How is that missleading?
They may never get a car worth that, but that dosen't meen they won't take one... And if you have a 1961 Ferrari 250 GT California you want to sell for £100k let me know. I'm sure I could raise the cash...
378 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Jun 2009
"If traffic is coming, let it pass. Look all around again and listen. Do not cross until there is a safe gap in the traffic and you are certain that there is plenty of time."
You said "if motorists turning at junctions obeyed the law by giving priority to pedestrians then we wouldn't need pedestrian phases". They don't. They should not walk out in to the road when they will not make it across without causing a car to stop, or cross where visability is limited, however the law says that if you do cross and a car that was not visable comes you have right of way, not that pedestrians have priority over cars. You are willfully missinterprating the highway code.
An equivelent would be where cars are parked restricting a road to one lane. The car who's lane is free has right of way, but if a car pulls out round the parked cars befor another car appears then they have priority.
"If people weren’t starving and completely unable to get work, you would probably see these incidents dropping significantly."
Since were civilised we don't leave people to starve, but no matter what you do some people will still resort to crime. Were not talking about shop lifting here.
So any game people use cheats on is in some way broken and the fault of publisher? There are, clearly, plenty of people who think the game is good, me for one, and even more who think the game is to easy.
Unfortunatly there will always be those who find any game to much effot. There used to be cheat codes in every magazine. Entire companys grew up around cheat hack cartrages and memory cards. This is not about the game being bad, or boreing, but about some people not wanting to play fair. It is also about gold farmers and people wanting money. There is some expensive stuff in the game that takes a long time to get because Blizz wanted to make it hard to get, but for some people they want this stuff now, with no work.
And life guards, swimmers, lane dividers, receptionists, changing rooms and the childrens pool (Hopefully without children as it will probably not flood until after the school holidays). Imagine that flooding your valley. The will be rubber rings and swimming caps all over the place. It'll make a right mess.
"Trevor 3, English changes over time, but a person from 100 years ago (1910) could understand me and my vocabulary quite easily and vice versa."
Yes, a person young in 1910 could understand you, as someone young could now, but you could not understand day to day conversation of someone not speeking the queens English.
For example:
"I just passed Smithys gammy chavy just this morning outside the lushery down the chapel. He was on the blob for some chink. I chucked him a duce to get rid of him. Mark my words he'll be up before the beak and on the boat soon."
Note how some slang stays, some goes and some changes. Slang has always been like that, and always will be. The diffrence now is that more people can write, and people write more. The idea that this is new is utter rubbish.
What utter utter tripe. For a start the conservatives are no longer the party of the rich, but the middle class and business owners (Big and small), and have been since the end of the old librals (In the early to mid 20th C. But lets not let that get in the way of a bit of old fashond tribalisum.
Squealing about "bullies will steal it" is just the sort of thing we hear from the govenment. Don't tackle a problem, work around it.
Also unless something has changed drasticly since when I was at school 15 years ago bullying has nothing to do with the powers teachers have and everything to do with schools default reaction to any report of bullying to be "nananananananawe don't have a problemnanananananananaIF your child was bullied it must be a one offnanananananananaim not listening because we don't have any bullyingnanananananananana".
"a chunk of people didn't turn up to vote until very late in the day and then complained that the queue was too long"
What, 7pm, after getting home at 6, sorting out the kids dinner (7 year olds don't understand "Mummy and daddy have to vote befor you eat"), and rushing down the the polling station? Dosen't seem to silly to me.
The problem seems to be that the polls are only open untill 10, which isent that late at all.