* Posts by Scarborough Dave

110 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Jun 2009


eBay car vendor flashes wedding tackle

Scarborough Dave

Auto or Manual?

Just wondering as I am sure i can see a glimpse of a "stick shift" in the photo!

F*ck you, thunders disgruntled fanboi Apple user

Scarborough Dave


There's a Linux penguin, a fanboi, and a Windows User in a plane, and the pilot says, "we're carrying too much weight, one of you has got to go!"

Apple Fanboi - "being an Apple Fanboi, I am educational sub normal (retarded), so I am incapable of legally making a decision for myself! So Windows User you have to go!"

Pilot - "Steve Jobs just called me and asked you to JUMP fanboi!"

Faboi -"Sorry, did you say Steve Jobs said I should jump?"

Pilot - "Yes!, you will also get 72 Virgin Ipads to sleep with in Fanboi Heaven!"

Faboi - "Ok, Geronimo!"

Herd of sheep, off tits on drugs, savagely Tased

Scarborough Dave

2nd Simple Question

Were any of the sheep long term users of Meth?

Longterm use may increase probability of an adverse reaction; though the planet is over populated!

Though the idea of a flock of sheep being longterm Meth-heads roaming the country side looking for their next "gang-bang" a little worrying.

Unofficial Windows 7 SP1 beta stumbles onto interwebs

Scarborough Dave
Thumb Up

Having moved from Vista to W7 recently

I am very pleased with the move, but would have prefered a cheaper OS price.

W7 is more stable and seems quicker at the moment than Vista, seems more backward compatible too.

Though do hope W7 SP1 has some of the features of Unbutu's recently release!

Maybe with an apple lower panel too option?

I think SP1 will be minor system tweaks and a few consumer related bells and whistles.

Overall I think the lessons from ME/Vista have been well learnt.

Sony launches 'WiiMote for PS3'

Scarborough Dave


Mine is the one with the Dildo in the pocket!

Scarborough Dave

I can not believe it!

Looks like a device that is waved around has a fragile ball on the end of it, basically it does not look resiliant to knocks.

Coat - Because mines the one with a Dildo looking controller in the pocket!

Large Hadron Collider scuttled by birdy baguette-bomber

Scarborough Dave

Why blame a bird!

What is a bird doing so far under ground?

More likely an employee with their packed lunch going a stray!

I know blame a bird then no one is too blame!

Moles say MS to tackle iPhone, Android separately

Scarborough Dave

MS Phones Sorry Defected!

I have used MS phones since the begining and have enjoyed all versions, recently I had a Windows Mobile 6.5 HTC.

Though I still think Windows Mobile 5 (WM5) was a slicker product and WM6.5 a bit "bloated".

WM 5 It did what you wanted it to, software was cheap and plent of free apps were out there.

I am not a Mac-fan or Mac-anti, I just don't like Mac because as an MS Officardo I can not tinker with them as I am not familiar with Macs to the same degree as a PC.

This week I have just got an iPhone 3g s 32Gb, and I have not put it down, as a multimedia device and communications device it is very very good.

OK I can not remote the servers as easily, and the Windows pointer was a useful tool.

But I don't care I can just rig it up to my small mini laptop and manage any IT server work through the Internet tethering capability option which comes with the new iPhone., which is something I have been doing with the WM6.5 device lately anyway (the screens are now too small to work with easily).

So MS you have lost my custom for at least 18 months, by which time I will consider replacing the iPhone. Oh and many useful apps in the iPhone are also free.

As for split level competing products what total toddle! MS just produce good mobile phone software on a good piece of hardware and I will be back, BUT it will have to be a much better experience that I am presently having with the iPhone!

Google lights up Moon on Apollo 11 anniversary

Scarborough Dave

Sorry but I still can not see

The flag, remnants of Lander or wheel tracks.

Need more detail please.

Judge says IBM dude gets the Dell (job)

Scarborough Dave

Yep! Garden leave would have been a better solution

And a lot cheaper and no lawers needed.

Just pay him to stay at home until his knowledge is out of date.
