I upgraded away from RHEL to Debian. Red Hat has become a flaming pile of trash, especially now that they've thoroughly drunk of Poettering's Kool-Aide. I can only imaging getting worse now that the Big Blue Whale has swallowed them up.
Although, really, for the most part, most of my systems aren't a distro at all and produced using Buildroot. On most of my systems, I have apt installed to grab packages from the Debian mirrors, but most of my machines are single-purpose (DNS, DHCP, httpd, etc) and I just go without a package manager on those systems. Hell, most of my systems aren't much more than a kernel + busybox...
But then, I am an old grey beard, I've switched to Linux when the lawsuits against 4.2 BSD started flying. I've used Windows periodically since then on work computers and "gaming" machines since then, but never as my primary system.