This is what they do..
I am not surprised by what ASIO says, after all they are in the business of gathering information and it is in their own interest that everything is retained. If they could find a logistical cheap way to copy every letter that gets sent via AusPost they would have done so a long time ago. Now with the advent of digital, this can be done and by the heavens they want it done as soon as possible.
As for Roxon, well, she's sadly out of her depth, or she's simply, as most governments, aren't worried about our privacy or the implications of what such laws will have in the long term. Incompetence is the is the rule of the day on either side of government and when I say incompetence I mean in what they are supposed to do, i.e. serve the people for the people and be visionary like the founding fathers of the USA (they were a brilliant bunch those guys) not to follow party lines in serving themselves and the elites of this world, like most so called democracies these days do!