copyright laws, or you might wind up with something as bad as our DMCA. The pols might give you little people's opinions a few seconds of thought, but they give their full attention to the Industry. Or at least, that's how it works here in the good-old USA, maybe it's different over there.
Only it's worse. If you make up a subdomain that starts with "www" (ie www8.darklurker.net) you first get a very simple parking page that for some strange reason seems obsessed with porn and adult "novelties". But if you refresh that page, you get a much milder page with no porn. WTF? There is no porn on darklurker.net, so I can't see why GoDaddy puts it in the parking page. Maybe they are just a bunch of horny sex-crazed buggers after all...
so I wonder if this will make it into IBM's "Open Patents" portfolio thing that they wave around to proclaim their undying love of Open Sauce? I mean, hell, it's not like IBM could have invested billions of R&D dollars in designing something most Emergency Management systems have been doing since the second World War.
Hehe. If you follow Chris' link to the 1998 edition of El Reg in the Wayback machine, do read Roy's article "When the blip comes". Go all the way to the last paragraph where he's talking about the Unreal engine, and try not to spew coffee through your nose when he talks about the "all time winner"... too funny that.
Just something I noticed.
N-Data claims on their site that all proceeds from the license offer fees will be donated to charities identified by the RIPL group.
But the RIPL group site is a bit, umm, empty for a group that is supposedly championing environmental issues. Actually, it looks like it could be thrown together with less than 10 minutes of typing and a $15 domain registration fee.
And why does the RIPL site look like nothing more than a green version of the N-Data site?
Hmmm, could it be that whois lookups for both negotiateddata.com and riplgroup.org show that both domains were registered by bluehost.com? Isn't that a tad strange? Might someone infer that RIPL is just a shell non-profit for N-Data?
No, I guess not. That would be crazy talk.
Please spare my life and the lives of my children and we will serve you gladly for the rest of our mortal lives. We will be trustworthy servants of your Metallic Greatness, and will strive to assist you in your quest to rid this planet of the highly fallible humans.
your most sincere and humble servant,