"Why do people watch things like this? Seriously some sick people out there."
Probably the majority watch it out of morbid curiosity, and then wish they hadn't.
23 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Jun 2009
"Of course, it'll hard for e-ink to match the colour reproduction of LCD or OLED panels"
Why should it? If it can do a reasonable job of matching the colour reproduction of your average book or comic, that should be more than enough.
Although initially skeptical of the whole "ebook reader" thing, having used a Kindle for a few months now (Kindle 4, then Kindle Touch), I'm definitely a convert. It's not a tablet PC, but I don't need it to be - it does an excellent job of allowing me to read the books I want to read without weighting any more than the lightest of paperbacks.
I'd definitely get a colour e-ink reader as long as weight and battery life were broadly comparable with what I've got now.
I got my wife an iPad2 on the day of release, and she's used it extensively every day since. As a ready recipe reference in the kitchen (no keyboard to collect dirt), ebook reader, web browser, email reader, and much more. As a result, she has barely touched her laptop, with even less need to since the release of iOS 5
Not only that, but during the time when she's not using it, the kids love the chance to avail of some of the games and drawing apps.
I only wish that more of these selfish, unimaginative people who aren't using them would list them for sale and drive the second-hand prices down so that I could get one for myself :-/
You're a little off with your understanding there - *we* (the Irish) didn't cut down all our trees thousands of years ago - the British cut down the majority of our trees in the 18th century in order to build ships.
As for regrowing them... in 1900, forest cover was 1% of land area. It's now almost 11%, and still rising.
"In other news, who the hell is this Fry guy? I'm asking for real, not in the arrogant, "I'm too civilized to partake of his rubbish" way..."
You realise you have access to the internet, right? It would have taken fewer keystrokes to access wikipedia and type in "Stephen Fry", you know.
There's a lot of "Parents should...." from a variety of posters on here, some of whom may even have kids. The reality of the situation is that if you believe that, as a parent, you'll have more influence on your kids than their peers and TV, then your views are outdated and wrong. This isn't me saying this, by the way - there's been plenty of research that's lead to this conclusion - hence, among other things, the tip that as far as a child is concerned, they'll be better off in a dysfunctional family living in a good community than in a good family that lives in a bad community.
the Telex to Servisair was more along the lines of "Can we have our explosives back?" than any kind of warning.
As for disproportionate response... the guy was detained during a search of the flat, and then released without charge. One way to read that is that he was arrested and so on, but much more likely he was asked to "sit over here in this police car while we check out your luggage" before being told he was free to go.
Since most men keep their mobile phone in their trouser pocket, and that's where it'll spend most of its time, have any studies been done on the incidence of testicular cancer over the last 20 years or so?
I think I'll keep my tinfoil underpants on for the time being, just in case..
"For every completed download of Internet Explorer 8, Microsoft’s Browser for the Better campaign (running today through Aug. 8, 2009) will donate the financial equivalent of eight meals to Feeding America’s network of 206 local food banks, which supplies food to more than 25 million Americans each year."
Well... as long as I'm not expected to install it too, how much can it hurt?