How many
recruitment offices could it have funded? And for how long?
104 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Jun 2009
For fucks sake he was a serving mbr of the armed forces, guess what happens when you are court martialed...
Military court, military judge, military lawyers, military jury and military prision...
Don't like it? don't fucking join or DON'T do whats going to get you in front of a court martial...seems pretty fucking simple to me.
The main problem being here is if 1 turns out to be something and they don't check.
Hell even 99.9% turn out to be bugger all that 0.1% is still kinda important. They have check shit out.
Its not like the dude had been dragged to a dark room and hit by rubber hoses. Security theather annoys teh crap out of me (3 suvs and what 6 or 8 guys? comeon thats gotta be taking the piss), but they do have to check when a mbr of the public drops a tip.
Yeah I can see avid gamers getting better at pattern recogniton, but yeah actually putting rounds downrange? Not so much...
I have however used a "virtual range" training setup when I was in but was using .22 conversions in a small indoor range when i was in. God I hope its improved since ;-)
As the AUP basicly broke down to "don't break it for others" or the complainers were on the limited package they did.
And yes annex M is kinda hit or miss if your not a fairly short line. It will always take from your download, but will not always be able to apply to your upload.
The 2 years it spent in secure lockup (untouched), he did not pack it in the first place, not even touching on the medical issues.
Not touching on the ammo charge only the pistol one. the main differnces between him and manning is one took resposiblity for the charges one tried to deny it all.
Also you will note I am not calling for the charges to be dissmissed against him, as per my first post in this thread, military regs are stricter and it was court martial. I don't thnk there are any pararells between him and manning apart from they both had/are going through court martials
Noothiingg in that article you list supports your point BTW, Most of the costs are apprently nothing to do with the phyisical book (source I been reading ebooks longg before I ggot my kindle via baens online ebook store. the author gets his cut from what amazon pays the publisher. Not what I may or others pay amazon.
Hell buying my fav authors ebooks when its only out in hardback at hardback prices is something I am ok with, paying hardback prices for books that are not out in harback is step to far. I have also found a ccouple of authors via amazons self publish route. there is nothing stopping publishers selling ebooks directly in a number of formats (indeed baen have been doing this for about 10 years now, including kindle formated books, theres 6 formats that they will supply not including online HTML versions).
Break the law, he did break his oaths. Militiary law is stricter than civil law. Not to mention that solitery confinement while it might not have done a lot for his mental stablity would probably have protected him from the other inmates (I reckon in a military prision he would been slighty less popular than a pedo in a normal prision). As others have pointed out anything that had happened to him at his own hands or the hands of other inmates it would always been spun as sanctioned (no matter how well the guards kept an eye out chances are the other inmates would have made their displeaure felt).
I could respect someone standing by their principles while obbouring their actions bud he would need to be fucking retared to think he was going to get a slap on the wrist for what he is alledged to have done.
actually according to a write up on baen the phyisical part takes less then the other work (proof reading, etc...).
Pardon me if I take the word of author working for a publisher that quite happy punts DRM free ebooks and also give some books away for free with the authors agreement over some numbnuts posting anonymously on a comments thread.
The write ups on teh baen free libary are pretty intresting TBH.
So how in the hell can a generic advertisement take into effect that ADSL speed is based on line length/quality?
Trust me I have had this conversation with dipshits THAT WILL NOT LISTEN.
convo goes like this
inablity to listen"so that will be x speed?"
me "no the estimate is y"
inablity to listen" so x speed"
me "no the estimate is y"
Continue till head meets KB...
Can remeber one night on exersize where i watched a bush stand up and run up and down a hill for 10 mins or so.
Lack of sleep and stress was the cause (granted a prev training group failed to report a 6 foot pink rabbit apprently, the guy wearing the suit was a bit narked at the waste of the rental cost).