* Posts by aL 17

5 publicly visible posts • joined 25 Jun 2009

Sony launches 'WiiMote for PS3'

aL 17


.. is what they should have called it..

Why can't Google be more like Microsoft?

aL 17

open source

you know what? i dont care if its open source.. what use is that really? its not like i, as an app developer is going to publish my own chromeOS to run my app. sure i might be able to look at how the kernel works but why should i care about that? the system takes care of that and its all abstracted away.

what is of far far higher value is consistent well documented and Stable apis.. microsoft may have many flaws but atleast they realise that app developers needs these things far far more than a peek into how File.Open really works..

Apple Store pillaged in 31 seconds

aL 17

so much for..

..that unpenetrable apple security :P

also, i wonder if the'll jailbreak those iphones :P :P

Microsoft hosts Feynman lecture series

aL 17
Dead Vulture

typical reg FUD/ignorance


silverlight is not a "ie plugin"

its a plugin for firefox/safariie on windows/mac.

its no less propriterary than flash witch has a far far larger market share, worry about flash antitrust. not silverlight. fyi, silverlight is smaller that flash, call out bloat where its appropriate.

Safari 4: Apple's crash-happy shipper

aL 17

im sure apple will fix it soon..

..by removing all the forum posts and threatining all bloggers mentioned the problem :P

mac just works right? atleast if you ignore the problems :)