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Posts by Paul F
72 publicly visible posts • joined 10 May 2007
F-35 'sovereign data gateway' will stop US reading pilots' personal data? Yeah right
Don't you see these simple facts? Destroy Facebook and restore human Liberty

Bottoms up
Well that's sorted then. I miss the FOTW, and wonder at its absence. Could it be that we have a better class of commentard these days, or is the staff too pissed to be bothered? Either way, I've wanted to rant at the distinguished Mr. O myself once or twice, but then I was too pissed to be bothered.
Another pint!
Fake Flash update malware targets gullible Apple users
All eyes on the jailbroken as iOS, Mac OS X threat level ratchets up
Re: Apple store hosting malware
That was principally in China, where dodgy developers were downloading poisoned copies of Xcode from pirate sites due to China's restrictive web policies.
So it was a people problem, not a systematic one: People who used pirated copies of poisoned software made poisoned software. Surprise!
Apple's iBackDoor: Dodgy ad network code menaces iOS apps
Ballmer's billion-dollar blunders: When he gambled Microsoft's money and lost
Microsoft WINDOWS 10: Seven ATE Nine. Or Eight did really
iFixit boss: Apple has 'done everything it can to put repair guys out of business'
Yay for iOS 6.1, grey Wi-Fi iPhone bug is fix- AWW, SNAP
Retina Display detachment

Skate to where the puck has been
The MacBook Airs started as an overly expensive, feature poor laptop - and look at them now. Still feature poor, but affordable, popular, and being copied all over the place.
You want the industry to stand still? By all means keep on holding to legacy things. That's the reason why XP is still the dominant OS in the workforce.
Keep skating to where the puck has been, not to where it's going and you'll do just fine.
I'll get off your lawn now.
New iPad can't get its Wi-Fi up
HD glitch for Apple TV punters
LOHAN's flying truss: One orb or two?
Planet-hunting Kepler hits EXOPLANET JACKPOT
We can only measure mass accurately - that's how we find most of them
Nope, we are talking mass.
DH Tau b is a planet, and is 37 times Jupiter's mass. See the link below
The entire list is at the link below and can be sorted by mass, which you'll note is measured in how many times of Jupiter's mass. Jupiter is the standard unit of measurement for exoplanets, since the vast majority that we have found are in Jupiter's range or greater. It's easier to detect them when they are that big, and they are definitely not brown dwarf stars, which start at 75 times Jupiter's mass.

there's a bit more...
There are currently 755 confirmed planets that have been observed by one method or another, and an additional 1235 candidates from Kepler alone. And those are just the boring candidates that NASA has decided to release. There are as yet more candidates that NASA is holding on to pending additional verification, that are likely to be far more interesting than Jupiter and "Super Jupiter" class planets. I suspect that's where the 2300 figure comes from.
The gentleman above who said that Jupiter is the largest a planet can get is wrong, I'm afraid. they can get much bigger and still not be "failed stars" or whatever the common myth about Jupiter is. There are planets that are 25 times Jupiter's size out there that we've observed.
Further, there are far more multi-planet systems out there than the article indicates. I think the author was talking about just Kepler.
I suggest visiting http://exoplanet.hanno-rein.de/ for a nice visual database of all confirmed planets out there. :)
iPad users 'risk shoulder pain', say US gov, Microsoft boffins
Russian Mars mission launches after multi-year delays
Dell intros world's thinnest 15in laptop PC
Another year, another iPhone time slip
Yes! It's the Reg Hardware Mass iPad Case Test
Fanbois howl over 'hang a lot' Safari 5
Ringback tones outselling ring tones
NASA projects IBEX heavenwards
Portsmouth Historic Dockyard: Further poster outrage
Apple faces lawsuit over wobbly 3G claims

No iTroubles here
eh heh.
er.... yeah. Anyway.
My iPhone 3G has no volume or 3G problems. Nor does it crash when using Safari, third party apps, etc. It does exactly what they say it does, and it does it well.
The only places I have signal trouble are places where other AT&T users with different phones have trouble.
Anecdotal evidence isn't evidence though, so until someone comes up with a substantive study with actual numbers, this debate is bollocks.
ISS toilet fails to suck
Scientists create Chewbotca robot muncher
DARPA in search for five-year-mission solar wingship
Drunken Korean attempts to cook landlady's Chihuahua

