* Posts by AC 4

28 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Jun 2009

Combat games disrespect war laws, report claims

AC 4


Pro Juvenile and Trial can piss off.

I know the difference between a church in C&C and real life. One of them I will destroy wantonly, t'other I won't go anywhere near.

Perhaps these twats should concentrate on getting parents to understand how to raise children and those that fail can expect their children to be removed.


Ringback tones outselling ring tones

AC 4


people pay money for something they don't even hear themselves? A fool and its money ...

Newspaper story commenter to lose mask for teasing politico's son

AC 4

whats a title

I could understand it if the dude had said "I'm going to blow the White House up" ... that would make sense to have the person's identity revealed, but over a joke? Sounds like a fail to me. Do they not have jokes in the US?

More than half of touchphone users will go back to buttons

AC 4
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sample size of just 3,000 for 3 countries? Yeah that's going to give very accurate results.

In similar news, 100% of El Reg commentards (sample of 1) think touchscreen nokias are awesome and will not revert back to buttons

Pirate Bay clampdown prompted file sharing site spike

AC 4
Dead Vulture


"At least some"

well that certainly helps clarify how many of the new sites are distributing malware ...

Wales adopts mobile average speed cameras

AC 4

rewritten their statement for you.

it should read

"We are not interested in cutting road deaths as much as we are interested in fleecing more money from an already well raped motorist as we have large holes in our finances. The best way for us to do this is to use mobile average speed cameras. Althouigh, by their very nature, they will require a lot of time and effort to install and configure correctly to assure accurate readings, we will not bother to do this so that from the second the unit arrives at its location, we can start stealing monies. Mwahahahaha."

... yeah fuck you wales, first you make me pay to enter your shitty little country on the M4 bridge and now you want to steal more of my cash with dodgy "road death prevention" initiatives.

OMG! US science quangocrats surf porn at work!

AC 4

so NSF + ...

does that mean that NSF and their wankers are NSFW?

Facebook kills 'Kill Obama' poll

AC 4
Black Helicopters


but clearly it's fun to kill Obama randomly put bombs in the whitehouse words into sentences.

How is this poll a threat? The SS are dumbasses. This polls is what's called F-U-N. Or do you not have fun on that side of the pond?

Hang on, there's a knock on the doo...

Hello world, I Love Obama. End communication.

Inmate hacker locks down jail computers

AC 4

what title?

"The prisoner was not able to access records of any other prisoners."

That makes it all ok then. The human rights of the prisoners was not breached. Thank heaven.

Vodafone joins the iPhone throng

AC 4
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even with vodafone

I'll still never own one and will be proud to be able to say so when my time at the perly gates comes.

"So what have you achieved in your lifetime sonny?"

"Well, let's see, I never owned a diePhone."

"What? That's impossible. You lie."

iPhone voted UK's 'coolest brand'

AC 4

bootnote to bootnote

"people that haven't got one, want one"


Facebook turns out light on Beacon

AC 4

dear world,

no-one reads adverts and certainly no-one clicks on the fucknig things, just get rid of them entirely.


The World.

Thieves help selves to PCs from Office for Digital Inclusion

AC 4
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YouTube Lad from Lagos stranded in London

AC 4

i hear

the police station might be able to fit him in.

he just needs to go in, tell his story and they'll take pity and give him a room.

although actually maybe that's a bad plan as my tax cash monies would then be spent keeping the fucker fed and alive. hmm.

Government swiftly backpedals on vetting scheme

AC 4


surely the whole thing is absolute rubbish? A pdo looking to start their campaign of grossness surely will tip up with a clean bill of health, be given full access to the children and not get questioned as it'll have no history?

iPhone rescue girl gets head stuck down bog

AC 4
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she's not even fit in the slightest.

Amazon red cards 'offensive' Man Utd chant CD

AC 4
Dead Vulture

Aha, El Reg FALE!

Unofrtunately my bestest buddies, the chant actually went more like

"Sit down you ..."

I was part of the group of fans that highlighted the story to the sport.co.uk website who were then picked up on by the beeb et al.

Either way, like you say a) why is that even included as a manure chant CD and b) so long as it's been dropped.

Conficker borks London council

AC 4

so let me get this straight,

They can't issue parking fines or library fines to the deserving but they can still catch up house benefraud payments to the thoroughly undeserving?

Great fucking country we live in

Orange repeals unpopular price changes

AC 4
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im on orange

and I had heard about this about 10 days ago. I put off ringing them as I'm a lazy bastard.

Last night I rang them to get it done and was told that they weren't making the changes any more.

I was told it was because of "customer confusion" over the matter. They say people thought the change in charge related to calls made from within their bundles.

I call bullshit. They pulled it cos they lost millions of customers!

British boffin named first ever 'doctor of texting'

AC 4

well worth it

well done labour, you have successfully wasted 3 years of someone's life on a qualification that will hopefully hinder her employment opportunities.

Twitter goes titsup

AC 4


"All those Twitter addicts will be doing something more useful instead"

like whinging about it on stalkerbook no doubt. If only this twat downtime was permanent

McKinnon loses judicial review

AC 4
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oh no,

I'm gutted. Honestly I really am so gutted that a criminal is going to have to face justice. What a terrible world we live in

BT brings jobs back from India

AC 4

still boned then

if the customer service in blighty is going to be on a level with the shit you get from india then they are truly fucked.

Sports site sues Facebook for click fraud

AC 4


How many visitors a day does stalkerbook get? And these chumps get an entire 300 - 800 clicks a day. Wow that is impressively crap, I'd have expected the proportion of retards clicking on adverts to be higher at stalkerbook.

Thank god advertising appears to be dying, it's fucking annoying and I know I've never clicked on one in my entire t'interweb career.

Porsche bites back at e-car proponents

AC 4

I corrected it for you

"But, gladly, he didn’t drop any hints about Porsche attempting to overcome these issues by developing its own leccy spotscar because it realises that introducing money to a drain is a stupid idea."

Europe won't pay more for Windows 7. Really!

AC 4


i hope we do get charged more and then maybe the EU will get the message that they are a bunch of cocks.

was that a flying pig selling rocking horse shit going passed my window ?!

Girls Aloud net obscenity case falls at first hurdle

AC 4


Sorry, have you failed to distinguish between reality and fantasy? Granted I maybe should've said it sounded entertaining instead of enjoyable given the potential for sexual connotations but can you not see that it's to be read as fantasy and not as a guideline for an action in reality?

I'm willing to bet that at some point in your life you have played a game that has resulted in you killing some other form of "life" in the game and that it brought a smile to your face. Shall we recommend you for psychiatric assessment too?

You have also got your definitions confused, if something is "illegal but unprovably so" then it must therefore be legal. The Law does not set out what is legal, it sets out what is illegal and so if it doesn't fall into the "illegal" category it must therefore be legal, not the other way around.

The guy is not doing time for it (mercifully) because he has a fundemental right to be able to compose and publish works of pure fantasy. Is everybody really a boring mindless drone in your utopian world? What this guy did in writing and publishing his story was 100% ok and I'd hate to live in your world where it seems it's not.

AC 4
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now that it's not obscene,

can you publish it please? Or perhaps a playmobil reconstruction? The title of the piece makes it sound particularly enjoyable