I lived in Korea for two years...
... as an English teacher. While it is true that some Koreans eat dog, it's supposed to be a special breed that's raised for the purpose, and it's also not as prevalent as stereotypes make it out to be. In fact, there is a portion of Koreans who believe that eating dog is bad luck.
The others though think it's good for "stamina" by which they mean fido = viagra.
Maybe the old bloke was randy for his landlady, or was short on rent money.
Boffin says Astronomical Unit should be binned
Cigarette ash proves a drag for Nintendo's Wii
Tar covered innards
In the last ten+ years I've been working on computers, I've done thousands of repairs. I've had a few come through that were simply discolored, and a few that were absolutely and irrefutably damaged due to smoke.
In some cases the drive cables became brittle and cracked. Given that I've ONLY seen that kind of damage in computers in heavy smoke environments, I call that a logical inference of causality.
The tar also contributes to a different kind of dust-bunny. It's a denser, more massive kind of thing than usual, and harder to remove.
I once sickened a coworker who was cleaning a tar-encrusted-dust filled computer my mentioning that all that tar had been in someone's lungs.
Brits can't distinguish history from the TV listings
Blade Runner replicant checks into rehab
Dallas man accidentally shoots self in head
Spirit discovers life on Mars
Star Trek XI teaser trailer beams onto web
Lightsaber voted top movie weapon

@ Webster Phreaky
Umm.. Star Wars was never presented as a Science Fiction series, but as a "space opera" or "fantasy that happens to be set in space" kind of thing.
It was never intended to be scientific, or to "propose" anything as a new technology, but just a pretty good B action film. Lucas has always been very clear on that.
Perhaps instead of taking them seriously, you should instead watch the films as adventure movies meant for enjoyment.
US Army proto-Dalek combat robots enter testing

@ Gianni
Air density is a real problem. Mars has 1% the atmospheric density of Earth, so the rotors / fans would have to be huge. Granted you have some help from the lower gravity (38% Earth's) but your mass remains constant so control is an issue due to inertia. You'd have blades rotating at extreme velocities, barely catching air, and be unable to redirect your course due to inertia. It's much harder to shove the thing where you'd want to go. There'd be a huge amount of wasted energy even trying.
The rovers, on the other hand, run on less power than it takes to run a light bulb for a day.
I've read that NASA is working on something that could fly on Mars, but so far it's more on Dragonfly model than on a hoverbot. Of course it may have to hover somewhat, because a normal landing at velocity would result in a crash. 38% gravity isn't much to get purchase with for tires or skids. Again, inertia would be the problem.
US biotech firm in new human cloning claim
Tom Cruise Scientology vid leaks onto net

Hail Xenu!
Ha! Once again our Thetens corrupt your puny human souls! We spit upon the Cruise and his minions of drooling sycophants! Even now our DC-8 Space Planes circle, ready to deposit alien prisoners upon your hapless world of Teegeeack! The Electronic Ribbon is eternal!
All glory to the Galactic Confederacy!
(this is all real Scientology doctrine, for those of you who didn't know)
It was the MacBook Air sub-notebook

For Enthusiasts Only
Obviously this isn't meant to appeal to anyone who doesn't own another, bigger computer. It's a travel device only, kind of like a spider. You have the wagon for utility, the sports car for joyriding. You'd have to be daft to use one as your primary computer.
Also - Ethernet is an option as a $29 USB dongle.
Big minus for me? No exchangeable battery. Bzzzt!
Car crash driver blames pterodactyl
Smurf gives Paris Hilton a mouthful
Americans can swear at toilets, judge rules
US gov silent robot white (?) helicopter prangs itself

@ P. Lee
What do you mean that unmanned "just isn't scary?" Good grief man, haven't you been paying attention? There are killbots everywhere! This thing will be directing them! It's the Rise of the Machines! Don't be lulled into foolish complacency! They are planning our systematic eradication!
Paris Hilton cavorts naked in middle of desert

How 'very.'
I guess all the binge drinking bimbos will want to start doing Champagne Bongs ("sparkling wine bong" just doesn't scan, sorry frenchies*).
Isn't there a facebook thing called "30 Reasons Girls Should Call It A Night” in which drunk girls in various states of shame and undress showcase themselves? I'm sure that crowd will love this stuff.
*not really sorry at all